Aaron Thomas:
The Caribbean Journal of a Royal Navy Seaman
June 1798 - July 1798
Journal pages 1 - 56 |
August 1798 - September 1798
Journal pages 56 - 123 |
October 1798 - November 1798
Journal pages 127 - 186 |
December 1798 - January 1799
Journal pages 190 - 227 |
February 1799 - March 1799
Journal pages 228 - 266 |
April 1799 - May 1799
Journal pages 267 - 310 |
June 1799 - July 1799
Journal pages 310 - 347 |
August 1799 - October 1799
Journal pages 348 - 366 |
[Date: June 1798 - July 1798. Pages: 1 - 56]
Esto Libro farzem dentro Basseterre para Aarone Thomaso. Cemetro Caza; Wigmore
Herefordshire en Mese Mayo 1798; by Richard Cable, et coste Tres corona de Espagna. --
Moltissimo caro. AT. Para suo Maniscritto.
Questa Escrivando dans Fort Real puerto 15th June 1798
Page the first
What is the most readyst thing, which the world is fondest of giving.
Answer. Advice.
Question. What is the cheapest thing amongst mankind.
Answer. Advice.
What is the least thing attended to amongst us.
A. Advice.
Q. For what reason, are all of us so fond of giving Advice.
Because it does not cost us a farthing.
Q. Then generally speaking, if the giving of advice, cost us fourpence, this mode of
giving advice, would not be so common amongst us.
I am confident it would not be so common a thing.
Q. When does a persons friendship appear dubious.
As soon as he begins to give advice.
Q. So advice, is the very commonest thing amongst us.
A. Yes; And the most dispised thing on earth.
A.T. in Crokens Bay, Island of Anguilla in the West Indias, last day of June 1798
My Journal is brought from page 458 of my Parchment covered large white book, which I bought at Naples in November 1797
Sunday 1 July 1798
In the morning Squally. St. Batholomews. Saba. Eustatius, St. Martins, and St. Kitts in sight. When I go to Basseterre, to remember to speake to Mrs Wainright to get me some stuffed Guanas. Green Tamarinds Pods. Cotton to Pickle, some of it in Blossom some green pods of it. Crabs Eyes. Preserved Ginger. Sempre Vitas, a drug. Centepees. Sharks Jaws. Coral Trees. & mountain Cabbage, for the purpose of getting spicements of each to send to Europe
Yesterday I filled up my last Journal Book, consisting of 483 pages. It was begun the 24th of November 1796. This day I have entered upon another God only knows wither I shall live to fill it up. one thing I promise to myself, to persevere more in humble application to God, to forgive my Sins; and hope through the sufferings of a crucifed Saviour to gain admission into the Kingdom of Heaven
In the O god, I will rejoice
And to thy praises, raise my voice
Towards thy glory, my thoughts I’ll bend
And to thy fame, my acts shall tend
No Swearing words, my Tongue shall say
But praise the it shall; both night and day
When lying on my bed at night
Thy goodness O Lord, I’ll keep in sight
Beseeching the, my guard to be
Untill thy glorious face, I see
When floating on the liquid deep
Thou God I hope, my Soul will keep
And when a Squal. The Ship does take
Guard her thou wilt; for my poor sake
carryed to page 8
All Northen Physical men say, that water, & water & Malt Liquiors, is the best beverage for Youth. Our Doctor Fothergill when he was very young, and just begun practize, recommended to his Patients Brandy & water, or Gin with water or Rum. But this great man, when lying on his death bed, said he was very sorry for his conduct in that particular, and considered it as the very worse thing, he had done in all his practize; as by his own observation he had learned unintentionally, many of his patients to be confirmed Drunkards.
-- So much for custom, and fatal ends, from little beginings.
How inconsistant many of our great writters are. and how glaringly erronious have I heard Generals, Admirals and even Judges on the Bench speake, -- They say, he filled by degrees, he rose his voice by degrees, you sunk by degrees, by degrees he walked nearer, By degrees he went up Stairs to go to bed, -- By degrees he wrote the Book full &c &c. -- With the same consistancy we may say, -- He filled by miles. He rose his voice by Leagues. You sunk by miles. By Leagues he went up stairs to go to Bed. By Miles he wrote the Book full &c.
The openest avenue to the Heart is flattery, -- it lays all its guards asleep. It acts by a kind of enchantment.
How fond is the world of being flattered. I wish there was a Tax on it -- If I leave my Watch at a Watchmakers to have only a glass put into it, This Watchmaker will tear out the former shop Bill, and past one of his own in. -- If I leave an old Hatt, at a Hattmakers to be brushed, I am sure to find his address pasted inside of it, and put upon the Card of the former Hatter. I have bought goods for exportation at Shops in London, and in unpacking them have found more than 50 Cards & Shop Bills of his Shop. All this ariseth from the desire they possess, of having their names scattered over the Earth. The Idea flattereth them, of spreading their names; although it be only a Watchmakers paper A Hatters Card, or a Dry Salters Shopbill.
To page 14
Lapwing Nevis Roads 4 July 1798
caro Amigo
Yours dated 7 Feby came into my hands on the
18th April at St. Kitts, it came by the Cateret Packet. I give you since thanks
for the string of political remarks, therin contained; as they give me no pleasure in
contemplation. for in the year 1793 I said we should have no peace, untill we had a war
with the Spaniards, -- This has taken place, and has existed for 19 months. I am at this
moment of opinion we shall not have peace for two years more. or that to speake
plainer, there will be no peace, untill the present Majority in Pallace Yard dwindleth to
about 29 on a political Question. And by its present strength I have full reason to think,
it will take up that time they will be ashamed to ask for more money to carry on the War.
I am realy sorry for your disapointments in Trade. Exeter I well know is a great sufferer,
as we no longer mantain our superiority in the Straights, to which place she used to
export largely
It gives me great pain to hear that Sam is gone
into the Navy. He is so young that he will not be able to take care of himself. he is only
12 years old, and I beleive cannot work a sum in Devision. If you do not write to him
strong on the subject, I have seen so much of that he will loose his fine head of hair on
board, by his inexperience he will let his head get foul, and will then have his head
shaved, He would a stood a better chance of being a happy man, had you bought him an
apprentice to a Fisherman at Brixham Quay. when he becomes a man, you wo’d then stood
a chance of having his company many times in the year, but should he continue in the Navy,
and live to the age of 40 it may happen, that you may only see him five times more in your
life time. As he must continue at Sea
gain his bread. Your Nota Bene gives me additional cause of finding fault, it surely is a desirable thing to have such a friend as Mr Baring. But his getting Sam a berth in a Ship, is a very cobwebb favour. And as to his promise of procuring Richard a Second Leiutenancy in the Plymouth Devision of Marines, it is a rotten thing. Altho’ he should get halfpay when the War ceazes. Put a Tin Shoulder Nott on a Shopmans Shoulder, and be assured my good Sir, that often he has lost it again; The Gallows will have him, before he will condesend to go behind the Counter again. I would sooner learn him the art of handling an Awl, then a Sword; it will be more profitable to him temporally, and may in the end, be the means of saving his Soul from Hell, as the majority of Officers swear as hard as the privates. If he goes into the Marines you loose his Society for ever, for on the finishing of the War, he will be discharged. Having been an Officer, he cannot return to his present imployment, must seek imployment in the East Indias, or some foreign land, where the only pleasure of his situation, will be that of starving out of your sight. Besides sending him into the Marines you will deprive him of the pleasure of a marryed life, for with the pay of an Officer of Marines, you cannot support a wife. The circumstances of your going to reside in Exeter, I shall always consider as very unfortunate, if it deprives of you of your 2 Sons, for one is gone to Sea, and I much doubt but the other will follow after; sho’d it be so, my opinion is "better were it, had they died in their infancy. -- I know 2 young men now in the West Indias from Exeter, and both came into this Country in La Concord, The one is Brother to Mr Howel the Linen Draper, and has been ill treated by Capt Barton who for some triffling fault, turned him out of the Ship at English Harbour, where he had no acquaintance, nor money in his pocket, so he was left to shift for himself as well
from p 5
as well as he could, The others name is Vallance, whose Father keeps a Public House in
the City. His friends are poor and so shabby in this poor lads Wardrope, that the Captain
cannot give him his turn at the Table. So that in your next I hope to find you have
altered your mind about Richard. I am sure Mr Baring has it in his power to get Dick a
situation in a Banking House as Clerk, which will preserve his morals, and give you and
Mrs P an opportunity of often seeing him in the [land] I know a Mr Rainier, nephew to
Admiral Rainier who was at Sea as a Midshipman in the Spanish Disturbance, but did not
like it. He left it, and went as a Clerk in Curtiss Banking House, sence then Admiral
Rainier has got most rapid in promotion & prize money, has posted another of his
Nephews In the East Indias, who is Brother to this young Clerk. and had this Clerk
remained in the Navy, there is no doubt but what his Uncle would a posted him e’er
this. But at this period of the War, you must not think of puting your Sons afloat under
the hope of gathering honey in the Navy. -- all is almost sucked, for what the Navy is
now, and what it may be in Six years more, may be very opposite. -- I am of opinion that
our Navy will be the Engine of bringing about that change which has happened in
another Country, but which I hope shall never live to see, and this opinion I gave amidst
a Table of English Naval Officers at Russels Hotel in the [Marlai] place at Lisbon in
March 1797.
I beg my kindest respects to Mrs P and little
Sally, Tell Mrs P when the War is o’er, I hope to make an opportunity of
Squiring her again to Totness. I lately heard from Brixham and hope to have some more
pleasant walkes amongst the rocks in Churstone Cove
As to myself I shall say very little; doomed to
remain at Sea untill the Olive Branch arrives, and perhaps to in this Stove of a Country.
