Safety Fair at the Miami-Dade Public Library
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Calder in the Community
- Hits: 100408
The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Calder Medical Library, in partnership with The Miami-Dade Public Library System, presented Keep Your Family Safe: Emergency Preparedness at Home and Away Safety Fair on Thursday, June 17, 2010, from 10 am – 4 pm at the Main Branch of the Miami-Dade Public Library. Eight Calder librarians and staff members promoted information and resources on safety concerning households, seniors, children, food, chemicals and more. Close to 200 participants, including 125 children attended the fair. The fair was made possible thanks to the Express Community Day Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
Check out our Trial of Mosby's Nursing Consult
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 97337

We are pleased to announce that Mosby's Nursing Consult is now available (on campus access only) to all University of Miami students, faculty, staff, and practitioners as a trial through the end of the year.
Nursing Consult is a one-stop-shop for nurses - be they practitioners, students, or leaders. Nursing Consult gathers information from databases, journals, books, and other resources into one place, making it an ideal resource for nurses at the point of care.
Medical Library Association Conference 2010
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Who's Who at Calder: Staff Updates
- Hits: 100268

Discover the New Collexis
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Tips for Researchers
- Hits: 111012
The new version of Collexis is now available! Collexis is a one-stop information resource about UM faculty and draws upon UM faculty publications from PubMed (the past 20 years) and NIH-funded research projects (NIH RePORTER) to automatically create and update dynamic faculty profiles.
New features:
Now You Can Take Scopus with You Wherever You Go
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: For Your iPhone/Blackberry/Android
- Hits: 99474
Scopus launched a new mobile application for the iPhone this week! Since the Calder Library subscribes to Scopus, this application is free for you to use and search! Download it now.
This new application gives you mobile access to the searching and alerting features of Scopus. You can:
- search across thousands of scholarly journals
- share results through e-mail or Twitter
- save important abstracts to look-up later
- set up and review e-mail alerts for your favorite searches or authors
- annotate abstracts with your own notes
And stay tuned because Scopus promises to release several more apps to support researchers in the near future. Happy mobile searching!
In a pinch? Let the library help!
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Come to the Library!
- Hits: 112135
Did you know the Calder Library has more than just books, journals, study rooms, lounge chairs, and quiet space for you to use? We know how much time you spend here at the library, and we want to make it a convenient place for you to study and conduct research.
Maybe you're using your iPhone or Droid to search something quickly, and you realize you've run out of battery. Time to panic? Not at the library! We now have a universal charger that will work for cell phones, digital cameras, and bluetooth devices. Our charger power pack can even charge up to two devices at once and comes with six adapters to accommodate a variety of devices. Make sure to stop by the Reference and Circulation desk the next time you're in a bind.
Maybe you come to the library during your lunch hour, hoping to look for a few articles, and you realize all the computers are being used. Or maybe you'd just like to be able to read in a lounge chair, and you forgot to bring your laptop. No need to worry! The library has five laptops available for you to check out. Simply come to the Reference and Circulation Desk with an ID, and we'll be happy to loan you one of our laptops for a minimum of two hours. It's that easy!
If there are other services you'd be interested in the library providing, don't hesitate to comment in the blog, send us an
Trusted Information on the Gulf Oil Spill
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 98117
This widget links to a comprehensive list of resources regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It includes information on what happens if you’re exposed to crude oil, what will happen to the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico, a play-by-play of the governments’ response to the crisis, how the state governments are working toward containing the crisis and how the oil spill will affect the fishing industry in the Gulf of Mexico.
For the most complete information about the response to the oil spill check out This site has a list of public and private resources, plus links to Social Networking platforms.
The Least You Need to Know Series: Isabel
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Tips for Clinicians
- Hits: 218364
“Isabel’” (Isabel Healthcare, Inc.), a clinical diagnosis support system.
Recent studies demonstrate that Isabel is:
- Validated –The correct diagnosis is among the possibilities generated 90 - 96% of the time.
- Rapid – Manual entry of key findings takes less than 1 minute and results are displayed within 2-3 seconds.
- Easily accessible - Isabel is web accessible, remotely and via the wireless network.
Step 1: Select age and gender of patient.
Step 2: Type patient's symptoms.
Step 3: Click "get checklist."
Step 4: Use your clinical reasoning skills to select the most appropriate diagnosis.
Once you click on a diagnosis, you have the options to read more about the diagnosis and to connect to other Calder Library resources such as PubMed, DynaMed, UpToDate, and MedlinePlus.
In the past month, there have been key upgrades to the Isabel Diagnosis Checklist system:
- User interface: The user interface has been completely redesigned to be simpler, cleaner and faster.
- Results: The way the results have been displayed has been changed to show only the top 10 initially with more available if required.
