Aaron Thomas:
The Caribbean Journal of a Royal Navy Seaman
June 1798 - July 1798
Journal pages 1 - 56 |
August 1798 - September 1798
Journal pages 56 - 123 |
October 1798 - November 1798
Journal pages 127 - 186 |
December 1798 - January 1799
Journal pages 190 - 227 |
February 1799 - March 1799
Journal pages 228 - 266 |
April 1799 - May 1799
Journal pages 267 - 310 |
June 1799 - July 1799
Journal pages 310 - 347 |
August 1799 - October 1799
Journal pages 348 - 366 |
[Date: June 1799 - July 1799. Pages: 310-347]
Saturday 1 June 1799. In the morning close in with the Isle of Saba, at 5 PM. near the Town in St. Statia. at 1/4 Past 5 Tacked and stood to the Southward
Sunday 2 June. Lay too off Basseterre all day. at 6 p.m. made sail to the S. being bound to Martinico. have Six Passengers on board; Gentlemen who were lately Prisoners at Guadulupe. Viz Mr Kirkpatrick & Brother, Mr Lewis. Capt Hasting of the Rigement. Leiutenant Wardrobe of the 43 Regiment &
carryed to page 311
No. 55 St. Jamess Street 13 March 1799
Dear Aaron
I have duly received yours of the 29th
of last November, which afforded myself & Mrs Thomas much pleasure to hear that you
were then safe & well, and I hope this will find you equally so. I wish with all my
heart I could say as much for myself, but since I wrote to you last, I have been very
unwell indeed; (although not confided to my Bed) eer since the late end of last
August, I have been troubled more or less, with an almost continual pain & giddyness
in my head, which encreased so much about the middle of last January, as to render me quit
unfit for business, as it brought on other nervous complaints, which very much alarmed me,
as well as Mrs T. Therefore I was oblidged to have a Physician & other medical
assistance, or I realy think I should have been no more eer this, which would been a
great loss to my dear wife & family of four children (and in expectation of another
daily) which although thank God I can leave them comfortably provided for, yet it would be
a hard parting; as Mrs T & self live comfortable togather, and to say the truth, she
is as industrious carefull & well managing a weoman, as any man needs be blessed with
and as good a mother to her children, therefore if any thing should happen to me; remember
the above words, they are truths, and if you can be any means towards forwarding my dear
Children in the world, I flatter myself your good offices, will not be wanting, should
they loose a fathers protection. I am now far from well, but thank God a little better,
but I doth not like several symptoms which I feel, therefore I hope you will excuse my
dwelling so long, on a malancholy subject
The newspapers we have heard nothing of yet, I
think it was prudent in your not taking them in, and the charges much surprized me
I received yesterday a Letter from my Mother,
with 3 Couple of fowls. She & Mr Beaman are as well as usual, and always make kind
enquires after you. With respect to what you mention, they do not want for anything, from
me and one or the other of us. But I should think a little permament increase to their
support would be very acceptable. For my own part I all them 10L a year, regularly paid
whenever they want it, of Mr Price, and they have full 2 Guineas a year more in one thing
or other. William I dare say gives them 3 Guineas more, & Moses I suppose a Guinea or
something more. With which at present I understand, they have all the nessarys of life,
with a few of its comforts. I think they must now be both very infirm, therefore I have
told you all I know of their situation
Mrs Thomass father, Mr Lane of Reading
died last Chrismas, and I gave old Lady an order upon Mrs Oakley for some mourning, upon
the occasion which quit please her, and she returned me gratefull thanks in her last
Letter for the favour. William, his family, Moses & Mrs Brunton with her little Boy,
are all well.
I expect Mrs. Price of Orlton, Mrs. Price of
Wigmore, and Mrs Mathew Price, late Mrs. Turberville, all in town, the later end of May,
they would a been now here, but they posponed their viset, untill Mrs T has lain in, and
also in some measure, on the account of my indisposition. I have nothing more particularly
particularly to say, but let me hear from you, on the receipt of this. Mrs T joins me
in best wishes for your health & prosperity, and believe me dear Aaron, your
affectionate Brother J
P S. I had a Letter a few days ago, from Mr George Lewis of Liverpool, and he gives me to
understand that Mrs Bougard would be in London in a short time, as she was then arrived at
Hamburgh from Paris, waiting for a Passage.
