QUOSA logoQUOSA Information Manager

“A superb tool for researchers to rapidly download, manage and search full text files from all sources.”

Search and Retrieve

•    PubMed, SCOPUS, OvidSP, and other databases are embedded in QUOSA
•    QUOSA resides on your desktop
•    Search the database embedded in QUOSA and immediately download the full-text articles to your desktop


•    QUOSA automatically sends your full-text articles to the folders it created
•    Drag and drop articles into your folders
•    Flag articles, rank articles, and add annotations

QUOSA screenshot


•    Simultaneously search for terms or phrases in your full-text articles
•    The highlight option highlights terms or relevant sections in the text
•    With the Concepts4Clustering tool, QUOSA IM will analyze the full text of all articles within a QUOSA folder to extract concepts, and will group the articles accordingly
•    Use QUOSA IM to interface with NCBI’s Gene Database to generate a spreadsheet of all gene names and their aliases matching your search


•    Use QUOSA’s Virtual Library to share your full-text articles and folders with UM colleagues

And Retrieve some more…

•    Automate your database searching through AutoAlert, and QUOSA will automatically retrieve the full-text articles
•    Export your citation library (RefWorks, EndNote, etc.) to QUOSA and QUOSA will also retrieve the full-text articles

Sign up for a QUOSA class at the Calder Library: https://www.library.miami.edu/calder/training.html