- Don’t miss diagnoses: Don’t miss diagnoses are those that, if missed, would result in severe harm or death to your patient. These diagnoses are now red flagged and the results can be sorted by the ‘don’t miss diagnoses’ in addition to the ‘most relevant’ and ‘most common’ ones.
- Specialty: The results can now be sorted by specialty by clicking on the specialty name.
- Support: You can now request help or give us feedback through a structured support ticket system available from the top toolbar.
- There is also an EMR component that’s coming up, but nothing definite yet. Stay tuned!
Postcards from the Health Fairs: Liberty City, Jessie Trice Fair
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Calder in the Community
- Hits: 107137
Dear Reader,
On Saturday, April 10, we attended the last DOCS fair of the year at the Jessie Trice Community Health Center in Liberty City.
It was a smaller fair than most of the DOCS fairs this year. In total, UM students and faculty were able to see 128 adult patients and 15 pediatric patients.
Calder faculty and staff had the opportunity to interact one-on-one with many of the fair attendees. We passed out around 100 MedlinePlus brochures in English, Spanish, and Creole. We were also able to provide 7 computer demonstrations and printed out patient education material for those that requested it.
We also had three representatives from the Liberty City Public Library who promoted the public library services and signed fair attendees up for public library cards.
We have enjoyed the opportunity to speak with community members from throughout South Florida for this year of DOCS outreach service. We'll soon post a wrap up of this year's activities, but we can proudly boast that we have passed out (in total) over 1200 English MedlinePlus brochures, around 600 Spanish brochures, and 244 of our newly translated Creole brochures. Each interaction has shown us that patients are excited to hear about the health information resources available to them. We look forward to working with the DOCS program in the future and to continuing our partnerships with the medical students, public librarians, and community members.
Until next year,
Your Caring Calder Librarians
The Least You Need to Know Series: SCOPUS
- Details
- Written by: Asterix
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Tips for Researchers
- Hits: 109583
Is research important to you?
Whether you do research or evaluate other people’s papers …YOU want to know about Scopus.
But what is SCOPUS?
*Largest database in the world for abstracts, citations, web sources.
*Over 18,000 peer-reviewed, indexed scientific journals—medical, technical,and social sciences.
*Many useful features. Among them:
- Citation Tracker – Counts in real time the number of times an article has been cited since 1996 to this very moment, and into the future.
- h-Index – A mathematical method of evaluating an author’s scientific impact and lifetime writing output. Its “judgement” of overall performance can help an author get hired, promoted or tenured. (Read more here)
- Author Identifier – An assigned, unique number that finally eliminates confusions between JD Smith the cardiologist from JD Smith the nephrologist.
- Auto Alerts – Sends you daily, weekly or monthly information by e-mail from a chosen author, topic, article, or citations in articles that interest you.
To find out more information, choose one or all:
- Ask a Librarian for a Scopus demonstration right now: Call (305) 243-6648 or email
- Register for a training class at UM Calder Library: (go to “Classes Offered”)
- Go online directly to Scopus: (click “E-Databases”)
The Least You Need to Know Series: QUOSA
- Details
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: Tips for Researchers
- Hits: 102167
QUOSA Information Manager
“A superb tool for researchers to rapidly download, manage and search full text files from all sources.”
Search and Retrieve
• PubMed, SCOPUS, OvidSP, and other databases are embedded in QUOSA
• QUOSA resides on your desktop
• Search the database embedded in QUOSA and immediately download the full-text articles to your desktop
• QUOSA automatically sends your full-text articles to the folders it created
• Drag and drop articles into your folders
• Flag articles, rank articles, and add annotations
• Simultaneously search for terms or phrases in your full-text articles
• The highlight option highlights terms or relevant sections in the text
• With the Concepts4Clustering tool, QUOSA IM will analyze the full text of all articles within a QUOSA folder to extract concepts, and will group the articles accordingly
• Use QUOSA IM to interface with NCBI’s Gene Database to generate a spreadsheet of all gene names and their aliases matching your search
• Use QUOSA’s Virtual Library to share your full-text articles and folders with UM colleagues
And Retrieve some more…
• Automate your database searching through AutoAlert, and QUOSA will automatically retrieve the full-text articles
• Export your citation library (RefWorks, EndNote, etc.) to QUOSA and QUOSA will also retrieve the full-text articles
Sign up for a QUOSA class at the Calder Library:
- Educational Tutorials
- Postcards from the Health Fairs: Jack and Jill
- Outreach to UMH Nurses
- So Many Resources, So Little Time?
- Rapid Research Notes
- Calder Receives Grant for Safety Fair
- Postcards from the Health Fairs: on the Pompano Beach Front
- The Library in Your Pocket
- Postcards from the Health Fairs: the Keys Edition
- Help for Haiti
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