Dear Reader,stamp

This past weekend, the library promoted MedlinePlus at the 8th DOCS fair of the year at Pompano Beach. There were 187 patients in attendance at the fair which was located at a local elementary school.

The library's table was located in the school cafeteria. At this fair we had a new "Health Information" sign, so that we were better integrated with the other DOCS health stations.


We handed out more than 100 pamphlets in English, Spanish, and Creole and provided computer demonstrations of the kind of information available on MedlinePlus.

librarians with patient

We also received 15 surveys from patients and 7 surveys from other health information educators. This is valuable information for us, as it lets us know what we're doing well and what we can improve upon for next year.

librarian with patient and survey

This was a smaller fair than most, but we felt the exchanges we had with the patients and with those working the fair were of the highest quality. There is nothing better than providing the right health information and the right time. Thanks to all who made it such a great success!

librarians group

Until next time,

The Caring Calder Librarians