Aaron Thomas:
The Caribbean Journal of a Royal Navy Seaman
June 1798 - July 1798
Journal pages 1 - 56 |
August 1798 - September 1798
Journal pages 56 - 123 |
October 1798 - November 1798
Journal pages 127 - 186 |
December 1798 - January 1799
Journal pages 190 - 227 |
February 1799 - March 1799
Journal pages 228 - 266 |
April 1799 - May 1799
Journal pages 267 - 310 |
June 1799 - July 1799
Journal pages 310 - 347 |
August 1799 - October 1799
Journal pages 348 - 366 |
[Date: August 1798 - September 1798. Pages: 56-123]
[page 56 continued]
Wednesday 1 August 1798. As we came through the Virgins Gangway this day we saw more than 200 Pelicans on the water, within pistol shot of us, about some dead fish. We thought to fire a carronade charged with Grape at them, but before the lighted match could be brought aft, they were out of our range, the Ship having much way through the water. At M D (midday) saw three strange Sail, bore down before the wind. at 3 PM La Concord Brought the Schooner to, she kept firing at the Ship, at the same time we gave the Brig several Guns. a squal came in. When it cleared away, we saw the Concords Boat in Boarding the Brig, we afterwards boarded the Ship. They proved to be Danish; Viz; a Ship and a Brig, bound from San Thomas's to Copenhagen and Schooner wore a Penant, as she belonged to the King of Denmark, and was Convoy to the Ship, and the Brig: I suppose to a certain Latitude, and then she would return to San Thomas's, as this is the same Danish Schooner of War, as we saw at Fort Royal, and which Schooner is noticed in page thirty five.
Thursday 2 August captain H Dined aboard La Concorde was on board five hours.
M.D. Dykes Island S & E Distant 32 Leagues
Friday 3rd at MD got site of our homeward bound West India Convoy. A Frigate stood
towards us, to recointre, but on our answering the private Signal, she bore down to the
fleet again. La Concord this day very much outsailed.
In a stiff breeze this morning La Concord was carrying her Top Gallant Sails, says Captain
Harvey, Bartons Ship is as stiff as a Church he knows what the Lapwing is, and yet he is
going on this.
carryed to page fifty Seven
Journal from page Fifty Six
Saturday 4 August 1798. At MD. Dykes Island S 119 Leagues -- Captain Barton dined aboard, and spent with us part of the day. At 6 PM. Spoke an American Schooner from Philadelphia for La Guira on the Spanish main. Her name the Fancy of Philadelphia, laden with flour and onions. At 7 hoisted up the Boat. La Concord hailed us, and said she should go under her Topsails & Spanker all night.
[sidenote: page also includes mess accounts]
My Journal from page Sixty One
Friday the 10th of August 1798. A Trunk full of fine Linens, and very good superfine
Cloaths, which had no owner in La Invariable French Schooner, but a poor Black french
Negro, it was thought that they certainly did not belong to this Black man. -- So the
Captain this morning, got the Cloaths out of the Trunk in the Caben and distributed them
amongst the Officers. -- I got a Superfine pepper & Salt Colour Coat.
at 5 PM. had a hard Squal, with prodegious hard
rain. At 8 Had the long, and at last the friendly conversation with Captain H. --
for on my first going into the Caben, he was armed like a Porqupine, his Quils were ready,
and erect against me in every point, but after I had explained myself, for half an hour,
he began to listen to truth, and at the end of our two hours conversation; he was
as docile as a Dove, and made as freindly promises towards me, as David did to Jonathan.
The following is part of our conversation
Captain Harvey. A very shameful thing occured to me just now on the Quarter deck, for 3
Petty Officers came to me, and said you had Gin to sell. and that they wanted my leave for
it, pray how did they know that you had Gin to sell.
A T. -- I did not tell them, I can account for no other way, than for the people being
comprest in a small compaass togather; and having a few new objects for their Chat, when
at Sea; when a little matter does arise: be it ever so triffling, it is known to every
Soul in the Ship.
Captain. -- I thought I told to not to let any of the Gin, go amongst the people, without
leave from the Quarter Deck.