You well know our lives here are truly miserable, we have taken only a french Privateer
since I wrote to you last, for which I expect not more than 30 Dollars. We still continue
on the St. Kitts Station, and I expect soon to change Ship, as Captain H is going (as
reports say)
to have a larger frigate, and the L is going home. In case of exchange I expect to go with H. not because I am a favourite but because it will be convenient to take me with him. Remember me to Mr John Sharp. & am &c yrs
NB Sent by the Grantham Packet which left St Kitts on the 18th of July 98
Journal da page 2
And as prayers Lord, with the can prevail
Protect us all, that in her sail
When noisy winds, assail our mat
May they stand firm, till the squal is past
And when with waves, the Ship is tost
In her I hope, none will be lost
The dreadfull huricane. Oh Lord my God
To Ships indeed; a most woefull rod
When this o’er takes us, Lord at Sea
Guarded I hope; we shall be by the
In such a conflict, none can withstand
Thy omnipotent; powerfull hand
At thy command, the Sea runs high
And at thy word; the wind does die
Provide it so, Oh Lord that we
In safety may, traverse the Sea
And cause it so, that her strong crew
In truth may worship, none but you
The truths to tell, the truths so good
How well the Ship, the Tempest withstood
How God is with us, in our Ship
Oh tell the tiding, with your Lip
When Anchor is dropt, my Lads beware
The goodness of God, first to declare
And for that day, have nought else in view
But the safety God, has granted you
carryed to page Nine
Journal from page Eight
In Hyms of praise, sing to his name
With fervent hearts, resound his fame
And let the shores, with Echo’s ring
The favours of our heavenly King
Then godly men from land, will take a trip
To see this holy and religious Ship
It is well known, his name is sacred
And he that swears, is surely hated
Cast off this sin, through it aside
And in his preceipts: let all abide
In drunken scenes, you must not delight
To God indeed; it is a horrid sight
Your lustfull acts, commit no more
Nore commerce take, with a naught whore
For commiting these crimes; you know full well
your punishment is, everlasting Hell
Do Gods orders, and holy live
His protection then, to you he will give
And give you comforts, for your heart
if from his paths, you will not depart.
As for myself, a sinner great
Oh God; my prayers, always meet
When thy potent name, I do address
And before thy throne, my Sins confess
As on the briny deep, I sail
I often shall my sins bewail
Assured thou wilt my Guardian be
And safely land me, from the Sea
carryed to page Ten
Sunday 1 July 1798 continued from page 9
There is 3 Boatswains Mates belonging to the
Ship. Snoddy is ashore at Sick Quarter in St. Kitts. Hutchins is in the sick List aboard,
and Hilliard has been drunk all this day, and also on Saturday and Friday last
Hilliard floged Sam Catton on Friday for being
Drunk. and the Essence of the business was that Hilliard at that very time was drunk also
Monday 2. Fell in with a small Sloop, who when she was under the Forts of St. Eustatius
hoisted french colours. The fort gave us one Gun, the Ball from which, fell right under
the clift, by reason I suppose that the Gun was Quoined high, so as to let the water drain
off it, over the mussle, in order to preserve it, and there being I Judge only one man in
this little fort, he had not strength to point the Gun properly. The Sloop got safe into
the Harbour.
At 1 P M boarded a Ship, under Danish Colours.
When Mr Canes returned, found she was from Altona bound to St. Thomas’s, had been out
Eight weeks. And had some danish Soldiers on board, with a Lading of Brandy & Linen.
Our Boatswain & his Wife, went ashore at Anguilla on Friday last, on leave. They are a
pair, whose principal failings are, that they will get drunk, whenever they can get
the Liquior. -- They both got drunk this night, the weoman was taken care of by a Black
Girl But the Boatswain laid himself down in a Boat, which was hauled ashore, under a
mangeneel Tree, it rained in the night, which droped off this poisonous tree on the
Boatswain. the consiquence is; that now his hands are swoln, blistered and enflamed in a
very singular & dangerous manner This tree, from its being of so poisonous a nature
must be ordained by God, for some great good use, but at present none of its uses are
carryed to page Eleven
Journal from page Ten.
Admiral P. R. Sempre dopa la pranzata en la vento parte de la Bastimento
Tuesday 3 July 1798
At 8 A M anchored in Nevis Roads. A Quarrel which occured aboard, as we were going down
to Anguilla last week, between Mr Rowe the Leiutenant Marines. & Mr Canes a masters
mate; was heighten by the parties meeting by accident ashore in Anguilla where Canes
pulled Rowe by the Nose, on Rowe, coming aboard again, the Gentlemen of the Gunroom told
Rowe, that he should no longer Mess with them, if he did not challenge Canes, at the first
port we came too. --In consiquence of this threat Rowe sent Canes a challenge, and they
are both gone ashore with Pistols, on this pepper & vinegar business. --was I sure
that God would receive their souls, I would wish that both my loose their lives, and all
other persons concerned in this murderous, and real bloody affairs. --Rowe owes me Six
Dollars; if he falls it is a chance if I ever get it.
At 10 A M. Mr Hodge, son to Captain Hodge the
Governor of Anguilla left the Ship to go down to Basseterre.
[sidenote] Since (6th August) I learn that this Gentlemans business was to proceed to the Admiral & General at fort Royal to solicit their assent in making an attempt to take St Martins; which this Gentleman says could be affected by 2 Frigates and 500 men.
This Gentleman had a Black Servant with him, of the name of Barrington, I conversed
largely with this youth on the affairs of God, of which he has a very confused Idea, there
being no Church or Clergyman in Anguilla, since the french burnt the Church in November
1796. He says that there are several Jumbos (Devils) traveling about the island in dark
nights, who beat, and terribly ill use those they meet with, but that none of the Jumbos
have ever molested, or ill treated him, because he has generally wore the Caul which he
was born with, round his neck, which he thinks protects him from all evil things, such as
Jumbos, Shots from the french &c. That he never went without this caul, except the
time the french landed in 1796, and then re received a musket ball, through his hand, as
he was holding the Governors Horse behind a Breastwork, and is certain this misfortune
would not a befell him, had he had the caul on
His description of these Jumbos; answers in some particulars to the Worcestershires
peoples Ideas of Fairys I think
carryed to page Twelve
Journal from page Eleven
Tuesday 3rd July 1798 continued
I think I never saw so fine an opening for a Canonical man, as there is in Anguilla.
There is no Clergyman there [carryed to page 13- third line]
At 2 P M went ashore in the Six Oared Cutter. a
great Surf was carryed out of the Boat by Williams the great young Welshman. Walked up to
Wards Estate, found my headach by the hotness of the Sun, cooled myself in the Hut of
Polly, an old Negro belonging to Mr Ward, took off my stockings, Shoes & upper dress,
drank some water, and slept one hour, when I awoke, I found a Negro Boy, mending the hing
of her door. Soon after a young Negro Girl brought in some plantain leaves. the old weoman
laid her back bare, and had a plantainleafe applied to a Blister, which she had on her
back. These Plantain leaves when unfolded, exhibite a green colour, of such a beautifull
tint, that England, nor no Northen state, can possibly bring a parallel. It medicine
qualities I am sure are great.
Looked into the Hutt of another Slave, being
intierd therein, by seeing a grave not more than 3 yards from the front of the door, --She
said it was the Grave of her Husband, who died about 4 years ago. And that no man had
lived with her since. --This is a common mode, in the West Indias, for the Negroes to bury
their friends in their Gardens, and after the first fortnight to plant yams on their
Graves, which is that say, the best of soil for them
At Sun Set came to the watering place, Here
Canes was swearing, that Rowe was a Coward, and had not attended to his meeting. -Got into
the Boat, by wading up to by Navel in the surfe, to go on board. Then Rowe made his
appearance, Canes go his pistols out of the Boat, and Whiting the Purser, Fitz the Clerk.
Rowe & Canes went into a sugar field, to deside their nonsence. I came aboard in the
Six oared Cutter
carryed to page 13
Jounal da page Twelve
Tuesday 3 July 1798 continued
da Quatro Line in page 12 There is no Clergyman there. no canonical man to bury their dead, or Christian their Children. No man to Join together in holy Wedlock. or Church weomen. and yet most of the islander are good people. They are a fine set of looking persons. Very Tractable, and all might be easyly made true followers of God. The men & weomen are hale looking but generally very lank in their bodies, they live on Yams, Sweet Potatoes, and the roots which their Island produceth, their wants are few & their supplies are many. On Sundays they have nothing to do, but visit each other, had they a Holy man amongst them His House would be the general redevoze for all of the Island on Sunday, as the Isle is about 17 miles in length, and not more in the broadest part, than 4 in length. I wish one of our good preachers from England was here, I think he would find fruit from his Labors. In the year 1770 they exported of sugar and cotton, to the value of Six Thousand pound Sterling for want of propper Convoys, they now generally send their produce to St. Batholomews
carryed to page Sixteen
From page Three
I must fully believe that independant people, are more often flattered then told the truth. Because I very often hear of menial Servants being turned away, for giving pertinant answers. --But I never yet heard of one being discharged for an overflow of flattery.
From all the Books I read, and from what I daily see, I do realy, and veryly believe in my heart, that the world is more foolish now, then they ware Six Hundred years ago. --for now we engage in a War every Ten Years. --Then we let slip a period of Sixty or 80 years; before we engaged on so dunghill a business, as to make Beggars rich, on the Spoils of a neighbouring nation.
Water is of great & immence use; but although it is of so valuable a nature, my experience leads me to know, that no Individual can get any thing in exchange for it. --A Diamond is of no use; --Yet it will procure all the necessary of life by its sale. Water is a valuable thing, in a bulke: --A Diamond is a thing of value; is no bulke. --Was Water as scarse as Gold; it wo’d be just as valuable.
The custom of Riders asking their dealers to come and sup with them at an Inn; or Dine has the same basis for its foundation as the manner of Captains of men war, asking their officers to their Table, The Captain gives his Officers to Eat, of what is purchased by money from the pockets of the people, and is given them for the purpose of purchasing their approbation of everything that is done in the Ship. The Rider to a Wholesale Dealer, is empoured by his employer, to ask his Customers to a Dinner or Supper with Wine, in order, (or solely) to enfluence him to give a large order, by which he shall gain a large proffit in time hereafter, So a Captain gives his Officers a good Dinner &c, merely
to page 15
From page Fourteen
Merely to gain their countinance, and placidity, while he takes a good prize, pockets his pay, or makes a good fortion.