NB The above received at fort Royal 10 June 1799
Relations of Lieutenant Peter Bird who died on board in Nevis Roads the 26th
July 1798
Mrs Knowles No 3 Suckamore Row, Old Street London. -- his Aunt
Mrs Bird His Mother, No 1 or 10 Forenery Ally, Cow Cross. West Smithfield
Mrs Bird (an Aunt) at Mr Tuckers No 9 Barbican
NB Mr Bird is entitled to Prize money, for LIntrepid Ship, The Union American Brig,
and La Invariable french Schooner
A mio Madre
Vanneau at Paramaribo on the Bank of the River Surinam South America 28 August 1799
Caro Madre. Although several months has passed over, since I wrote to you, yet within
that period, I have often ecrire a votre enfans dans Londre, and requested them to enform
you of my welfare
Dans dernier Juin Je desired my agent dans
Londre to pay into votro fil Jean main Cinquo G per voi. from me which by this time Io
hope voi have received
In last May I got a Letter in the West Indias
from mio Frere Guillaume, in which he tells me you are well, which gave me great &
sincere pleasure. I fully expect to leave this part of the world about next May for
England; so that it is not impossible, but what I may experience the heartfelt pleasure,
of seeing you at Wigmore in a years time; notwithstanding the great distance which is now
between us. God send that you may remain untill that period alive & well.
I send this Letter by the Kings Ship, which
goes to England with the account of the conquest of this Settlement, and the taking of it
from the Dutch. And a very valuable Capture it is. It was taken by 8 Ships of War, &
1400 Soldiers. The Dutch Soldiers would not fight, and the Dutch Vessels of War, were
abandoned by their Sailors, as soon as we entered the River. There is Dutch Sips &
Stores seized here, that will make the Prize money amount to about 200-000L Sterling. All
of which will be devided between the Sea & Land forces, who were present at the
Capture -- fra quelque Io have la honour de being una.
This Country is very hot, so much so: that if
expose my face to the Sun for half an hour, it will so burn my skin: that it is impossible
to suffer the operation of Shaving. -- yet the soil is as rich, as the very best in
Herefordshire, for Cattle are so plentifull, that they run wild in the woods, and they are
often killed for the sake of their Hides. They leave the Carcase to rot, and take the Hide
away; which they dry, and then fill them with Cotton, Coffee, Drugs, and many other
The Banks of this River is very beautifull, but
its waters are terrible infested with Crocodiles and Aligaters, which makes Bathing in the
water totally impossible.
This Colony is not cleared more than 150 miles
inland, and that cheifly on the Banks of Rivers, Its back parts are unknown to us; and
those who have attempted to explore the more inland parts, have but seldom found their way
back: it is supposed they have been killed & eaten by the Indians.
The Dutch have been at great labor &
expence, in bringing this Colony to perfection. The town of Paramaribo contains 20-000
Inhabitants half of which are Indians & Blacks. All the Streets have two Rows of
orange Trees in them. I counted 144 orange Trees in one Street, & each Tree had at
least 300 Oranges on it
carryed up
So rich are some of the inhabitants, that a few of them will go to the expence of
gilding with Gold a small part of the Trunks of the Orange Trees, which are before their
doors. Many of the Seats of the Dutch Planters, are so neatly ornamented with paintings,
flowering shrubs, & sweet smelling Herbs; that they with truth may be called
terrestial Paradises, But to counterbalance these advantages the Climate is unhealthy, and
so full of Snakes & other Vermin, that those who travel on foot, must always be on
their Guard, to avoid these Creatures as they are much larger, and possess more dangerous
qualities, then these kind of Reptiles do in Europe.
The Country is also full of wild Beast, but
they very seldom attack Mankind, unless first assailed. As we lay at Anchor in the River,
we every night heard the Tygers, Bears & Lions; roaring in the woods.
Parrots are as numerous here, as Magpyes are in
England, they fly as high as Wild Ducks, and in large flights.
The real Natives go intirely naked, except the Weomen who make a bitt of Cloath, about the
size of ones hand, out of the threads of the Cocoa Nut, and this they wear to hide a
certain part of their body. Both Men & Weomen paint their whole bodys with a red
paint, not much unlike the Raddle which you mark you Sheep with. I saw one of these Red
Indian Weomen, who had a parcel of Pins run through her lower Lip: the heads of the Pins
were in her mouth, and the sharp ends were thurst through the flesh of her lower Lip, so
that they projected outside over her chin. And these She wore for an ornament to her
person. She was naked, and her body painted, or smeared of as red a colour, as the sign of
the Red Lion near the market place in Ludlow used to be.
The Europeans who reside here, live after the
manner they do in Europe, and their drink is generally Coffee, which here growes wild,
& is very plenty.
I have now said as much, or more than was
necessary on the nature of things in this newly conquered Country. I shall now change the
subject, and speak of matters more relating to the place of my nativity, but in collecting
my objects to write upon I labor under some difficulties: so many years having passed
away, since I have been at Wigmore, that I am afraid to mention the names of any of my
playmates, or old acquaintances for fear eer this, they might be numbered amongst
the dead, Bearing this Idea in my mind, I shall ask after no other persons, than Mr Beaman
& yourself; who I hope & trust I shall see once more at Wigmore.