A T. Very true Sir. and by the Petty Officers coming to ask you leave for it before I
Issued it: shows Sir, that I fully complyed with your instructions on that head.
Captain. -- Pray how many Cases of Gin in there left now.
A T. -- Two Sir. Mr Spence has had one today.
(carryed to page Sixty five)
Journal from page Sixty Four
[Body only]
Friday 10 August 1798 continued
Captain. Put them down to my account. I will pay you for them, if the Ship goes home in
next October, or May, I may want them for my own use.
A T. -- They will be very useful on our Passage Sir
Captain -- Never bring any Gin on board again.
A T. That I never will; I have hated the sight of these Cases of Gin. every time I have
seen them, they have put me in mind of a lighted wax Taper, stuck on the head of the
Gunpowder Barrel, for I well knew they were little combustibles, that might be rolled
against my Shins.
Captain. Why you have subjected yourself to be Tryed by a Court Martial, for disobedience
of orders in bringing this Gin on board for the purpose of traffick.
A T. -- I beleive so myself Sir, but if you was to punish me in any little way, it would
Sir, be very hard indeed. It would be like His Majesty prosecuting one of the two
Archbishop, for severely inforcing throughout his Dioeces, a very vigorous obedience to
the Ten Commandments. for I am a complete enemy to Drunkenness, it his a thing which I
have so much studdyed, that I have the vanity to beleive I know the ground cause of
(carryed page Sixty Six)
Journal from page Sixty five
[Body only]
Friday 10th August 1798 Continued
of Drunkenness afloat. for during my residence in five men of war for this five years
back, I have most minutely studdyed the real cause of intoxication amongst
Sailors, I have by me in manuscript, the history of 756 confirmed Drunkards, which I found
in these five Ships. most of which men; drunk Gin in their Cradles in London or
else they were apprenticed to the Sea. My Manuscript is 392 folio sheets all on
drunkenness, its rise, progress, Confirmation. and end, with a very elaborate exhortation
at the end, against this evil practize, -- So that I consider myself as having gathered,
and put more matter on paper, against drunkenness, than any person now living, -- So that
if this statement is true; God will I am sure acquit me, as being no furtherer to
Drunkards, and if God acquits me surely Sir no Admiral or Captain in the world can convict
Captain. If I thought you sold it to the men I should be very angry.
A T. and very justly should I deserve it Sir.
Captain. Have you disposed of the Nankeen which you bought at St. Batholomew's
A T. Yes Sir, and could a sold 100 pieces more had I had them.
Captain. It was a more decent thing in your bringing the Nankeen on board than it was in
bringing so many Boxes full of Gin
A T. I wish I had never brought the Gin on board I have been so long out of the money. --
I have wanted the money.
carryed to page Sixty Seven
Journal from page 66
Friday 10th August 1798 continued
Captain. -- What could you have wanted the money for.
A T. To buy Shoes with, at Fort Royal, the last time I was there.
Captain. For Traffick
A T. -- No Sir, not for traffick
Captain. What then did you want the Shoes for: to make Custards of.
A T. No Sir. I wanted the Shoes to sell to the Ships Company.
Captain.--And what do you call that but Traffick.
A T. -- Very true Sir; it is traffick. but I thought you had meant that I wanted the
Shoes, to carry from Martinico to St. Kitts to sell to some store in Basseterre. because
that article was a little cheaper at that time in Fort Royal, then they were in St. Kitts.
Captain. You Stutt & Buff so, there is no understanding you,
A T. Then you ought to have the more patience to hear me Sir. With due thanks Sir, I will
avail myself of this opportunity of thanking you for the favours which you have confered
upon me, and now to ask you: that is with submission to request you will have the goodness
to point out to me, what Slops I shall sell to the Ships Company, and in what particular
Captain. -- You may sell Shoes. Hankercheifs, Shirts, Russia Duck, Stockings. Nankeen and
such like things, but you shall sell them only in Harbour, at which time the men if they
do not like your Goods, can have the opportunity of geting things from the shore by which
means they may be satisfied. -- I by no means intend that you shall monopolize the serving
of the men alone. Slop merchants shall be permited to come on board to sell their goods as
usual, you must also sell at a low price
(carryed to page Sixty Eight)
68 Journal from page Sixty Seven
Friday 10th August 1798 Continued.
