“Isabel’” (Isabel Healthcare, Inc.), a clinical diagnosis support system.
Recent studies demonstrate that Isabel is:

  • Validated –The correct diagnosis is among the possibilities generated 90 - 96% of the time.
  • Rapid – Manual entry of key findings takes less than 1 minute and results are displayed within 2-3 seconds.
  • Easily accessible - Isabel is web accessible, remotely and via the wireless network.

Step 1: Select age and gender of patient.

Step 2: Type patient's symptoms.

Step 3: Click "get checklist."

Step 4: Use your clinical reasoning skills to select the most appropriate diagnosis.

Isabel screenshot

Once you click on a diagnosis, you have the options to read more about the diagnosis and to connect to other Calder Library resources such as PubMed, DynaMed, UpToDate, and MedlinePlus.

In the past month, there have been key upgrades to the Isabel Diagnosis Checklist system:

  • User interface: The user interface has been completely redesigned to be simpler, cleaner and faster.
  • Results: The way the results have been displayed has been changed to show only the top 10 initially with more available if required.
  • Don’t miss diagnoses: Don’t miss diagnoses are those that, if missed, would result in severe harm or death to your patient. These diagnoses are now red flagged and the results can be sorted by the ‘don’t miss diagnoses’ in addition to the ‘most relevant’ and ‘most common’ ones.
  • Specialty: The results can now be sorted by specialty by clicking on the specialty name.
  • Support: You can now request help or give us feedback through a structured support ticket system available from the top toolbar.
  • There is also an EMR component that’s coming up, but nothing definite yet. Stay tuned!