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Whether you do research or evaluate other people’s papers …YOU want to know about Scopus.

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But what is SCOPUS?

*Largest database in the world for abstracts, citations, web sources.
*Over 18,000 peer-reviewed, indexed scientific journals—medical, technical,and social sciences.
*Many useful features. Among them:

  • Citation Tracker – Counts in real time the number of times an article has been cited since 1996 to this very moment, and into the future.
  • h-Index – A mathematical method of evaluating an author’s scientific impact and lifetime writing output.  Its “judgement” of overall performance can help an author get hired, promoted or tenured. (Read more here)
  • Author Identifier – An assigned, unique number that finally eliminates confusions between JD Smith the cardiologist from JD Smith the nephrologist.
  • Auto Alerts – Sends you daily, weekly or monthly information by e-mail from a chosen author, topic, article, or citations in articles that interest you.

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