Two men were to be hung togather, the one for Murder, the other for a Robery, the Murderer was to be hung in Chains, and the Robbers body was to be given to his friends for enterment. --Says the Robber who was to be buryed, to the Murderer who was to be hung in Chains, I am very sorry for you, --Oh never mind me, I shall be hanging in the open sweet air, while you a stinking under ground.
24 Tower halfpence when coined weigh 8 ounces, before Coined it is worth about one Shilling the pound. by this Coining Goverment gains Forty four Guineas, and a half, which is worth 46 L 14/6
Transmigation. The Soul of a poet it is said is turned into a Grasshopper, because he sings untill it is starved to death
Convey a benefit to a friend, as an Arrow to its mark, to stick there not as a ball fired against an Iron rampert, which will rebound back.
When we were watering the Ship in old Road, I took a walke with a lady to the foot of Brimstone Hill, a Bee which is very common in the West Indias, played & humed very softly about the Ladys face, and indicated a strong desire to settle on her lower Lip, but not being permited this favour, the Insect attackted me with every symptom of revenge, and wanted to gain admittance, into my left Ear, --Says I, the Bee knows the sweetest place about you: as to myself, I believe it wants to build its nest in my Skull.
The case of Labor & Husbandry, or the case of the Labourer & Husbandman considered by the Rev’d David Davies, to be had of Robinson in Pater’nostor Row. Price half a Guianea
A Waggon is more valueable then a Coach, a Shirt made of Hemp is of more value, then one made of Cambri. A Cart Horse, is of more value then the swiftest Race Horse, that ever ran a race. -- The Coach. The Cambri Shirt. And the race Horse, administer only to luxury: consiquenly are of no value, in the scale of national industry. never
carryed to page Seventeen
Journal from page Thirteen
Wednesday 11 July 1798. I find that Rowe & Canes met after it was dark last night
in a Sugar Patch, and exchanged a pistol at each other, when the Parte declared themselves
satisfyed. shoke hands and drank a Bottle of wine togather at a Tavern in Charleston. They
afterward came aboard togather in a Canoe. Rowe and Whiting declared the circumstances of
the meeting to the Gentlemen of the Gunroom when Spence & Dyce said, the such fighting
would not do, that Rowe must fight Canes again, otherwise he should not mess in the
Here is a deep Laden Ship, now lying in this
Road, brought in by a small privateer, she was under Danish Colours from the Elbe, She is
condemed as a Lawfull Prize, having Dutch property in. --She is said to be worth Thirty
Six Thousand pounds. --A very pretty fortune for these Privateering men. --Yet I have
never men with a Foremast man, that has put himself in any decent way of Trade, by the
money which he gained at Sea, in this way, as if one of them have a thousand pounds, the
Whores and Public Houses, get it all in half a Dozen months.
Privateering is a specie of gambling, worse
then a Lotery. The sight of the above good prize has put others agog who have got a little
money, to embark in in the same line; by which they run the chance of loosing their all.
At 6 P M Dennis Denny put in Irons, for having a skuffle with Mr Canes.
This evening a Brig was brought in, under
Hambrurgh colours, by a Privateer who only went out from this Road, 6 hours. Before
carryed to page Twenty
From page Fifteen
Never stop at an Inn, nor go into a Shop to buy goods, if you see the Master has a Superfine Coat on. If you put yourself into the hands of these double & treble superfine gentry, you may depend upon it, they will exact something from you, to be spent in a superfine manner. --There is generally plenty of Inn & Shops, whose Masters are content with a Second Cloath Coat.
Tares have the freedom of the feild, as well as Wheat, Ravenous fish have the privilege of the Sea, as well as those that are docile. The Squirrel rangeth the woods, with the same security as the Fox. The Linnet finds a space in the open air equally as free from danger as the Eagle. To commune with evil is evil, but to have a connection with a Sinner in that which is not wrong, cannot be an error.
The culture of Rice in the Carolinas was owing to an Indian Ship laden with rice being wrecked on that shore, when the Rice was floated by the surfe upon the Shore, where it grew, and informed the Inhabitants, that their soil would rear up, and produce that article. --Rice would grow in the south of France, but the old Goverment of that nation prohibited its growth, under the Idea of its being injurous to the sight. The Milanese who cultivate the Rice Grounds, are subject to Dropsical complaints, and are of a very swallow complection. Egypt used to produce vast quantities of rice, but its growth there is no longer allowed.
In Virginia 2500 plants of Tobacco, will produce one Thousand pounds in Weight. And this number of plants, can be taken care of by one man.
I see by my neighbours Garden, that his mode of culture is superior to mine, but I must not copy his mode, as that will be confessing him to be wiser than myself.
carryed to page Eighteen
From page Seventeen
A rice field is a very prolifix pasturage, they produce two crops in one year and one acre of Land, will produce on an average, Ninety Bushels of Rice in one year.
Potatoes are certainly a most nourishing ailement. --look at the Irish in their own Country, see what hale stout men they are, __they live cheifly on Potatoes. --An acre of Potatoes will produce 6000 pound weight and an acre of Potatoes, is cultivated with less expence than an acre of Wheat. I see no reason why potatoes should not be as general a food in England, as Rice is in some Rice Countries.
Ireland & America I believe are the only two Countries in the world that export Butchers meat.
Letter Carriers at the Post Office in Lombard Street, I am told are paid no more than 14/ the week; and yet these men are sometime intrusted with Bank Notes & Bills in their Letters, to the amount of Eight or nine Thousand pounds; which must be allowed is a great disproportion between the trust, and the pay
When at San Pierres, I had business with a House, and the Masters name was Lion: I knocked at the door, --it was opened: pray says I, is Mr. Lion within. --I was answered by a displeased countinanced, (who pointed to a female just behind him, whoes looks was a true picture of dissatisfaction) No Sir, Mr Lions is not within; --but the Lioness is: -there she is. --She is Just got loose. --if you ask her a question civilly, she will answer you. --I went in, and completed my business, to my satisfaction- and found that this man, had been Quarreling with Mrs. Lions.
To me it is not singular; but in June 1796 I had resolved to part with my Servant when in the Boston, and had resolved to tell the Captain my reasons for parting with him was, "That he is composed of materials from the Mule, Hound and Fox. --From the Hound because he will Yawl cry if looked at. --From the Fox, because he has his slyness without his dishonesty. And from a Mule, because if spoken to, he will stand sullenly still, and appear like a crabb apple, floating in a Bucket of Vinegar, but I continued him in my service till April 1797, when I left the Ship, and so altered is my mind in a few months concerning this person W W. That he now stands in my will.
carryed to page Nineteen
From Page 18
A Drunken man totters like a Reed, in a windy day.
Grafton says, that a Country Curate of 40L a year, and who drank a Gill of wine a day, would have to pay 3L a year duty for drinking that wine out of his 40L a year. and that if he drank 3 pints of Ale a day, he would have 3L a year duty to pay every year out of that also.
In the Budget of 1796 Mr Pitt said that we must rise 1.111.500L for the intrest of one years Taxes only.
Mr P said that we paid 4L 13/6 for every 100L borrowed for the public use per year, --But Sir F B said, that possitively the public paid Seven pounds, for every one Hundred pound borrowed this year, for their use.
Debt is a grand cement of the humane race: without it the world would soon be loose. The whole progeny of Adam would perish without this Iron chain of gold, --all men are depters more or less, in some particular thing or another
A very near relation abused me very much, and as I thought very unjustly too. The flesh of the fish called mackrel have the property of exhibiting a transparent colour when placed in the dark. --In the sleeping chamber of this person, I caused 4 mackrel to be so placed as to form the two Letters A.T. --He saw the display of these two letters, he thought of me. --called for a light. --Saw the diecption; and has acknowledged, that it brought some qualms of consience upon his recollection.
Before Mr Fletcher was marryed, and in the year 1774, while living at the Vicarage House at Madeley in Shropshire, he said it cost him for himself & Housekeeper, no less than Two Shilling a week for food
The Sollid and substantial fact, in regard to great Dinners is: to drive away all their sence out of their heads. and fill it with something like Blubber, so that the Stomach can have no ease untill its contents is voided into a Hog Trough.
carryed to page 29
Journal from page Sixteen
Thursday 5th July 1798 We have now on board Six live Sheep five Goats &
Six Kids. They Eat under the half deck, the smell of their excrement, breath &c is of
that nature, that as long as this quantity of them remain there, we are sure of health in
the Ship, this morning when I came first on deck, the smell from the live stock, under the
half deck, was almost as fragrant as a Cow yard.
Insects and Reptiles, are formed for the
purpose of inhaling the mucid and putrid matter, which is floating in our air: and is to
accute and corrosive for our habit. --NB This paragraph inserting in this page is an
At 10 A M got under weigh. At midday anchored
in Basseterre Roads. have brought the Hon’ble Captain Brown President of Nevis down
to St. Kitts with his wife, and Daughter. When the President embarked in Nevis Road,
Charles Fort saluted him with 10 Guns.
At 9 P M George Hill the Coxwain came aboard
with the yawl, which had been swamped ashore, in the surf, and the Boat was full of water.
In the Boat was a Bag of my clean Linen. H was unusually tipsey
Friday 6th dreamed last night that I met with Mr Percy of the Boston, asked
of him many question concerning that Ship, he told me that W W was killed at Tenerife.
At 8 A M went ashore. Saw Sir Charles Terrier
at Mrs W. --Got the Silver Hilted sword ashore. Was at Mrs Armytages, she is age 79, born
in St. Kitts, had Tooth drawn by a Surgeon, the day before yesterday, has made preserves
and Jelleys for more than 39 years in Basseterre, and got a genteel livelyhood by it, has
one Black Negro man, so expert in this business, that she would not take 200 Joes for him.