If God spares my life, to viset my native
Country once again, it is my intention to reside half a year at Wigmore, I shall board
& Lodge in some Genteel House in Wigmore, or if that cannot be got, I may take a House
in Ludlow for about that period, and endeavour to prevail on you, to come & live with
me. By doing this, I shall have an oportunity of treading upon, and viseting many favoured
(carryed to page 347)
Caro Fratello
Your Letter dated the 13th of March last, a got
out of the Bureau des Postes in Martinico, on the 10th of the following June, and I thank
you for the continuance of your correspondence. (Steping over the the chasm of our
intercourse, I with Truth shall say, that your Letter gave me real concern. To perceive a
Father writing under an apprehension of being seperated from a loving wife and 4 Children:
-- is most assuredly no very light matter. The affectionate manner, in which you speake of
Mrs Thomas, and your ofspring; must claim attention. -- The common tyes of consanguinty
will certainly have it so.
Your expressions in your Letter, where you say.
-- "to speake the truth she is as industrious, carefull and well managing a weoman,
as any man need be blessed with, and as good a mother to her Children, therefore if
anything should happen to me, remember those words, they are truths, and if you can be any
assistance in forwarding my dear Children in the world, I flatter myself your good offices
will not be wanting, should they loose a fathers protection
Plain candor, makes me confess, that the utterance of such impressive languague, about
your wife & Children, revived my slackened remembrance of your domestic concerns:
occasioned by the events of Pantonstradae. --It drew my long flaged Ideas, to think on
those objects, which the tyes of blood, and nature, ought to make me esteem, and brought
fully to my recollection, the 17th June 1786, which was your marriage day with Miss Lane.
--When our party Breakfasted in Oxford Street. -- attended the tying of the sacred Knot in
Marybone Church. -- Rode in our Coach & four through Hyde Park. -- Pertook of the
Lemonade, Milke Whey, Negus & Cake at the White Hart Cranford Bridge. -- Viseted the
Palace of our King at Windsor, and the view from the round Tower, --our Dinner at the
Castle Inn there, -- Our return through Datchet, Colebroke &c, our Tea & Chocolate
at Cranford Bridge, and finally our alighting at your house in St. James Street. -- I say,
your affectionate expressions, regarding your wife and Children, brought into my mind, the
most trivial occurrance, of that pleasant day. -- They came as fresh into my mind, if they
had happened only 13 days back, instead of 13 years, which is the length of time, which
you have been united to Mrs. Thomas.
I mean to make no use of flattery: I am to old
to do so, but report tells me, you have been a fortunate man, and the history of yourself;
is a consolation for you. -- It shows what may be achieved, when simple honesty, &
undisguised morallity is our
is our guide. -- The virtuous wife, of a moral man, will never want. -- The Children of
Godly parents can never be in want. -- Should you die, and leave your Children Young,
remember how the Prophet Elijah, was fed by the Ravens from Heaven. It is laudable, to
keep a keen look for our Children, but it appears very clear to me, the common nature has
a sharper forsight by instinct, in these matters then parents
My way of life for these Six Years back, has
led me to think, that I have probed more into the ways of nations & people than you
and I have often been surprized, to meet with people surrounded with affluence, &
enjoying every comfort of life; yet their private history was, -- That their parents dyed
young, and then they imigrated, with little more than enough to pay their passage, into a
foreign land, where providence smiled upon their furlorn state, and blessed them with
abundance. -- In Cadiz. Lisbon. Naples. Messina &Ancora. I met with, & heard of
many people of this sort.
We must do all we can for our wives & Children, but God will do infinately more for
them. If I outlive you, I will never be wanting in doing every good office, that is within
my reach, for those dear souls -- which you may leave behind.
Your sickness, may be only one of those painfull touches, which our Maker finds necessary
to lay upon us, in order to call our thoughts more towards his person, but I hope by this
time your health is fully reestablished.
For my own part, I never had had any illness;
but most of the hair on my head, is turned white; -- and I call this circumstance now a
happy thing. -- It has done me more good, than all the Sermons, I ever heard in my life.
It has buryed my pride. -- Drowned all the envy which I had within me. taught me to be
humble. To look with charitable eyes on all things, and in earthly matters, to have no
greatter hope, than to sequester myself in the lonely shade of spreading trees, and out of
the sight and hearing of pertinant man.