A T. I sell very low, I only get Sixpence out of a pair shoes.
Captain. And plenty of proffit to; few Shoemakers in England get Sixpence by a pair of
A T. There is some little risk, every man ought to get Sixpence out of two Dollars Sir.
Captain. You have made no bad debts: have you.
A T. -- No Sir. -- Yes theres is Mr Canes owed me Eight Dollars.
Captain. Was it money lent. or goods.
A T. It was half money, & half Stockings. but he left me his Pay Lists for the,
Dictator & Lapwing, out in them, I see there is an Alias. to his name. an odd thing
for a Masters Mate, I question wither the Board will ever pay those Lists, with an Alias
in them Sir.
Captain. Did he give you a power of Atorney.
A T. -- No Sir.
Captain. Then they are not worth a Snails horn. You will never get a Leaden pencil for
them. -- Let me repeat to you for the last time, you may vend to the people Slops: but not
a drop of Spirits. I know the Ships Company will endeavour to make you their friend, they
will give you half a Dollar more for a thing than it is worth, because the next day they
would wish you to get them off half a Gallon of Spirits steer. I warn you, for what was
the history of Lord Howes Steward. When he came to him first, he was so Sober &
honest, that the Earl allowed him to sell Slops to the Queen Charlottes Ships Company. He
was then made a Gunner, but not knowing enough of Gunnery he was not passed. He was then
kept a Slop Shop in Portsmouth, but it somehow did not answer, he went again to Earl Howe
his Steward, and sold Slops to the Queens Charlottes Ships Company as usual, but he also
smuggled Spirits on board, and sold them on board, it was found out and he was threatened
with punishment. -- He had saved about 400 Guineas of his own, with which he packed off,
and carryed some of the Earl Howes money with him, and he has not since been heard of. --
So that you see here the Ships Company of the Charlotte, was the means of his saving 400
Guineas, and he by returning them a favour, got Spirits on board which was the cause of
his ruin.
carryed to page Sixty Nine A T.
69 Journal from page 68
Friday 10th August 1798
A T. -- Perhaps he was a raw unexperienced young man, and had no pay or wages from his
Lordship except the King Pay. people cannot be honest on nothing, give a man good wages,
and you put him above want: it requires a small stock of money to be honest. I mention
this by way of Prologue to an observation which I wish to make, which is that this mans
case does not apply to me, for I am above want, and was so before I came afloat. -- I had
(and have now) money in the Funds before this War began, therefore I am not poor -- enough
to be guilty of such poor dirty mean things, as you hint at Sir
Captain. You said some time ago that you had settled the St. Batholomew Bill How did you
settle it.
A T. Mr. Clyde gave an order upon Thomson of Basseterre for the amount, and on my first
going ashore at St. Kitts I gave Thomson, the Cash in hard Dollars.
Captain. -- If I was to enquire, I am almost sure it was upon my credit
A T. It possitively was not. for in the transaction, I was as particular in my directions,
as if I had been then possest with the certainty, that someday or other, I should be
called before Lord Kenyon to give evidence concerning that very affair.
Captain. Pray who is this Lord Kenyon.
A T. -- The Cheife Justice of His Majestys Court of Kings Bench.
Captain. Do you mean to say, that Clyde the Purser & you, could a got the quantity of
goods you did from St. Batholomew's, upon Clydes own credit for paper.
A T. -- Yes I do Sir, for Mr King of Deep Bay was there from Saint Kitts, and would a
taken my paper to the amount of 300 L.
Captain. On my credit he would; but not on yours; nor Clydes; I am sure.
NB I then mention mio visit a Lord Gage Admiral McKinsee, & Lord Eardley circa La Commisare. &c
(carryed to page Seventy)
Journal from page Sixty nine
Friday 10th August 1798 Continued
Captain. It might be learned in three months, it requires to be rated as an [C] for
only Six months. you had better attend to it & learn
A T. I certainly very humbly thank you, if that does not succeed, my present plan
is, when the War is over, to go to Leghorn as a Factor, or reside there in the Commission
line. -- but a small independency at home, would be more gratefull to me than large
expectations abroad.
