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DynaMed is now available for a number of mobile devices. It is available as a PDA application for both Palm OS and Microsoft Mobile devices. There is also a native app (Skyscape) for the iPhone and iPod Touch. In addition, the Web-based version of DynaMed can be accessed with a wireless Internet connection on a variety of handheld devices.


In order to install DynaMed on a Mobile device, you will need to obtain a DynaMed serial number. To request a DynaMed serial number, please contact the Calder Library Systems department at 305-243-5530 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


To obtain further technical requirements and installation instructions required to use DynaMed on a Mobile device (including the instructions for downloading and installing a free trial version of DynaMed for Mobile devices), click here.