Io judge voi will expect mio to parlato quelque
robe about mio mundi matters. Io have not dismemoro Notnap Strada. sinc Io have received
vostro last letter, io have pensee giornalmento much upon that business. -- Io have not
determined anything. -- I voi will promis mio sacredly dans vostri next Lettera, to garde
terces anything quelque Io may say dans reard to denario affare, from la oltre de la
Notnap strada omo. Io will dans mio next Lettera, lay myself open, upon quella capo,
however Io will say, quella there is every prospect, de vostro not being any resool by GH
carryed to page 324
from page 323
I was in company with General Bowyer in last
April, in the Island of Tortola. it came out the general knew you. From his conversation I
found the Captain H, had been saying too much, to General Bowyer concerning me, in respect
to denario matters. -- General B said he should call at your house. -- I'm afraid he will
say of me, that which is not completely true
Con respect to notre Madre, Io mean to send sua
quelque robi, but not being able to fix the mode, Io shall leave it for the last part of
this Letter, to tell you where she will get it from Poor woman she must be now very old,
what pleasure should I receive, in walking over the fields of the bury house. Rambling at
Darvil. The Burnt Coppy. The Moors, and many other spots, within that parish. with which
you & myself were well acquainted Thirty year ago. -- If ever I return to Wigmore
again, I will enter the village at midnight, and be in the Church yard at daylight. -- The
Tombstones will perhaps tell me, where my former friends are by this conduct I shall not
shock the Ears of the living by asking after those, who have long paid nature's debt. In
Wigmore there must now be a new generation.
You must have had a comfortable, but rather an
expensive visit, from all the Herefordshire Ladies. I should like to a given them a chance
meeting, under the dome if St. Pauls, or in Westminster Abby. -- I much wish to see the
two Mrs Prices, the one of Orlton, the other of Wigmore.
Nostri Bastimento was in English Harbor
Antigua, refiting, from the 25th of December, to the 3 of last March; during the whole of
which time, I lived in a Goverment House ashore. in that period Io expended 3 Giorna in
calvacadee tutti rondo la Isola; et visiting almost every Estate in the Island
Io prepare questa Lettera con la intend of
sending it by una La Rey Navio, quelque sail con la Convoy per Ingellatirre on the 27th
instant This particular part I write dans sight of St Batholomews on the 22. June, I
boarded an American Vessel this day at Sea, for the purpose of buying some live Sheep.
There was a heavy swell, and geting into the Boat, after I let go my hold, she tended off
suddenly, and I fell overboard, but our Boats Crew hauled me in again, in doing which,
they nearly tore a pair of Nankeen Pantaloons from off my bum --
On a general average, it is three, to one;
against a persons returning to England, who comes out into this hot Country.
(carryed to page 325)
from page 328 mio Giornalmente
Tuesday 2 July 1799, Sent Bevan & Bryant Todley, to the Hott Bath to fill me some
Meneral Water.
At 2 PM went ashore with Mrs Lush. -- walked to
the Bath. -- came aboard at Sunset. Dennis. McKnight the Cooper, & Lewington the
Kentish Lad, left ashore by the Watering Boat, came off in our Boat. McKnight, Ben Carlew
& Dennis very drunk. -- Many people drunk aboard, Watkins the Boatswain Mate, fell
from the Main Deck into the Hold, & so wounded his head, that his life is endangered.
Wednesday 3rd July. Went ashore in the Watering Boat, to the watering place. -- called
on Mr. Higgins who told me that his Privateer Schooner the Mayflower was ashore on the
Reefe off Great Charles fort, knocked her false Keel & Rudder off, and was gone down
to Basseterre. at 11 AM came aboard with TH
At 2 PM went ashore in the Yawl. -- called at
Mr Hamiltons. -- sent off the Banana Stalkes in the Launch. -- Read the St. Kitts
Newspaper with Mr. Murnsey. -- at 6 came aboard.
Thursday 4 July. At 10 AM Left Nevis, Mr Richardson & M Huggins came aboard. Lay
too off & on Basseterre Roads. -- Captain went ashore. -- Shore Canoe swamped
alongside with Black King &c in her, no lives lost. -- Mr. Dyce our Master lost 14
Shirts. 15 pair Stockings & other Linen by the Boats upseting which will cost him 15
Joes to replace. -- Mr Brown the Master had 5 Gallons Rum in the Boat, which was all lost.
-- on Dyces breaking the Boatswains Rum Bottle about a month ago. -- The B exhultations on
Dyces mishap this day.
All the Americans lying in this Road Were
dressed in all their colours, in honour of the Native day of American Independency. -- an
U, S, S, of War, was ornamented very neatly. -- At 6 PM Nostro Captain & Champagn of
the Zeypher Brig came aboard. -- tutti supped aboard. -- at 8 PM Champagne left the
Lapwing & went on aboard the Zeypher, when we made Sail to the S.
(carryed to page 330)
Journal from page Three Hundred & Twenty Nine
Friday 5th July 1799 Weathered Redondo. at 7 AM. saw a Brig coming down. hove too. She
was His Majestys Brig Packet Penelope. same as carryed General Bowyer home & left
Tortola the 4 of last April. Bore up. at 10 AM Anchored in Basseterre Roads with the
Mr McLaughlan dined aboard us.
Killed a Sheep, which I bought of Mr Taylor of
Nevis, and for which I gave 2 Joes, or Three pound twelve shillings Sterling. -- it
weighed 50 lb. -- so that it stands me in Seventeen pence farthing a pound.