Saturday the 11th of August
Sunday 12th August 1798. Last night there was a rumpuss with Peg Roberts. She got drunk, and abused everybody; at Midnight the Surgeons Mate was called, to look at a mans Thumb; as she had broke his Thumb he said in Shoving Peg. -- This day at 5 PM the man (old Dum the Quarter Gunner) was called on the Quarter Deck by Captain Harvey, and asked concerning last nights business, when he gave some uncivil answers; which induced Captain Harvey to put him in Irons for Insolence to his superior Officer. I beleive one of his answers was that the Lady had dealings with Seventeen men last night, while it was her husbands watch, and that if he was punished for that whore, he would kill her
Monday 13 Augt Punished William Dun, the Quarter Gunner, for striking Peg Roberts (Woodcocks whore); on Friday night with one Dozen Lashes. Punished Michael Byrne the Marine with 9 Lashes for finding fault with the Doctors Physic last night &c. Punished
(carryed to page Seventy one)
Journal from page Seventy
Monday 13 August 1798 continued
Punished the Boy Skipper on his Backside
with 12 Lashes for giving yesterday half a Gill of Rum to Gater the Marine for washing his
Cloaths. --There is something particular in this case. The Boys are allowed their Rum. and
if they drink it, they often get drunk with it, therefore it is understood, they may give
it to persons who wash & mind for them: And many Boys in some Ships sell their
Liquior. But this particular Boy was floged for giving his Liquior away to a Marine who
had done work for him. So that by floging this Lad, it is the same as giving out orders,
for all the Boys to drink their own allowance, and thereby get drunk with it. The best
that can be said of it is; that it will encourage intoxication
Yesterday (and not before) the Captain ordered all the Middies. to send in their Days Work
every day, untill we made the Land, & also to send in a Days Work, for every day since
we left Tortola. this threw the Middies so much aback, that one of them, who had kept no
reckoning, offered the Captains Servant one Joe, for the File which hangs up in the
Captains Caben, and on which is filed the Masters days work. -- For the Middies
inattention he put them all to watch & watch
at 4 PM. William Dunn the Quarter Gunner, was
put Centinal over the Skuttle Butts, as another part of his punishment for being
impertinent to the Captain last night.
At 9 AM. Michael Byrne the Marine, who had then
been just floged; was ordered by the Captain to go on with his work, in making the
Jolousies for the Caben Windows; he sent word into the Caben to the Captain by his black
Servant, that he was to ill to work: -- The Captain immediately sent him out word, that if
he did not that instant set to work. he would turn the hands up; and flog him again
directly; as it was nothing but sulkyness, that was matter with him. The man went to work.
So plentiful are Ratts in the Ship, that every
night I see the Boys are Seting on the Combings of the Twix't Decks Main Hatchway, a
fishing for Rats; with the same philosophy as I see an Angler angling on the banks of a
River. -- the Boys have a line with a Bait, and some Oakum twirled about the Bait, which
when the Ratt gets in his mouth, is entangled in his teeth, by which they draw him up by,
They lay their bait after it is dark amongst the Cables.
(carryed to page Seventy Two)
Journal from page Seventy one
Tuesday 14 August 1798
Lat. ---
Hilliard told me this day, that he was on
board the Belona of 74 Guns in the year 1759, and on the Ship being paid, a weoman had
leave to come on board, & sell Three Barrels of Ale, But two of them contained Gin,
which the Master at arms found out, and stoves in the head of both, so that the Liquid run
about the Decks, and the Ship having a small heel at this time, the Gin run to Leeward;
which the Ships Company perceiving; lay down on their Bellies, and drank as much as they
could lick up; but fifteen or Twenty, who were more alert and Deeper than the rest;
jumped overboard, and put their mouths to the Skupper Holes; from whence the Gin was
runing out in a Spout, Here they swallowed so much; that Nine men, lost their sences in 3
minutes, and sunk like a Copper Kettle when filled with water; and were drowned. The rest
were puck up, by the Ships Boats, but in so drunken a state, that they were hoisted in
with a Whip
At 5 PM. it blew rather fresh, but so steady
that the Top Gallant sails were not taken in. The Purser went into the weather round
House, about this time which is fixed in the Galley, on the Ships Bows. While he was on
the Seat, a mass of wind was forced by a wave up the Galley of the round House. that its
violence breaking against the naked Posterior of the Purser, it so lacerated his
parts & Aunus, that he was oblidged to get medical assistance, as a quantity of wind
had forced a passage into his Belly.