--had Carlo Anno con mio. came aboard in the yawl at 5 P M. Had prize money paid for the
Care de Pont french Schooner Privateer which, was Captured by the Concord, in our sight on
the 3 January last off St Batholomews: The men shared 4 Dollars and a half
When ashore to day, I conversed with Mr Owen
one of the Licenced Preachers in St. Kitts &c, about Anguilla, how it was without a
Clerical gentleman, he said that one of their preachers was there, when the french invaded
the Island, and that he nearly lost his life, by sleeping out in the open Air while the
french Troops were on Shore, and that the french burnt all his Books & his House, and
that he had left the Island, and went to St Batholomews. --That he understood that the
Negros of Anguilla wer generally very tractable & very sensible. --from the various
conversations & scenes I was in this day. I have spent a very pleasing day. carryed to
page Twenty One
Journal de page 20
Saturday 7th July 1798 Books are truly perishable things. What numbers have
I had spoiled since I came afloat. This day I sent ashore to Mrs Wainrights, the history
of Corsica, printed in Italian in Naples. My Turkish & Italian grammar Horcices Odes,
and several other Books, all spoiled by Salt Water geting into the Chest in which they
were kept
Dennis Denny was yesterday floged with 12
Lashes, for being below, when all hands were called to hoist the Boats in. he told the
Captain he was floged because he would not subscribe a months pay, to carry the War on
A deal of Liquior found its way into the Ship
yesterday, many people were very drunk, and this morning the ships Cook & his mate
were so Tipsey that nither the one, or the other, could put the fresh water into the
coppers to boil the fresh Beefe in
At 2 P M went ashore in a Canoe, went to the
Naval Hospital, to see own Sick. Snoddy gave me the Sparrow Hawke, Paid Thomson 53L 12/6
being the whole amount of the St Batholomews Bill. Stopt ashore all night, slept at the
Strap & Block Hotell, had Eggs & Ham for Super, with one Bottle of Porter and
small glass of Punch, for which & the Bed, they charged me only 1 Dollar & a half,
I should a paid more than double that, but when I asked them what I had to pay, I told
them they must remember that we had not taken any good prize lately, and that from the
high charges made at Taverns, I was often prevented from sleeping ashore. --This little
apology made them charge me cheap.
Sunday 8th July came aboard in the Yawl at 5 A M. --At Midday got under weigh. At 5 PM anchored in Nevis Road, having brought the President of Nevis, his wife & daughter up from St. Kitts. --Ashore at St. Kitts this day, the Captain waited an hour for all the Boats Crew. --He swore he would flog the Coxwain and all of them, when they were found; pray where have you all been, says the Captain; We have all been to Church says the Coxwain, --I will Church you all says the Captain when you get aboard. --But the Captain took no notice of it, further than remarking to Capt Brown that he was very angry with them, but the extreme novelty of a Boats Crew, being absent from the Boat, and found in a Church; instead of a Grog Shop; was so new. so singular, and so uncommon a thing; --That their answer melted his rath, into complete forgiveness
carryed to page Twenty Seven
West Indias
The perpendicular height of Mount Misery in St. Kitts is 3711 feet this mountain was formerly a vulcano
Antiqua contains 108 square miles, which is equal to 69-277 Acres. Barbadoes contains 106470 Acres, and is devided in Eleven parishes
In every Island in the West Indias, the King has fifty paces from the Sea, and it goes all Round the Island
Jamica contains 4 millions of acres
The Island of Montserrat consists of 40012 Acres
St. Kitts has 44-000 acres of cultivated Land
The Island of St. Vincents contains 84-286 Acres
When I was in the Island of Antigua, I was finding fault with my washer weoman for not washing my Linen clean. --Sir says She some of them were so dirty, that I was oblidged to wash them in Hott Water which gave me a fever, for Ten hours afterwards. In Blowing weather the Muscatooes get inside the holes of the Land Crabs, and there remain untill the Water gets to them, --unless calm weather comes
Journal da page Twenty one
Sunday 8 July 1798 continued.
Several of our Officers stoped ashore last night. Canes & Lash met in a Baudy
House, and had a quarrel about a white Girl. Lash got her, by throwing Six Dollars at
her: --Canes could only muster 2 Dollars
A Canoe brought a very large live American Ox
alongside, a Rope was put about his head & horns, to hoist him in by, as usual. When
he was just suspended over the Boat. The Animal being in a laxitive state, he let fly with
violence his excrement, which went with great force against the Breast & face of one
of the Black men in the boat; to the high entertainment of the people leaning over the
For the first time in my life, I this day eat a
ripe Mango. -–it is a wonderfull fine fruit, and has a richness in taste, thirty
times more finer than an Apricot. --Captain Brown, gathered all their stones, or Curnells,
from off the Table, in order to plant them in Nevis. --they being very scase in the West
What a Desolute life does man lead in the West
Indias. The Blacks never marry. But have intercourse one with another promiscuously. All
the white men; Planters as well as merchants: have connection with their female Negros. As
to the black Girls themselves, any white or Creole man may have commerce with them, so
very little difficulty is there on this head, that it is as easy to lye with them, as it
is to convey a glass of wine to your mouth, when you have it in your hand. --A white
Sailor may go amongst the Hutts upon an Esstate, where there is 70 female Negros and he
will not find the smallest opposition to his will, but will be courted to stop amongst
them. All the Seamen at the Naval Hospital, generally have a Black Girl.
Monday 9th July. This morning the Great fort at Charlestown fired 9 Guns, which I suppose was a Salute for the return of His Honour, the President
carryed to page Twenty Eight
Journal from p 21
Monday 9th July 1798 continued. There is more Prize money made in the West
Indias than there is at home, but to counterbalance this advantage one Guinea in England,
will go as far as two Guineas in the West Indias.
Old Furgerson the Quartermaster was on board
the Courageaux in the Action which Lord Howe had with the combined Fleet after the reliefe
of Gibralter. The Hon’ble Augustus Harvey, son the Earl of Bristol, was on board the
Courageaux, when Lord Mulgrave the captain observed Mr Harvey to dodge a Shot. Says Lord
Mulgrave, "let me see no more that, get up & stand upon the shot Tub, this
instant. --Mr Harvey obeyed, and before he had well settled himself upon the Shot, a
Cannon Ball came, and cut his Belly open; which caused instant death.
At 11 A M. Hove up Anchor, and left Nevis Road.
Stood to the S & N. apparently beating for Martinico
Wednesday 11th Saint Batholomews SW distant Eleven Leagues. Lat. 18-25. Water remaining 51 Ton. Spoke a an American Sloop & a Danish Brig. At 5 P M spoke a large armed English Merchant Ship. Captain H went on board. found she was from Demerara, and bound to Boston in America. Her name the Tartar of London. Captain H brought on board a cask contain’g 16 Dozen of London Porter, and a Cask Sherry containing 5 Dozen, he also got 18 Shaddocks, & a Basket of Oranges & Limes and a hind Quarter of Mutton. Captain H this day also boarded the Dane, who gave him a Cask of fine Dollar Buiscuts. --So that on the whole he this day has gained by boarding vessels Seven Dollars. --But in return Captain H. gave the Captain of the Tartar 2 Dozen of Matches for great guns, and 4 Book of the Charts of the American Coasts, which we took out of La Intripite french Privateer
Thursday 12th at 5 A M. Tacked Ship & stood to the Southward. at 7 A M the Ship Tartar which was in Company all night, and then standing to the Northward, fired a Gun, as a Signal that an Enemeys Privateer was bearing down upon her. --Tacked Ship & stood toward the Tartar. At 8 A M observed the privateer to tack & stand from the Chace, & haul upon a wind from us. --. Continued the Chace. At 30 minutes P M she hoisted National Colours. At 1 P M she lowered her main Topsail, clewed up her spanker & struck her Colours. --She proved to be La Invariable Schooner of 4 Guns & 62 men from St. Batholomews, bound to Guadulupe, laden with wine, Butter, Candles & dry goods. Her Cargo cost in St. Batholomews 13-000 Dollars. --She had no Commission as a Privateer, but was a Letter of Marque. Only 20 of the men belonged to the Schooner, all the rest were passengers. Amongst which was several respectable white people
carryed to page Thirty
Miscellaneous remarks from page Nineteen
wrote to Mr [Grig] of Fore Street Exeter. dated Antigua 16th July 1798 and went I believe by the Hallifax Packet.
I have lived to be 36 years of age, and never had a Doctors Bill to pay but once, and that was my 12/ for a head ache, which I got be standing over a stone, on which Verdigrese was grinding on, in Tothill Street 1783. My Doctor was a Mr Sutherland of Dartmouth Street. So that God to this age, has preserved my flesh from the practize of Surgeons, but I feel as if my flesh would turn at last a Coward, and that it must submit to some painfull operation. My body as I said, is free from (through Gods great mercy) considerable ailments; but yet I will know, that I have a Soul, that requires Surgeons skill continually, to keep togather,
wrote on the 3rd of August 1798
Moses was born at 2400 A M. or Anno Mundi
During the time which I traveled in Italy, Istira. Dalmitia, Abani, Ragusa, Carniolia, Suabia Romania & the Archipelago of the Levant, I wore out as many Sets of Charts, of the Countries through which I passed, as I did pairs of Shoes & Boats.
A cord of wood (In the Island of Barbuda) is Eight feet in length. four feet in width & 4 feet high.
Walter Welch says that an ass & a mare are the 2 best Phisicians. meaning I believe the use of the milke of these two Animals
When in the Pelican at Cassilinare I bought 8 Black Pigs. The whole of which jumped overboard in the Middle watch the first night while we were at Sea.
carryed to page Ninety five
Journal da p Twenty eight
Thursday 12 July Continued.
[sidenote: a Girl calld Peg Robinson who lives with Woodcock a Gunners mate, had a premature Birth this day]
At 1 P M sent Leiutenant Shippard Mr Tildersley and [blank] men on board to take
care of the Prize.
On first hailing the Lapwing from the Prize. Mr Dyce said she is worth 13000 Dollars, by a
misapprehension aboard we thought he said, She has 13000 Dollars on board. Captain
Harvey said he hoped they had thrown no Dollars overboard, and asked where the
Dollars were stowed. --Dyce answered, I said Sir that her Cargo was worth 13000 Dollars.
The Prisoners brought on board some odd cases, or Bottles of Gin, with them, one of each
Bottles were given to the Warrant Officers. The consiquence of which was, that the
Boatswain & his wife were drunk, as well as Messers Tripe & McLane. Then Tripe
& the Gunner fought; after that Tripe & Dixon, got throwing glasses, Knives &
c one at another, then Tripe & McLane got into the Gunners Cabin, when Tripe took a
Knife in his hand, brandished it in his hand & swore if he moved an Inch, he would run
him through &c.