+Affair of H going ashore, & striking Mr Robert Wilkes the Post Master in his own
house, about the message. Mrs W, As H retreated, crying out stop the villain &c &c
Saturday 6th July. At 6 AM. H went ashore and put the volume of Blackstones
Commentaries on the Laws of England in his pocket. -- that being the volume which treats
upon assaults. -- By H going ashore last night with a little wine in his head, in striking
Mr Wilkes, he is got a new business upon his hands.
Got Mr Croucher again on board on Thursday
last. who let the Ship sail without him on the 28th ultimo. -- he had not been ashore 10
minutes before he was drunk. -- and in a state of intoxication went to our Agents to
demand money. -- he was rated Midshipman before; he is now disrated, -- and shares in
prize money as a fore mast man
(carryed to page 331)
Sir, I should certainly have returned my unfeigned thanks for the many unmerited favors
I have received from you, a long long time before this, but my mind, has been in such as
state that tho' I never wanted inclination, yet I had not resolution enough to address
one, who I had so repeatedly offended. -- Your last favor I received through the hands of
J. H.
I want words to express my gratitude; would to God I had an opportunity of evincing it.
What could have infatuated me, to behave in the
manner I did. -- A young man with the brightest prospects; now alas; lost; lost to the
world, his relations & himself, -- but where have I been runing. I have many apoligies
to make, for the liberty I take, but your + unbounded goodness will excuse me The only
genuine apology I can make for my past long (& I fear ever) repented behaviour, is a
disapointment I met with (to cuting to relate) that absolutely so soured my temper, as to
render me disagreeable to myself & others,
I have now given myself up as a lost man, After
the trouble my Sister took to intercede with you in my behalf. -- If I'm so unfortunate as
to give offence, by the liberty I have taken in writing, let me intreat you to attribute
it to the right cause, -- Viz, to convince you I am not so ungrateful as may be imagined
from my late past conduct.
With the warmest wishes, for your prosperity, permit me to subscribe myself. -- Sir, Your
much oblidged, & truely devoted
Joseph Canes
HMS Southampton
Fort Royal Bay 29 May 1799
-- from Jos'h Canes to Thos Harvey; on his being turned out of the Ship in for Drunkenness
Notes of the Letter in the left hand page [page 332]
+In love with every girl he sees. Once upset a House in Basseterre were a Negro girl
To fight the Captain with pistols, when he left the Baltimore American Brigg.
Journal from page Three Hundred Thirty one
Tuesday 9th July 1799. Spoke an Antigua Privateer with a Danish Ship, from Copenhagan,
bound to Santa Cruz. -- The Privateer must a been very hungry to bring in a Vessel of this
description for examination.
Squally & glowing weather, all day.
Wednesday 10th July. At 15 m before 5 AM. the Ship struck by a white squal, before the
Jib could be hauled down, & the Spanker brailed up. -- She laid down so terribly, that
her Lee Ports were full of water. -- Mr Dyce cryed out to let all fly. -- Men frightened,
could not stir. Cooper nearly drowned in the waiste, in finding out where the Main Tack
was belayed. -- After an alarm of five minutes, -- all was let fly, -- she was thrown up
in the wind, -- and she righted.
The effects of the squal, was the strongest I ever experienced. -- Mr. Dyce told Spence
that he did not see it a coming. Boats all gave way. --Men on the Forecastle, geting
ready, to jump into the Boats, had they broke clean over the Gangway. Two of the Captains
Turtles, which were in two Tubs, floating out at the ports. five Sheep drowned. Hutchins
loosing a Nankeen pair Trowsers & a Jacket, which floated out at the ports. Mr Dyce
telling the men at the Helm to bear up. -- but they kept their Luff, which saved the Ship
(carryed to page 335)
Journal from page Three Hundred & Thirty four
Wednesday 10th July continued.
Omo saying, as we were carrying a press of Sail in the evening, and no particular object
in view. -- "We are bound to a market. -- If we do not carry sail, we shall not be up
this Tide &c. A man in Irons, on the Lee side, was nearly drowned before the Ship
righted. When the Mercury of 20 Guns struck on the [Chefne de Frersy] in the East River,
near New York in the American War -- There were 2 men on the Quarter Deck, lashed to the
main riging for intoxication, -- on the first alarm the Crew took to their Boats; and left
the 2 men behind, where they perished --
carryed to page Three Hundred & Thirty Six
Journal from page Three Hundred Thirty Six
Tuesday 16th July 1799. Passed Guadulupe &c. Squally, & blowing weather.
Wednesday 17th. At 8 AM. Anchored in Fort Royal Bay. -- Found here H. M. Ships Concord. Hawke Prince of Wales. Daphne, and The Tamer, who arrived in this Bay last night from Europe, having Lord Hugh Seymour on board, who is come out to releive Admiral Harvey. At 10 AM. H M Ship Invincible of 74 Guns, fires a Gun, & hoisted a signal for a Court Martial which, I understand has been siting 3 days upon Captain Richard Matson of the Daphne, -- The charge against him is. -- Unnatural practizes.
