Finding Biomedical Collaborators and Mentors at UM and Beyond with Collexis


“Loved this system!!!! Thanks!” -Enthusiastic Department Head


The Office of Research, the Calder Library, and Collexis partnered during the past year to create a powerful tool that lets you quickly and effectively identify 1,500 UM biomedical faculty by their area of proficiency.Instead of searching multiple department web pages for faculty information, users are searching Collexis, a one-stop resource to locate potential multidisciplinary team members, collaborators or mentors, at the University of Miami and throughout the world.

Collexis draws upon UM faculty publications from PubMed (the past 20 years) and NIH-funded research projects to automatically create and update dynamic faculty profiles. Faculty can input their own CV data into their profile to reflect areas of expertise not documented by PubMed citations or grant records. Collexis also incorporates a free, literature-based, scientific, social network tool of 1.5 million researchers worldwide.

Collexis consists of Researcher Profiles, Institutional Dashboard and BiomedExperts. Search yourself at https://research.miami.edu/profiles and typing in your name.


Collexis also lets you and others:

  • Identify researchers to join a grant or a multidisciplinary team for big-science projects or translational research
  • Uncover complementary research projects being undertaken on campus
  • Identify possible mentors, partners, educators, and reviewers for the Internal Review Board
  • Attract clinical trials and new industry engagements
  • Document the multiple subject areas of faculty publications
  • Execute bibliometric analyses on research topics, journals and publication types of an individual UM faculty member or an entire UM department
  • Indicate that a new UM hire is also researching in one’s area of expertise
  • Chart and analyze co-author connections geographically
  • Help publicize that UM ground-breaking research and cutting edge biomedical advances are happening at UM

The Louis Calder Library is offering free classes on Collexis. Please visit https://www.library.miami.edu/calder/training.html to register for a Collexis class or one of the many other database classes we offer. Please address specific questions on Collexis to Tanya Feddern-Bekcan, Coordinator for Education, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..