This past week several of the Calder Library faculty members attended the annual Medical Library Association Conference in Washington DC.

MLA group photo

(left to right: Geddy Paulaitis, Emily Vardell, David Goolabsingh, Brenda Linares; not pictured: Suzy Burrows and Vedana Vaidhyanathan)

As attendees, we had the chance to hear what our library colleagues are doing across the US. We attended many sessions on topicsĀ from informatics to electronic health records to e-science, heard updates from the National Library of Medicine, and three of us presented posters.

Geddy and David presented a poster entitled "Incorporating Technology to Improve Library Continuity of Service in Emergencies and Natural Disasters."

Emily presented a poster with a Mayo Clinic colleague (Melissa Rethlefsen) as an officer of the Public Health/Health Administration section. The poster was entitled "Connecting with Public Health Librarians: We're aTwitter with Social Networking." You can see a copy of the poster by clicking here.

Emily MLA poster

Even you can join in on the fun - go to the National Library of Medicine Distance Education Program page, scroll to the "M" section and you will find links to MLA 2010 updates. Topics of interest might include: PubMed Review, MedlinePlus update, and update.

All of the conference attendees were inspired by the relevant sessions and networking opportunities. We all look forward to bring some of those new ideas here to the Calder Library.