Thursday 18th. At 10 AM went ashore. Spoke to Lord Hugh Seymour, who went off in the Boat. -- Dined with Mr Stapleton, -- Saw Lord Howe ashore, gave his Lordship a Dollar. -- came off in the Cutter.
Friday 19th. Landed from the Yawl at Desboroughs Warfe. -- Andrew Mathers of Berwick attempted to Desert, by leaving the Boat. -- Captain Matson of His Majesty Ship Daphne was acquited of the charges laid to his charge.
Saturday 20th Dined with Admiral Harvey, and Lord Hugh Seymour. -- also with Captains Akins, Cayley & Barton, of the Amphitrite, Invincible & Concord, -- sat late. T H got Tipsey and fell off his Seat.
(carryed to page 338)
London 31 May 1799
Caro Arone
Nothing can be more hurtfull to a feeling mind,
than for a friend to suppose he has acted towards him on ungenerously, -- by that short
manner in which you last addressed yourself to me by Mr MacNorton, convinces me at once,
that you flatly puts me down as one of those beings
Allow me to say, that no incident whatever
shall ever actuate me to abuse that generous conduct, which from you, I have from my early
days in life received, -- and suffice me once more to observe, that no change or
revolution in life can, nor shall ever alter the high opinion I always entertained of your
sentiments. -- by saying this, I mean not to flatter you, but have given you my Ideas,
Just as they arose in my mind.
You blame for not writing. Whatever I may be
blamable in other respects, in that however I am not faulty. -- you I beleive saw a bundle
of Newspapers, which I also beleive was returned unopened. -- Those papers were sent by me
to you, with a very long Letter, composed of various (and I may say) unnumberable
subjects: containing all the news in our parts that had occur'd for many months. -- but as
you had not the pleasure of seeing them, all my indeavours to please you, were lost, and I
ever since lay under the unpleasant sensation of having occur'd your displeasure. -- I
have made a long prefatory, and had I more room in this paper, -- more would I have said,
Thank God for his goodness, we are tolerably
well, & equally as much oblidged to him, for the preservation of your health, &
will still further pray, for along continuance of the same, through his merits &
I never saw your friend Mr MacNorton, being unluckelly from home when he called. -- he
promised to call again, -- but as yet he has not, for which I am very sorry.
We flattered ourselves, with having the
pleasure of seeing you this summer in London, -- but by an account given to John, by a
Gentleman who called of him at your request a few days ago, we can have little or no hopes
to expect, you. Your
(carryed to page Three Hundred & forty one)
Your friends in the Country, are wishfull to
see you, and as much so, are your friends in Town. -- Io am not una paco alegra to trova
voi are fortunate: it dati mio grandissiomo pleasure.
News we have not much, we expect up in Town
very soon Mrs Price of Orlton, Mrs M Price, & Mrs John Price, they would a been up
before, but the Children at Cumberton have the small pox.
Mrs John Thomas now lies in. -- the 5th child
now living. -- John has been very ill, and is now by no means well. he is sometimes so
low, as scarsly able to walke
George Lewis is now in London, he is come up to
give evidence before the House, concerning the Slave Trade Bill now pending in Parliament
Mr Dawson being likely to sustain a loss of 36-000 L if the Bill passeth
Tuesday is our Kings Birthday; which will be
one of the greatest ever seen. -- Since you left London we are all made Soldiers, or at
least something that has the appearance, & titles of soldiers every Parish furnisheth
so many Volunteers: -- ours for instance the St. James, are 400 strong, of which I have
the honour of being one. -- All these Milatary Heros are to be in Hyde Park on Tuesday
morning at 9 O Clk, at the express desire of His Majesty, who will with the assistance of
all the Feild Marshals review us. We shall amount in all to between 12 and 13-000 men. --
The ground to be kept by two Regiments of Guards. -- The Westminster Light Horse. -- and
the Surry Yeomenry. The people are coming in from all parts to see us. -- we are to be
drawn up in 4 Lines. -- God send us a fine day.
Vostro Mandato nostri Madre Trees G. it was
cuffed about in a strange way for some time, the business was most shamefully conducted,
but at length Sua got it, et voi may Judge the feeling de sua core at la momento sua got
it. -- We have tutti been as bouna to Sua as possible. The Winter has been long, &
very severe but Sua has wanted per niente. -- Voi may faithfully depend on our care &
attention to Sua, during vostro absence
Moses is well. Mary & her Husband are also
very well. Little Aaron is with us, he growes a stout Lad. -- but all his talke is about
coming to you in the Vanneau. He declares he will be a Matelot, and begs me to ask you to
send for him. He is going to a Boarding School at Richmond at Midsummer, to learn the use
of the Globe and Sea Tactics.