[sidenote: T a prazato en la grande Camorito esta dia]
A Masters mate came to me for my advice, and said, that the last time he was ashore all night in Basseterre, he upset a House which was full of black whores, and that the proprieter of the Hutt threatened him with an action, which he was sure he wo’d now do, as we had taken so good a Prize; as he expected to share 126 L Sterling. He should therefore carry a paragraph to be inserted in the St. Kitts Paper, "That the Lapwing had brought in a small Schooner of little value
Friday 13th. At daylight Barbuda in sight, as Mr T got Tipsey last night. He was unable to keep his morning Watch, but sent word to the Officer that he was ill. Captain H knowing the true cause, ordered him up to the mast head.
carryed to page Thirty one
Journal from page Thirty
Friday 13 July 1798 continued
Mr. Taylor, the Masters Mate. during his
intoxication last night in the middle watch went on the Quarter Deck, intirely naked. And
at 10 PM the same evening, the Boatswain wife when all the Lights were out, came out of
her Cabin with a large knife and her hand, and cut the head Clues of the Hammocks of
Mis'rs Berkley, Taylor & Fitz.
At 1 p.m. Fell in with La Concord, At 3
anchored in Basseterre Road. At 8 to Mr. Canes, the officer who had charge of the watch,
was called into the cabin and there told by the Captain, to march out, and that he was an
impertinent fellow for striking his Coxwain. Canes was releived; & confined to his
At 7 AM. The Gunner complained to Captain of
Mr. Tripes's conduct last night, he went to the Mast head at this hour, and remained there
untill 4 PM without anything to eat, when he came down, he looked at me as if he wanted
something, so I sent him a tumbler of Maderia, and a bit of roast Pork.
Last night the Sailmaker came to me &
privately said that he had got part of the Ring Tail (a Sail which some of the french
prisoners had cut up, & put into their Bags, before they left the Schooner) which was
made a fine Russia Duck, & that if I wanted any for a Bag, or any other use, I might
have some, But that as he was very hungry, He hopes that would give him something to eat.
-- I thought a man like him must be hungry indeed, before he would ask for it. -- I gave
him something to eat, and he made me a Pillow case cut of the Duck, and slept on it last
[sidenote] Mem. In carrying the Italian Marques of Salines from Trieste to Ancora in the Boston frigate, I heard the Marquis say. "that the English mode of Cooking was certainly the most wealthiest; but he did not think it the best for all that.
carryed to page 32
Journal from page Thirty one
Saturday 14 July 1798 Was alongside our prize in the Yawl visited many stores to
enquire the prize of various articles. found Russia Duck by the piece of of 40 yds was 20
Dollars. --Sent aboard a firkin of Butter out of the Invariable on board the Lapwing for
our use. Had a long conversation with Mrs [blank] who keeps the American Coffee
House, she cursed pitt. spoke ill of Fox, and in all respects thought every thing was good
that the Americans did, but all wall ill that Reg 9 did
The Boatswains Wife was ashore. -- Tipsey as
usual. --But as she had drunk Porter, her speech was quit gone. --had a small 3 Qt Tea
Kettle in her hand for which she gave 2 Dollars, had lost lid of it. --Boys & Black
Girls followed her on the Beech, the same small Birds follow an owl in England when she
takes her flight by day.
Dined at Mrs. Wainrights. --Received long
instructions upon the process of Raising Bread by Leven
Gave the 3 french Prisoners Beefe Stakes (from
an American Ox) & Roast Pork with greens for Dinner.
came aboard in the Cutter and 8 PM.
Sunday 15th. Kelly the Ships Cook and Thomson the Captains Cook put in Irons for
attempting to sell 8 Pieces of Ships Beefe last night, which they had stole out of the
Harness Cask in the Galley at Midnight Thomson got his foot out of the Irons, and went
overboard, with the intent of swiming on board a Merchant man that lay near us, but being
a bad swimmer, when he got halfway, his heart failed him, and he called out with all his
might for speedy assistance. lowered down the yawl, & got him aboard again, & put
him in Irons.
Twenty men went on shore on liberty. and a few
on the same errand on board La Concorde
carryed to page Thirty Three
Journal from page Thirty Two
Sunday 15 July 1798 continued
the Captain's Boy John Norwray of the age of 14 years, having stoped ashore all night
on Friday, & hearing that had made his braggs, that he had, during that night slept
with a Girl, to whom he gave half a Dollar. -- I acquired into the fact, and finding key
of knowledge the crime, I enquired into the fact, and finding he acknowledged the crime, I
called him into the Cabin, & gave him such a thrashing, that I think he will not bragg
of his feats in this line for some time to come
At 10 AM. The Boatswain wife came aboard very
drunk, her husband got her below, and began thumping at her so, that in a few minutes he
came up under the half deck, for raw fresh beefe, to apply to her black Eyes
At 2 PM Charles Anno. Frank Puerto & J
Norway went ashore, to carry one of the Captains Goats up to the Hospital, to have society
with the He Goat. At 8 Puerto & Anno returned on board. Norwray was left ashore drunk,
having lost a pair of Anno shoes off his own feet and also lost 1 Dollar out of his
pocket, in runing away from a Negro Weoman, from Whom he had stole a plate, on which was a
few dried fish. --what a hopeful School is a man of war. --As to Puerto, the Spanish Boy,
he came aboard in a Shore Canoe, and taking off his Shoes before he got into the Canoe, to
keep them dry, he put in the Bottom the Boat; When he came alongside the Lapwing, he
forgot his Shoes: the Boat shoved off, and he lost them. --So I see what a sad piece of
disservice I have done; from the pure motive of giving these 3 Lads a walke in the feilds
At sunset the Concords Liberty men, went over
to the side to go on board there own ship. only one sober
[sidenote] On the 5 August the Black Goat toke the Male Goat again; so that I suppose she did not stand.
carryed to page Thirty four
Journal da page Thirty Three
Sunday 15th July 1798 Continued
sober man amongst them. and three of them so sencelessly drunk, that they had bepissed their Breeches, about the same time our liberty men came alongside from the Concord, Millar was hoisted in.
Monday 16 Thom Thompson Captains Cook, punished with Two Dozen Lashes for Theift. And
Reeves with one Dozen Lashes, for quiting his post, as Centinel over the French Prisoners
in the Launch, while he went to drink his allowance of wine
The Boatswain wife turned ashore for
drunkenness. At 5 PM Left Basseterre, with our Prisoners aboard for Martinico. Our Surgeon
Mr. Ridgeway left ashore.
Tuesday 17 July. At 4 p.m. spoke the Greyhound Letter of Marque, belonging to San
Pierres. had been chaced by two french Privateers for 6 hours, which she fell in with
under Dominica at daylight this morning the Greyhound was bound to San Batholomews.
Heard the story of mio Muchacho Puerto. circa
la affare of Thomsons in the Fore Top. --told by Murray
Dreamed last night, I had taken a House, and
Hired two new Servants. when I went into the Kitchen in the morning I saw my Cook, a
boiling the Tea Kettle for Breakfast, with Lump Sugar; instead of Coals; on my
remonstratng with her, on this extravagant act; she said it was the cheapest way in the
end, as by heating the Kettle with Lump Sugar, it impregnated the water with so sweet a
flavour, that there was no occasion of using Sugar, in the Tea afterwards.
18th Dominica and Martinico in sight.
Thursday 19th At daylight under San Lucia. At 11 AM anchored in Fort Royal Bay, found her the Prince of Wales. --Invinciable. Santa Margaretta. Syren. Amphithrite. Cyane. Hawke. Etruso &c. and a Danish Schooner of War of 14 Guns. having the King of Denmarks flag flying
carryed to page Thirty five
Journal da page 34
Friday July 20th 1798. Was Rowed ashore in the Yawl. called at General Camerons, baited
there. Dined at Jacksons. A Negro Girl came to me with her certificate from her owner, and
offered to Sell herself to me, for 25 Joes or [blank] Sterling. She was a
young Negro Girl, very stout, and not more than Twenty five years old.
Took the french Boy in the Boat with me ashore,
gave 3 Dollars for a Canoe to carry him to his Mothers at San Pierres. This Boy, we took
in the Invariable french Merchant Schooner, but his being a genteel youth, the Captain
gave him his liberty, He runaway from his Mother about 2 months ago in Martinico, with the
intent of going to his Father, who since Martinico was taken by the English, has resided
in America; but he got no further than San Batholomews, from whence he took a passage for
Guadulupe in the Invariable to see; and get some money from an Uncle which he has there,
but he was Captured by us
At 1 PM a Danish Schooner of War got under
weigh, and fired a Salute. Our Admiral gave the Dane the same number of Guns I understand
this Dane, came to complain to Admiral Harvey of one of our Sloops of War (the Scourge)
having chaced a french Privateer ashore, on San Thomas's, and in firing at her, killed 6
of the Inhabitants. I suppose the Admiral bowed to the danish Officer; told him the
Captain should be very severely reprimanded &c &c. --But when the Captain
has his first interview with the A., it will be only be a thing for a laugh.
Leiutenant S....d, lately made. and heretofore
a sober young man, yet in the course of this last month, I have twice noticed his face a
little redish went a shore at 5 PM, he came off with me in Jolly Boat at 8 PM very
tipsey. When aboard he went to bed. Captain Harvey dined aboard the Etrusco, when he came
aboard, no one on deck to receive him, except the Master. Captain sent for the Tipsey
Leiutenant (who was at this time commanding Officer) but he sent word that he was very
ill, so did not make his appearance. --Our new Pursers had always a white face,
when he came first aboard, but he is now times, begining to grow Red in the face after
dinner. So I see the old saying fullfilled; -- "Evil communications corrupt good
carryed to page Thirty Six
Journal from page 35
Saturday 21 July 1798. The Assurance of 44 Guns came in. She being one of the Ships of War, that goes home, with the Convoy for England on the 25th [Ins,t], Sailed to San Pierres to water the Etrusco, she also, with La Amiable, being the Convoy for Europe.
