Miami Dade Public Library


The library recently received an Express Community Day Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to partner with the public librarians of the Miami Dade Public Library System to promote safety awareness. We will be working together to organize a large all-day community safety awareness and emergency preparedness fair. The fair, entitled “Safety Fair: Keep your Family Safe – Emergency Preparedness at Home and Away,” will promote National Library of Medline resources in areas such as:


-Home safety (ToxMystery, Household Products Database)

-Senior safety (NIH Senior Health)

-Child safety (ToxMystery, ToxTown)

-Food safety (Lact Med)

-Emergency preparedness (DIMRC, MedlinePlus, WISER)


We will also be distributing and promoting the Family Disaster Preparedness Plan written by the University of Miami Center for Disaster and Extreme Event Preparedness. We are looking forward to continuing to build connections with the public library and with the greater Miami-Dade community. Mark your calendars for June 17, 2010. See you there!