(carryed to page 342)
From page 341
We give Thirty Guineas a Year, & Three Guineas entrance. -- it is a celebrate
seminary for Youth: -- and Aaron has the most refined Ideas, you ever knew for a child to
have. -- However a Naval Officer he declares he will be.
We go on much in the old way. Trade is bad in
Town. but we keep our heads above water, and that you will say is very well.
You'll except all of our kind wishes, for your
present & future welfare and till I have the pleasure of hearing from or seeing you. I
shall conclude with remain untill death, your ever oblidged & faithfull friend W. T.
NB I certainly shall feel great satisfaction, in receiving a Letter from you, whenever you
can make it convenient to write. -- Write me a long one. -- Something in your usual way:
not taking this for a copy.
Recd at Fort Royal 17th July 1799
Your Letter dated the 31 May last came into
my hands in the W I on the 17th of the following July, and I thank you for writing it to
me again.
My mind is in a very unfit state for writing to
you at present, since I have been all bustle & confusion since I received your favour
first in little concerns in equiping Larimda H to go home, et now in preparing for some
expedition, which our new Admiral Lord Hugh Seymour has planed
When our Ship is in Harbor, I am oblidged to be
much on shore, and the heats are so great, that when I return on board, I find my Ideas
over loaded with fatigue, so that I cannot write and when at Sea for this month back, we
have had blowing & very squally weather, and the L being old & crazy; it is of
course Leeakey, and writing uncomfortable.
Our Ship is to be one of this expedition, but where we are going we know not. Some suppose
against the Dutch Settlement of Surinam on the Spanish Main, and others say Guadulupe. --
I suppose Lord Hugh will not go against the last place, as that will be cuting us up
wholesale, by destroying the Channel, by which we pick up a little prize money, if Lord
Hugh was to take Guadulupe, I Judge his Lordship would loose by that event, about 170-000
L a year. Which is a consideration for a man to think about before he acts.
(carryed to page 343)
Dunque mentioned about nostri Madri 3G mandato to Jean by La Santa Margaretta.
Your expressions of kindness towards me, I
thank you for. -- however I will say, it is your duty to flatter me, -- it is a
duty which you owe to your only child. -- when I was up the Straights, none of you ever
wrote to me, I even could not learn from a relation, wither our Mother was dead or
alive, but this neglect on your part has had one very good effect, it has brought about a
perfect (I hope) reconnection between Jean & mio. -- For Johns Last Letter has
so wrote upon my mind, that I have come to the noituloser of declaring, that he shall be
no looser by the events Pantonstrada.
As to yourself, it is worth your while, to keep
a lookout, upon me, for shod an expected death overtake me, or should I die without
Issue. -- I evah won quelque worth keeping an Eye upon. but questa ought to be a
family secret.
Yet the dread of the Huricanes month suddenly
coming on, and the Fever & Fluxs which we are all so liable to here, makes me think it
right in me to say, that if I make my earthly exit in this Country, you will find my Will,
either at Mrs. Wainrights or at Thomson & Co in Basseterre St. Kitts, in which I have
taken care to reimburse our Brother John, and have disposed of the rest between you, Moses
& Mary, Except one Hundred & Thirty pounds Sterling, which I have Assigned to a
person, who has a strong claim upon my generosity.
The account you give of my Godson, is not a
little pleasing, and what you say you are doing for him, is still more so. had I
understood Navigation, my name at this would a been in a more conspicious situation. By
learning him naval Tactic, I think it may be a sure means of his earning his own Bread, at
an early period of life, but it will make him independent of his parents, and take him
from your home, soon after he has gained his teens. -- if he goes to Sea at the age of 14,
and lives to be 50 years of age. it is a chance, if out of all that period, you are
blessed with his company 400 days, out of that vast space of time. However had I two Sons,
I would send one to Sea -- The one I would keep with me at home, as a subject for my oral
tuition. -- The other should go to Sea, by his being abroad, he would keep the Map of the
World opened to his Father Eyes, and feed his Brothers mind with a knowledge of geography.
(carryed to page 346)
Journal from page Three Hundred & Thirty Nine
Friday 26 July 1799. At 9 AM went ashore, having first manned the Riging & cheered the New Admiral. Saw La Daphnes Rapaz dekan gnihtab. -- shopping with Mr. Russ. came aboard at 4 PM in the Jolly Boat
Saturday 27th Went ashore. Called of Mr Sandfords. Jackson our Carpenter would not come off. -- The German Soldiers landed from the Syren & Hawke; they having brought them from Granada
Sunday 28th. at daylight up Anchor, and Anchored at Castlenavre. found here the Daphne & Alexander Schooner having completed our water at 1 PM up Anchor and worked into fort Royal Bay again.