Sunday 22. Hove up Anchor, and stood to Sea. Canes the Masters Mate, confined to his
Cabin again, for stricking Mr. Craer the Surgeons mate
At 2 PM fired a Shot at a strange Sail off San
Pierres, She hove to. I went on board of her, She proved to be a Ship from Liverpool bound
to Martinico; last from Cork, out 47 days, Told me that there was a general insurrection
in Ireland against the Goverment, that Dublin was Besieged by 15,000 Rebel Irish, &
that they had thrown up [intrenetiments] against Dublin, and that the Irish had another
Army of 25,000 men. On Mr. Lane business with the Eight Joes &c --gave the Captain of
this Ship 16 Dollars for Eight Kegs of Tripe
Catched a Quaranta pee, which was a Eleven
Inches in length, on the Forecastle
Samuel Catton is now ill of a Fever, in
consiquence of his geting beastly drunk, on board La Concord this day week. So much for
the fruits of Ship viseting
Monday 23rd. Was becalmed under Guadulupe. at 2 PM a breeze sprung up. at 5 PM
Montserrat & the Rock Redondo insight.
We have a foolish man on board, the Son of a
very reputable Merchant of Blakenay in Norfolk on board, his name is Robert Farthing. -- I
understand his Father sent him on board a man of War, to heal him of innumerable foolish
things, which he did on shore. This day he sent Captain Harvey the following silly Letter
Your Honor
In consiquence of my being in H M service was my fathers instigation of which I think it very hard, to seek upon one Son the revenge in particular
[sidenote] This day C. the Surgeons Mate borrowed a pair of Hose of me. to go on board the Prince of Wales in [blank]
Our Surgeon Ridgeway returned after us, for Basseterre in the Alexander Schooner.
carryed to page Thirty Seven
(fm p 36)
particular, which he now is very un happy in so doing of he wish me to try, & get to England with any Ship that his bound there, and I resume to redress these lines your Honor will pardon the Habits I have taken I hope you will take it in consideration if you please, it is in your power I hope your honnour will grant me that favor if Captain Ley Amiable is appointed to go with the fleet which in so doing a shall always think it a lasting glation Your honnour is in your power to do it which I hope you will take it into your consideration and admit me to go with this Ship. it is just as you please in your power more than any Captain as you belong to Admiral Harvey as my father will order me out of the Ship direct. which I hope that you will granted me that favour. as my relation cannot come aboard to speake to you, as we do not meet Ship he is in, so doing you will add an lasting glation. Robert Farthing
Lapwing 21 July 1798
The above is a Verbatim copy from the original Letter, copyed by me this 23 July 1798
Read the Liverpool paper of 27 May. In which I saw a paragraph of the loss of His Majesty
Ship Lively 32 Guns, near Cadex, and only one man drowned, the reason why I note this is,
that the Lively was commanded by my Old friend James Nicol Morris
Dreamed last night, that I was at Aymsbury.
particularly noticed the view above Mr Woodhouses house, The Crown Inn & the Church
Yard, thought I was most hospitally received in the House of Mr Taylor, who had removed
from Eaton to Aymsbury.
Tuesday 24th off Nevis spoken American Ship from St Kitts bound to Antigua. At 11 AM
Anchored in Nevis Road.
At 30 minutes past Midday. went ashore, called at Mr Richardson's. was at the Vendue. --
His Excellency Governor Brown came off in the Boat with me
carryed to page Thirty Nine
Journal da page Thirty Seven
Tuesday 24 July 1798 continued. This day soon after we Anchored, the Captain ordered
Mr. Canes the Masters Mates to have his discharge made out, as he meant, for his continual
impropper conduct to turn him out of the Ship
At 2 PM. Mr. Canes came to me, said he was
greatly distressed for money, and as he was going to be turned out, when he got ashore, he
should be very badly off without Cash. as a security, he offered me his Pay Lists for the
Alfred, and Dictator, but I was forced to refuse him, as he than owed me one Joe. -- This
poor fellow I believe is half Mad, he has served 5 years in the Navy as Able, Middy, and
Masters Mate. One year more, and he woulda been made a Leiutenant, and consiquently would
a had bread for life. --now he is turned ashore, and every hope of promotion blasted in
the Royal Navy --Fitz says he declares, he will go to San Eustatius & enter in the Fr
service. -At 4 PM he left the Ship in a brown Coat.
At 2 PM Captain Harvey left the Ship, with the
Governor, and took franc Puerto con lui, intending to sleep at the Presidents House all
Wednesday 25th. People employed in watering and wooding the Ship. A Raft of water Casks
got loose, drifting to Leeward. All the Boats imployed for 2 hours in picking up the Casks
Several Ships passed the Roads, on their way to St Kitts to join the Convoy.
Gunner found fault with Blk Ben, for upsetting
an Empty Potatoe Cask before his Caben door, because there was a peck of ants in it &c
--Ben said they were only the Host of Pharoh, marching in a direct line for the Red Sea. A
T came out of his Caben, puck up a spoonfull of the Ants, and eat them. -- Tildersley
called them Vermin
carryed to page Forty five
L Basseterre St. Kitts 22 July 1798
Caro Guilliami
Within one-minute pasato, I have resolved to write to you although all bad pens, & no
Penknife at hand, and withall I write in an oven therefore you must not expect a
rational Idea from me, for I am now sweating like a Sugar Baker. My cabin being nearly as
hott, as Shadrac Mechak & Abednegoes firey furnace. --However my thoughts are not so
scorched, nor burning blazing hott, but what they allow me to drop all political remarks.
I shall not give you a sentiment on that head. Then gave an account of the dates of
Letters, which I had sent to England to I.T. Mrs. B of W. Mrs. Brunton.
I was in two, or five minds less than three, about writing on this side
Xmas, but when I found that the L was to cruize during the Huricane months (August &
September) I thought it best to write to you, to say that if a Huricane should catch us at
sea, and the L founder, what property I possess in the W I, you will find Lodged in the
house of Dennistown McLachlan & Thomson in Basseterre St. Kitts. we are to Cruize
during the Huricane months, under the hope of catching a good prize, which I hope will be
the case. In one of the letters which Io escrivando a J T Io said that Io would present
voi con Sharks Jaws, Scorpions & Quarantapees, and such like needle point flints (but
being now in my more cooler sences, for I realy write this with no shirt on my back) I
shall recall that promise, and reserve that present, until Io exhibite mio own persona
avante voi. dentro which perhaps may be displayed the Shark & Scorpion. if voi should
not pensee cosi. --otre persona have thought cosi una volta, et perhaps may say cosi
encore. This letter will be very contracted, merely complimentary, but the next time I
come to London, I will not put you to such an expence, as I did when I was there last. --I
shall always pray for a heavenly reward for you & your wife; and it is in substantial
truth, a comfortable thing to my heart, to look back, and reflect on the loving manner,
which I perceived you & your wife lived in; when I was with you last year in town. I
trust the God, who first brought you and she together, will continue the bond, until you
have rose up your Children, to be a Staff of Iron to you both, when age shall bring
infermities upon you. --for by what I have seen, I think there cannot be a continual
happy state in this life, unless a person is marryed. I have una opportunity de Matrimonio
dans san Christophe if Io chused. La Donna has nuova slaves. Sua is una widdow, circa
quaranta armo, guarda una Pussado, et una Magazine Eu comber mio almoca la. Io thought I
saw some thing queque Io et at my quartro visit at o Janter Suo era complaining how much
carryed to page 41
Page 41
much danero Sua had lost, for want of a Omo, to attend to the Store, while Sua attended
La Tavernero affaire, but I am afraid that I am too great a Rover to be serious, at least
however I must visit England prima
I am realy Maladito de Navio, Io often pensee
de leaving it, et retiri to della questa Isola a Philadelphia or Quebec, untill a Guerra a
finito, quelque volontada be por 3 ou 4 anno piu at either de la sopra places Io could
vita en una genteelomo via, et than when La Guerra era finito Io would venete a Europa io
settle mio affare, et dopa quella andare to that spot which I liked best. on the 22 July
off San Pierres, I board an English Ship from Cork. I went on board to buy some Hams,
Tripe &c. I also got an Irish paper dated June the third, therefore we are not
ignorant of the Irish News. Potatoes sell here for 5 pence the lb., and fresh Beefe for a
half a dollar. --I have been at times sickish lately, the heat makes one so. --I always
call my Cabin the oven, alias the stove. Io pensee la Diabolo has got those, who trova La
W. I. prima. It is with confidence said here, that the L will sail for Europe with the
last Convoy, which leave these Islands, the later end of October. But if she does, I have
made up my mind not to go home in her, as she would then arrive in England about Chrismas:
a season of the year so cold in Brittain, that it gives one the horrors to think of it,
for here ones Nerves are relaxed; but by coming suddenly onto your cold Northern climate,
my nerves wo’d be so braced as to endanger ones life. One singularity of the West
Indies is, that here we have nearly equal day & night through out the year. On
Chrismas day, it was light a 5 O clk in the morning, and dark at half past 6 at night this
day (July [blank]) it was light at a ¼ before five in the morning, and not dark,
untill Seven in the evening. --To Mrs. T your wife. --will she except my earnest hopes
that she is in good health. NB then I mentioned Mr Clark, Mrs P & family. Mr. Joseph
Holder. Moses. Mr & Mrs J T. Mary. on the 12th of this month off San Bartholomew we
took a french merchant Schooner, bound to Guadelupe. a very good prize. I expect to share
40 L Sterling out of her. I shall now conclude, but if I have time I shall add a Nota
Bene. I expect to send this by La Amiable frigate, who is to have charge of the Convoy to
Europe. From yrs A T
NB was sent by L Amible, Estrusco or Assurance, who left Tortola with the Convoy on the 31
July 1798
Nautical Remarks from page 460 of my large old Parchment Naples Maniscritto
Sir, you got drunk at my Table to day Sir. --Oh no. to be sure you saw me make a small stumble when I got outside the cabin Door, but that arose from the Centinels laziness as he never cleans his quarters: I only run against a Cobwebb line, -which a Spider had wove there from, or by the Centinels laziness.
