PubMed Redesign Screenshot


PubMed launched a redesign of their website this month. The PubMed homepage was streamlined, requiring less effort to find resources. If you’re looking for your favorite tool and it seems hard to find, follow the Advanced Search link. The old PubMed divisions “Details” and “History” were relocated to the “Advanced Search” area. Advanced Search is also where you can locate a particular article with “Single Citation Matcher.”


The newly added features include the ability to search for “Electronic Health Records” under the section now called “Topic-Specific Queries” (formerly “Special Queries”), which enables PubMed to search for “Electronic Health Records” information as a subject term and as a keyword term. This includes implementation, attitudes, beliefs about EHRs, data privacy issues, health data statistics and consumer health access to personal health records.


These are some of the highlights from the new redesign. We know this will require some transition time for all who are familiar with the old PubMed. As always, the library offers monthly PubMed classes (click here to register for a class) and reference librarians are available to answer any questions you may have (contact us at  or 305-243-6648).