New Resources Announcements
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- Written by: Erica Powell
- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 115983
Check out our virtual bookshelf:
We know how difficult it can be to find the electronic book you are looking for. All of these books have been cataloged for your convenience and are now easy to find in the library's catalog. Search or browse our catalog to find all of the books that are most useful to you in your research.
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 98005
As your Biomedical Research Librarian, I have created a portal for Genomics here at the University of Miami. This portal includes links to the Genetics and Bioinformatics resources at the University of Miami as well as links to different databases and tools at other institutions. I have included information about human and non-human genetics and information about gene therapy and stem cell research. We encourage feedback from the University of Miami community as we work to make this resource more comprehensive and complete.
We hope this portal will be an invaluable resource for you. If you have any questions or suggestions about the portal, please contact the Department of Reference, Education & Community Engagement at .
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 102490
As Haiti continues to rebuild following their earthquake nine months ago, cholera has hit the country. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed an outbreak there as of October 21, 2010. The CDC has set up a website to monitor the situation in Haiti.
This website has been added to the Louis Calder Memorial Library’s web portal on Resources for Haiti.
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 98303
In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Calder Library would like to highlight some resources for both patients, health care professionals, and researchers who are grappling with breast cancer.
Today e-brary announced a new, free resource for breast cancer publications. The Breast Cancer Searchable Information Center brings together many of the publicly available breast cancer resources from the National Cancer Institute, the FDA, and other reputable resources. Take some time to browse and search through this wealth of information.
Read more: Resources for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 97724
Are you used to searching Scopus? How about Science Direct? Wouldn't it be great if you could search both at the same time? Now you can with SciVerse. SciVerse combines Scopus and Science Direct into a new platform with added "applications" designed to enhance your research. SciVerse even gets rid of the duplicate articles between databases. The current applications include:
- Methodology Section Search Application - search within the methodology section only for full-text articles in Science Direct
- Sentence Matching Application - assesses search results and display query words in the full sentences where they appear in Scopus
- Prolific Author Search Application - find the most "prolific authors" publishing articles about search terms, link into articles by that author within Scopus
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 103053
QUOSA Browser Plus (QBPlus): A Browser Plug-in That Indicates Which Articles are in PDF and Helps Download Them
QBPlus is a Plug-in tool for Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers for PC. To get started, just paste UM’s unique QBPlus link ( into your browser and follow the prompts to install it. After your one-time registration (use your UM email address to register), you can use QBPlus by simply going to the same QBPlus link.
When using QBPlus, you will see a QBPlus toolbar in the browser which provides buttons for easy downloading of PDF articles from your searches in PubMed MEDLINE or the OvidSP databases and many other tools. A unique feature of QBPlus are PDF icons displayed next to PubMed and Ovid search results to indicate which articles are available as full text PDFs. To download them to a Windows folder, just click in the checkboxes, then click on the red Sigma “Save to” button. You can designate any windows folder as the destination for your articles, and specify a file naming convention. Here is a screenshot to illustrate:
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 100826
This month the National Library of Medicine released a redesigned version of MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en español. Here is a video introduction to the newly redesigned MedlinePlus:
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 111161
Are you writing a grant, targeting a healthcare intervention to a specific ethnic group, or wanting to research socioeconomic factors that possibly impact healthcare in Florida? The Florida Electronic Library is offering free access to DemographicsNow. This powerful tool provides Floridian demographic information on race, gender, age, income, housing, education, and more. Access DemographicsNow from the Calder Library’s E-Databases list; click on the letter D.
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 97337

We are pleased to announce that Mosby's Nursing Consult is now available (on campus access only) to all University of Miami students, faculty, staff, and practitioners as a trial through the end of the year.
Nursing Consult is a one-stop-shop for nurses - be they practitioners, students, or leaders. Nursing Consult gathers information from databases, journals, books, and other resources into one place, making it an ideal resource for nurses at the point of care.
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 98117
This widget links to a comprehensive list of resources regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It includes information on what happens if you’re exposed to crude oil, what will happen to the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico, a play-by-play of the governments’ response to the crisis, how the state governments are working toward containing the crisis and how the oil spill will affect the fishing industry in the Gulf of Mexico.
For the most complete information about the response to the oil spill check out This site has a list of public and private resources, plus links to Social Networking platforms.
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- Parent Category: Calder Communications Blog
- Category: New Resources Announcements
- Hits: 101868
We know your time is valuable. We know the amount of information available through the Calder Library can be overwhelming. We have a solution!
We have created new collections or Portals for different user groups (you can find them on our homepage). In addition to the portals for students, EBM practitioners, grants, researchers, and the like, we have new portals for nurses, drug information, and collaboration and mentoring.
Are you a nurse looking for articles in the nursing literature or point-of-care information for the bedside? Check out our Nursing Portal:
Are you looking to collaborate with other faculty members? Are you looking for a mentor to help guide you? Not sure where to start? Start with our UM-specific Collaboration/Mentoring Portal:
Do you need drug information quickly and don't have the time to search through multiple databases? Come to the Drug Information Portal where all of the information is gathered in one place:
We hope these Portals will provide you with a quick and easy way to find the information that is most relevant to you. If you have suggestions for resources that can be added or for a new portal all together, please leave a comment or send an email to