Captain abused the Armourer for not mending his Coffee Mill. Could get no Coffee yesterday because the Mill handle was broke. Armourer excused himself by saying he had no Iron. ---This day the Captain ordered the handle of his frying pan, to be given to the Armourer, to mend the Coffee Mill with,
Tildersley sent in his days work (11th Aug’t 1798) which was an exact copy of Mr. Taylors the Masters Mate. --was Mastheaded twelve hours for it.
Captain Hutt when he was courting; and had Love Letters to write, used always to eat broiled Dove, before he began his Epistle
Allways to have Punch made in my Silver Tea Urn &c
The Black people in the West Indias say, -- that the best cure for a sore Leg; is the velvet Eggs of the Large house Spider, alias the Tarantula, applied to the wound.
My Brother (in captivity W) says "That a man has no more right to say an uncivil thing than to act one: --No more right to say a rude thing to another, than he has to Nock him down.
And this opinion I heard Lord Mansfield give in the Court of Kings Bench in the Year 1783—Pray what do Naval & Soldier Officers say to this. Who never say a civil word to their common men, after they have them in their claw unless it is in action.
Mr President Brown of Nevis, says, he injoys 3 good things before Breakfast [Hr]. –a good Stool, a good F—k with a Black Girl, and a good washing in a Bath afterwards.
London Decr 7th 1797
Dear Child
This with love & blessings to you, hope these will find you in as good health as you
were, when you wrote your Letter dated 10th of last April, which gives me, and
your friends great comfort. My Dr Child I have to observe, that your poor Father, has
departed this life a year ago, and I am myself endeavouring to do the best I can, and
injoy tolerable health thanks be to God. Dear Child, I can give you no accounts of your
Sister, but trust in Gods mercy, who I hope will restore her to me, and you. Your
descriptions of the dangers to which you are exposed—creates in me the greatest
horrors, and awakens all my feeling so that when these reflections occur, and continue for
any time, as they often do; I am almost distracted with dread & Terror on your
account, but still I hope the Lord will enable you to surmount the many dangers to which
you are exposed, and send you safe home to your afflicted mother. –There is no
appearance here of Peace as yet, so that I suppose you must continue, untill such times as
your Station is out; or else called home; as there is a great talke of an Invasion upon
England by the french. I hope for Gods sake my dear Child, let nothing prevent your prayer
to God daily to preserve you from all [causaulities], which your situation exposes you to;
and especiality in Action, to the protection of Almighty God. I commend you with my
prayers to heaven, for safety & preservation. which is the ardent wish of your ever
affectionate mother. Elizabeth Douglass.
NB Your Uncle & Aunt Tring are well, they send their love to you, and they are quit astonished, and displeased at you never mentioning either of them in your Letter. When you write again, direct you Letter to William Tring, Ham Yard, Windmill Street St. James’s
To William Douglas, Seaman in the Lapwing Frigate West Indias
Nota Bene. At the time, this Douglas recieved this Letter, containing an account of his Fathers death, he was with me. and the very second day afterwards, he got almost as drunk, as a Lad could get. This drinking he has learned aboard a man of war. what will he, & many Thousands more do, when the war is o’er. He is now 17. was brought up amongst the Butchers in Clare Market, but when the War began, he runaway from his father & mother, and entered on board the Enterprize which is moored off the Tower Stairs.
Journal da page 39
A 25 July 1798
Three men came to me in the course of this
day. to borrow money of me, on the strength of La Invariable Prize. – I lent
Christopher Daniel only one Dollar.
How I have heard Captains of men of War,
boasting ashore, that the provisions allowed to Sailors, was more than they could eat.
--yesterday Lynn the Armourer beged me to give him something to eat. This day my old
Servant D. came to me & said he had been hard laboring all day in the Boats, & now
had nothing to eat, he wished to have a little something to eat, with his dry buiscuts.
Dr. Ridgeway tells me that our Master. Mr Dyce
has been round the world in the Assistance Brigg, in company with the Providence, in which
last Ship he Dr Ridgeway was in, and that Mr Dyce was before the Mast in the Assistance at
Otahetie, but was afterwards made a Masters Mate.
I was this day puting some Centipees in
Bottles, with the intention of sending one or two, to different freinds in England, who
have never seen these curious Insects. Says Dr Ridgeway, I will preserve Ten Dozen of
them, take them to England, and when the war is ended carry them to London; dress myself
as a poor, furlorn distressed Sailor, then take a phial of the Centepees in my hand, go
into a Doctors Shop, tell them that I brought these Centepees from the West India, for the
purpose of giving them to an acquaintance, but being in great distress, and very hungry, I
am oblidged to sell them, in order to raise half a Crown. -- As these Centepees are
curious and propper things for the Shop windows of an Apothecary, as a Show -- I make
little doubt, but what there are many Hundred men of the faculty in London, that would be
glad of the opportunity: to see two or three Shillings for a Centepee.
carryed to page Forty Seven
Journal from page Forty five
Thursday 26 July 1798
The Favourite Sloop of war, came and looked
into the Roads. -- She had a Ship with American Colours with her.
At 8 AM had a heavy Squal, accompanyed with very heavy rain, The Lapwing drifted a Cables
At half past Seven PM. Peter Bird a Seaman Aged
Twenty Three departed this life. He had been ill of a Flux about nine days. --About three
months ago this young man showed me a Letter which he had from his Mother. he also told
me, that his mind was fixed upon young weoman in London: who he intended to Marry,
when the war was over adding I am but a young man, and she will forgive me for leaving her
as I did. --So I see this poor youth, was boasting in his strength, but the Lord has told
us of this folly, by taking one away from amongst us, who has been in the Ship more than 4
years, and during all that period, has never been in the Sick List untill nine days before
his death. --His mother lives in London, he was put apprentice to a Butcher in Brookes
Market, in that City, but on the Wars breaking out, he runaway from his Master, and
shortly after entered aboard this Ship. I hope his Soul is now safe with our Savior in
Heaven. --Bird is the first man that has died aboard, since I came into this Ship.
Friday 27th At daylight the Body of Peter Bird was sewed up in his Hammock with a Ninepounders, & put into the Jolly Boat: carried 2 Cable length from the Ship, and committed to the deep.
carryed to page forty nine
Seven Yluj 26th 8971
Mio caro Yentab
some complimentary matter. In la assurance is
some dolce for la young peopolia. Io era much pleased that P sho’d cosi subita
[nicollect] mio, as to say Sua sho’d conosco mio. it will be alto fraternizing
shod it be la case. Io am sopra la San The Station. Io trova it motissiomo plesant. Et am
tolerable successfull. Sho’d la Guerra continue una althro anno. Io am dans hope to
be able to mettre by a poco independency. Notre dispursements ni questa yrtnuoc are yerv
grandissimo et unless noi ekat a Ezirp won et dunque noi shod be able to eganam tub yldab
con notre yap. Mio lanosrep yap ici si ylno 120 L pr anno. Et todas robi si treble to
quella ti dans Engellaterre: The A did not mention any thing to me of returning to
England. it is rather extoardnary there keeping [a L] in cheife for a cosi longo. Lui
conceive the purchase at Walmer, to be very dear, but I have not doubts but what the House
is better fitted than he supposes, it will be a very convenient Caza -- Marsh was an
unpleasant neighbor like all Smuglers, who must be noisey. Nhoj Yevrah wo’d not
reside in it, if it was not decently dettif. Io have heard Mrs H has had a poco lrig. Is
it not surprizing eh seod ton teg a Pihs, there tsum eb a gnigtemos Io ma denivnoc
quella si ton nwonk ot sih Amigos which prevents it. It has been hinted to me by a L tardi
from Europe. Io have sempre suspected it, et have nada doubt of quella he told me being
true. Nhoj yam tneper it. Et see sih conduct in a different thgil in a futere guerra, when
he has a family to rear & support. This puts me in mind of your good advice, which Io
pensee Nhoj will experience the want of era longo.
Journal da page Forty Seven
Friday 27th July 1798 continued. At 8 AM. a Fleet of about 70 Sail, passed by for
Basseterre Roads, where the fleet for England are to Rendezvouze. at the same time the
Ship Sarah from Martinico, for Liverpool got ashore on Nevis Point. Anchored year H M Ship
Matilda Capt Midford and Eleven Sail of American Vessels.
At 9 AM. I went ashore in the Green Cutter,
asked the way to Mills's to Mill's Estate, the person answered do you want a Horse to
Hire, because if you do, I have one to Lett At Midday arrived at the Estate on foot, Mr
Mills behaved very civil, saw the process of Dostilling Rum, went into the Negros Village,
every Hut was shut up the Negros being at work in the fields: not one single Infirm or
Sick Negro, being to be found at home, which is a proofe of their all being well. --
plenty of hen Eggs, fowls, Pigs. Yams. Cotton &c, lying unguarded about their
Habitations. From Mills Estate which lies to the W of Charleston I sojourned. Had the
conversation with the man at the Well. Passed the Bay where the French Landed in 1706. Cut
a Tobacco plant at the Store on the Margin of the Sea, Got some tobacco Seeds. walked
westward. saw a squal of rain coming, went on the Sands; puled shirts shoes & Breeches
and made myself perfectly naked, rolled up all my Cloaths in a small bundle, put them on a
stone within one yard of the Sea Surfe. sat on them. The rain came in a heavy Squal, which
was over in Eight minutes. wiped my skin with my Hankerchief put on my Cloaths again,
which were perfectly dry. Had I kept them on, they would a been as wet as a drag Sail. --I
learned this method from the Turks at Trieste.