NB Sent the old She Goat ashore, with the following Label round her Neck;
Whosoever does me find,
I beg that you will use me kind:
The cause of my being turnd shore
Was; that I had not milke no more
And Corn being dear, since the War with france
I'm turnd ashore; to take my chance
The Sea with me, did not agree
I'm scarse of flesh, as you now see
My flesh got dry. I scorn to bilke
and daily did I yeild no milke
My Masters hate, by this I got
And branded with the mangy lott
He says, in a patch of Sugar Cane
Or under the wall; in some dark Lane
Adrift let her go, -- no more to bloat;
shall she ram her panch; with us afloat
So my friend compassion, -- take alas!
And let me eat of your Guinea grass
and soon to you a kidd Ill give
Then Milke in plenty, Ill yeild to you
For Coffee. Tea, and Bumboo too.
Wednesday 31 July. At 3 PM The Fleet got under weigh. consisting of the Prince of Wales. -- Invincible. Tamer. Unite. Syren. Lapwing. -- Daphne. And some Transports, & several small Craft. laden with Troops. amenution &c &c. -- Stood to the S -- lay to off the Diamond. -- La Unite sent to hasten out a Transport from Casenivare, who went there to Water at 7 Tacked & stood to the N. -- at 8 The Admiral & fleet Tacked; and stood to the Southard.
(carryed to page 348)
From page Three Hundred & forty Three
But I would never sent a child to Sea, unless under certain circumstances. -- to be
before the Mast is starvation and murder indeed.
Your account of the Review in Hyde Park, is
glittering and sparkling indeed. -- the [Lacements]. Till knows it to be so. -- I have no
doubt but the majority of the Army of Officers you speak of, were Vollonteers for the
Uniforms & not the Services. I hope you have not pelted all the Walnut Trees down, nor
burnt Kinsington Palace & Gardens. -- I expect to see paragraphs in the papers
stating, that by the severity of your fire, all Westminster was in flames, and that you
blew up the Dam of the Serpentine River, merely to save the Abbey, from being included in
the general conflagration.
God send you may be fortunate in your affairs; and that you may not only keep your head
above water, but that you may be as buoyant as a feather. -- Experance is a good Master. I
have learned to think on these things. With truth can I say, that very few hours past, but
what I bring you into my remembrance on this head. -- You have had a long trial. -- I hope
you have succeeded.
No Priest in a Monastery can lead a more
religious life than what I now follow. I never sleep on shore, and therefore am out of the
reach & temptations to crimes. -- yet however my life is a little prickelly at times.
-- Io evah a ddum capo Solomon to deal with. -- a laer Togip secondo de H memora. But I
shall surmount all my difficulties.
My love to your wife & little Aaron. also
Moses & Mary, I shall write to John when the expedition is ended. -- if Surinam is our
object, we shall have some pelting work, as there is 2 Dutch frigates in the River, but
the Warehouses ashore are full of Sugar. Coffee. Cotton & Cocoa, which if we get the
town, will give us some prize money
With great pleasure shall I be alway ready in paying the postage
[continued from page 319]
postage of a Letter from you, and remain with real truth Your affectionate Fratillo A
Vanneau Fort Royal Bay 29 July 1799
Mio Madre Lettera, devant page 319
favoured spots of Land about Wigmore, where when a Boy, I have frolicked over in my
youthfull days.
Next to the pleasure of seeing you, I know
nothing that would give me more plesant sensations to my heart, than to have the
oportunity of viseting of my old friends in the Parish where I was born. I at this time
recollect many feilds and meddows about Wigmore, in which a solitary walke, would feed my
mind with contemplations of a very pleasing nature
A Ride to Darvil, where my Brother John & myself, when Children, used daily to viset
our fathers Sheep: would bring to my mind, the care you took of us in our infant days. --
for on our return to the Bury House; you had with your own blessed hands, prepared us some
good little thing for us to eat, as a reward for the duty, we had performed towards our
father & Mother,
So also, the sight of a Stile, which used to
stand in the Garden of the Bury House, would bring to my mind some dear remembrances of
you, for when we lived at the Bury House: on this Stile I used to set, to watch your
return from Leominster market. My Eye used to catch sight of you, when you made your
appearance on the High Road, at the top of Brinson Hill, I then used to run down by the
Well in Jinnals Craft, to give you the meeting; and on these occasions, you always
rewarded me with Cakes & little presents; much more then I deserved.
(NB Dunque and apology circa la expences of questi Lettera)
Io ici promise a mandato voi dans txen Yam la
mus fo evif Saeniug piu, for in next May Io really expect to sail for Brittain So that Io
shall be in London, about the later end of the following July; Unless I should go to N
America, as I have been offered, to go from the West Indias, to New York; as Supercargo of
a Bastimento Merchand, in which case my viset to England will be delayed one year more.
That God Almighty may prolong your life, untill
we meet once more again, shall be the Giornalmente bramare de vostro carissimo figlio. A
(carryed to page 354)