As Haiti continues to rebuild following their earthquake nine months ago, cholera has hit the country. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed an outbreak there as of October 21, 2010. The CDC has set up a website to monitor the situation in Haiti.

CDC cholera in Haiti page

This website has been added to the Louis Calder Memorial Library’s web portal on Resources for Haiti.

 Haiti cholera page

The National Library of Medicine has also updated their page on the earthquake in Haiti to include information about the cholera outbreak. It includes links to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control at the World Health Organization and information on Cholera in Disaster Situations by the Pan American Health Organization. The National Library of Medicine’s Health Resources for Haiti, Post-Earthquake site is included on our Resources for Haiti portal.

cholera in Haiti DIMRC page

We will continue to monitor and update this web portal with new resources regarding Haiti, the aftermath of the earthquake, and the cholera outbreak.