At 2 PM. got back into Charles Town. bought a
Ten Quart Keg full of Pickled Sausages (the first I ever heard of) for 3 Dollars,
they were pickled in Hamburgh. gave also 4 Bitts the pound for smoaked Sausages
[sidenote] The black Rapaz showed me a precipice on the South side of Nevis Mountain, where a flock of monkeys once tyed a man, and where going to roll him down it Just as a Gun was fired off in Mountain above them, when they all run away
carryed to page Fifty
Journal from page Forty Nine
Friday 27 July 1798 continued. Stood on the Beach a Gentleman speaking in a Foreign accent came out of a Boat with a weoman & 2 Children. Said to me I am a poor man, a Preacher of the Gospel amongst the Negros I am a German of the Moravian persuasion from Hephurth.(I think he said) I left Antigua yesterday in the Abby, laden with sugar for Liverpool; she was to carry me to St. Kitts where I have bretheren, but the Abby has stopped here to water. I gave the Captain of the Abby Two Joes, to carry me, my wife & 2 little children to St. Kitts, but he has dropped me here. Do you Sir know any house that will receive me. I sent a Negro to show him the Way to Mrs Carrols Tavern. - about 2 hours afterward I called of him again, he explained his business as a missionary to me, with seemingly great sincerity, I said Sir I thought you were a Dane. He mistook my meaning: thinking I said, are you Ordained. He said sir I am not ordained, but I can perform the business of my great Master; full as well as if I had been ordained. I told him he would find a few select people, that attended a Moravian Chappel in Basseterre St Kitts, and that they would be kind to him. He said he was informed so, which was the cause of his wishing to visit that Island. I then told him of the good opening, there then was, for a Clerical Gentleman in Anguilla (as stated in page 12 & 13) and that the Islanders would (I though) subscribe to his necessities so far, as to make his income 200 Joes a year. He listened to my advice, and said "can I go from St. Kitts to Anguilla, I answered certainly. He said he had suffered much vexation, by his not perfectly understanding English & French, when he came into the West Indias which was about 3 years ago, but that God had now taught him the English Language. He asked if many had been awakened lately, I told him I thought there had, he asked my name, and said I was
carryed to page 51
Journal from page Fifty
Friday 27th July1798 continued
was very friendly & kind. At 4 PM he got a Passage with his wife & 2 children, in
a Sloop that was going down to St. Kitts.
In Nevis this day, I saw an advertizement from
a Blacksmith, stating that for the future, he should charge five pounds the year, for
shoing one Horse, and that he would take no less than Twelve Shilling for every set of
Shoes, for Job horses, he added, "This is shoing on the same terms, which has been
charged at St. Kitts for 2 years back, where the Roads are better than they are in Nevis,
and my proffits at this rate will bearly keep my family.
At 4 p.m. came aboard in the yawl. Soon after
went on board the Sophia Magdelena, a Hamburgh ship, which was brought in here by an
English Privateer, and a part of the Cargo condemned, I was told the Captain had some
cheap things to sell, but I was too late, he had disposed of all. The mate told me that in
Hamburgh he could keep a genteel house with a family consisting of his wife & 3
Children, and have Coffee for Breakfast, flesh Meat & Liquiors for Dinner, and a cold
supper for 28 Spanish Dollars a month says he, could I have on my return to Hamburg on
thousand dollars of my own, I would never go to Sea again. The Danes in their Merchants
Service, give the Seamen only seven dollars a month.
At 5. The Ship Sarah which was on shore on
Nevis point, was warped off. She having had two Cables from us, for that purpose
When I came alongside this evening from the
shore. A midshipman said Thomas you have had a good Dinner. I did not then guess
their meaning on
[sidenote] When I was aboard the Sophia the men were busy in squeezing Limes to make Lime Juice to carry to Europe. The Limes are cheaper in Nevis, than any other Island that I have been in. one gets one Hatt full for a Dog.
carryed to page 52
Journal da page fifty one
Friday 27 July 1798 Continued
On my coming into the Caben, says Barbadoes Jack. Oh Sir, why you are Sun burnt. I looked in the glass; saw my face firey red, and looking on the backs of my hands shortly after, I saw they were as red: as the Cap, of Mother Red Cap at Kentish Town. -- The fact was, that by walking in the Sun, from 9 O Clk AM. to 4 PM. my face became Sun burnt. and so also, the backs of my hands, for I wore no Gloves. About 7 O Clk this evening, I felt a burning itching on the back of my hands; it occasioned exactly the same sensation, as is imparted to our finger ends, when they have been handling Iron Bars: in freezing weather. and my hands & face were (at 9 PM. this evening as red, as pale levigated red Lead. --They itched & burned very much I went to the Doctors Mate, & he sent Langham, who brought some eating Oil. -- He tells me that my hands & face are Sun burnt; and that they must be rubed with this Oil -- I therefore lay by my pen, to have the Sweet Oil rubed over the affected parts.
[sidenote] This day went up the River to the hot Spring. I realy counted 79 females in Washing Linen in this River, which was not a length of more than [blank] yards. and all these weomen were perfectly naked. -- but on seeing me approach. they put the Cloat on
Saturday 28. At 8 AM. left Nevis. Lay to, off & on. for the Captain, at 11 made
sail. at half past one. anchored in Basseterre found lying here a large fleet. bound for
England, which are to Sail for Europe on Monday, under Convoy of La Amiable. Le Etrusco
and Assurance.
At 3 PM sent John Murray aged 19 to the
Hospital of a Flux.[*] At 8 the Boat returned. Mr. Spence confined Tripe to this Caben.
for keeping the Boat so long ashore. Mr. Craer the Surgions Mate who went ashore with a
Sickman left behind.
[sidenote] *He died at the hospital in Basseterre on Sunday the 12th of Aug't 1798. Leaving an own Brother named Andrew on board of us.
carryed to page Fifty Three
Journal from page fifty Three
Sunday 29 July 1798. At 1 PM the body of the Fleet were under weigh. At [blank]
Got under weigh, and stood off and on waiting for the Captain who dined aboard La Concord.
Before we got under weigh this morning, we were
paid Prize money for La Intrepite french Sloop Privateer, Captured by us on the 12 May off
San Bartholomew The men shared 4 Dollars & 8 Bitts. I share just 20 Dollars
At 9 p.m. made Sail to the [blank]
Concord in Company.
Monday 30. At 9 a.m. got sight of the Convoy. at 12 came up with the at 2 PM. entered
Sir Francis Drakes Bay, by passing between Round and Ginger Island. At 4 anchored off
Tortola, All the fleet anchored in different harbours in this Bay.
At 5 Captain Charles Mais of Ship Nevis of
Bristol, from Nevis for Bristol with this Convoy came aboard, to beg us to take a Negro
and Mulatto, who had secreted themselves in his Ship, and wanted to run away from their
owners in Nevis. at 6 Both of them came aboard and were put in Irons. The Negro was a
youth of about 17. said his father and mother were Salt Water Negros, which mens
people who crossed the Sea, in coming from Africa. I asked him is reasons for runing away.
Sir says he, tell me one thing, will you runaway from good. --My owner only gave four
pints of India Corn a week, he does not import provisions, therefore he cannot give us so
much to eat, as those great Gentleman that do, as he must pay a higher price for it. --Bad
usage Sir, made me run away, as some Gentleman gave their Negros 9 pints of Corn a week,
but my owner only gives his Negros 4 pints a week. --my name is Robin, I belong to Mr
Henry Dickson of Indian Castle in Nevis, Last Sunday being Negroes Holyday, I went aboard
the Ship to sell Sweetmeate, And finding she was going away a sudden resolution came into
my head to get off, as it is better to be free, then to be a Slave; So while they were
geting the Ship under weigh, yesterday morning; I hid myself in the Hold, and this evening
being very hungry I came on Deck, but I did not think the Ship was to Anchor again, untill
she got to England. but they stoped here & I am taken &c.
carryed to page fifty five
Journal from page Fifty Four
Monday 30th July 1798 Continued
The only singularity belonging to the
Mulatoo, is that he is the property, or Slave to his own Sister, who lives
in Nevis, He is SisterLaw to this Lady who is a Muste. That is they are by the same
Father, but by differ mothers. as thus; his Sister was begot by his father, on a white
weoman (and of course free). He was begot by the same white Gentleman, upon a Creole
weoman who was his Slave. The Gentleman died without mentioning this Mulatoo, and he is
now the property of his own Sister in Law.
before a 11 oClock this day, the Doctor and
Gunner got drunk, Captain sent for the Gunner into his Caben about the Guns being loose.
--the Gunner came in, and fell against the tail of the foremost Gun. Captain gave him
along. --a piercing look; and then left him to get out of the Caben as well as he could
At 9 PM. Mr Gilbert Taylor Masters Mate, the
Gunner, Mr Fitz the Captains Clerk, The Doctor, and Mr Crear the Surgions Mate were all
Capt Renolds of the Etrusco was ordered to
carry home a Lady, who was going from England to the East Indias to see her Husband. At St
Helens she heard of her Husbands death. She took a passage from Spence back to England
again, & in the Passage back was captured by french Privateer , & carried to
Guadulupe, she got her Liberty was ordered to go home in the Etrusco. but Renolds said he
would not take her unless she slept with him all the passage.
[sidenote] Asked the cause of the Speaking Trumpet smelling so strong, said it was caused, by reason that Leiutenant...... had been using it, as a Pissing Machine to carry his Urine from his body, off the Quarter Deck, through one of the Ports, into the Sea
carryed to page fifty Six.
Fifty Six
Journal from page 55
Tuesday 31 July 1798
At daylight La Amiable made the Signal for the Convoy to get under weigh. At 2 P M hove up
anchor, at sunset left Tortola passed the Virgins Gangway after the Fleet.
Wednesday 1 August 1798. As we came through the Virgins Gangway this day we saw more than 200 Pelicans on the water, within pistol shot of us, about some dead fish. We thought to fire a carronade charged with Grape at them, but before the lighted match could be brought aft, they were out of our range, the Ship having much way through the water. At M D (midday) saw three strange Sail, bore down before the wind. at 3 PM La Concord Brought the Schooner to, she kept firing at the Ship, at the same time we gave the Brig several Guns. a squal came in. When it cleared away, we saw the Concords Boat in Boarding the Brig, we afterwards boarded the Ship. They proved to be Danish; Viz; a Ship and a Brig, bound from San Thomas's to Copenhagen and Schooner wore a Penant, as she belonged to the King of Denmark, and was Convoy to the Ship, and the Brig: I suppose to a certain Latitude, and then she would return to San Thomas's, as this is the same Danish Schooner of War, as we saw at Fort Royal, and which Schooner is noticed in page thirty five.