Wednesday 15th August 1798
The Captain sent his Servant out of the Caben, to desire the officer of the Watch to keep his luff, and hold his wind. The Servant went on deck, and told the officer, that it was the Captains desire, that he
(carryed to page Seventy Three)
Journal from page Seventy Two
Wednesday 15th August 1798. Continued
That he would hold his wind. bless me says the Officer, I broke wind so gentley,
that I did not think that the Captain could have heard me: Oh I have it now: it is very
true that I was standing near the Caben skylight. I did not think of that, pray make my
humble respecks to the Captain, and assure him that I shall not be guilty of the like
again. -- Servant came from off the Quarter Deck, and told the Captain that Mr. P was very
sorry for what had happened, but that he would take care not to be guilty of the like
again. -- this led to an explanation. --and this little affair ended in a laugh amongst
all parties.
When the Captain opened his Wash Handstand this
morning a large Mouse jumped out ; the Captain gave a squal, She had Littered 6 mice on
the top of a Pomatum Pott last night, as the Captain says, that nothing was in it
yesterday morning.
Thursday 16th at 4 PM Anchored in River Barbuda, about 4 miles from the fort. -- La Concord to leeward working in
Friday the 17th August. At dawn of day went ashore in the Six Oared Cutter, with Captain Harvey Mr. Rowe Mr. Whiting. & Mr. Carlew. Landed on Barbuda at the fort. in our passage coming ashore, passed amongst several very dangerous rock. having a large swell upon them; but no Surf breaking. Walked up to the Castle. viseted all the Negroes Hutts. Breakfasted at Mr Hooks, the Manager of the Estate. had fresh Butter made in the Isle of Barbuda at Breakfast. Dined also at Mr Hooks of Wild Goat Chops. Roast Lamb & fish. Saw the turtle Ponds, and Turtles taken out by the Black Girls. Bought some Allspice. Alias Jamica Pepper, which growes here in plenty, & is called by the Negros Bay Berries.
carryed to page 74
Page 74
The whole of this island is the private property of the Codrington family, who reside at Darblay in Gloucestershire it is nearly as big as Antigua, but being intirely surrounded with most dangerous reefs, is of little value there being no other planter on the island, but the single Proprietor, who cultivates no Cotton, Sugar nor Cocoa, but imploys the land in the sole use of raising stock. with Hay and Indian Corn. There is 270 Negroes in the Island, who all live at the place called the Castle except one old man, who lives at the Fort, and four men at Highlands. There is only four white men amongst them. Viz. Mr. Collins the Cheife Manager, who has for his Bedfellow Rachel a mulatto slave Girl. --Mr. Hook the second manager with his wife, a white weoman & 3 children of theirs. --Mr. Thomas (a namesake of mine) an Overseer. Mrs Thomas has 60L a year Sterling. Mr. Hook has more. He served 5 years to this estate as an apprentice to learn the art of a Manager for 20L Sterling the year. He had formerly been an Officer in the Marines. Here is a good park. all clear ground, & Walled in. as I came throw it some of the Cattle, look wild and hard at us: I mentioned this afterwards to Mr Hook, who said that the cause was, by reason of our being white men, whom
carryed to page76
Journal from page Seventy four
whom they so seldom saw, that he a little wondered that they did not make a start at
us. I afterward saw a very large Monkey, who is tyed up in Mr Collins yard. a black boy
was shewing him to me, when the Monkey took up a Stone and threw it at the Boy. I asked
the boy the reason of the Monkey throwing the Stone at him, who answered because he saw a
white man-speaking to me.
On Darby Cove in this Island. The large Lagoon,
formerly a Bay, which was stoped up in one night by a Huricane on the Boats Crew chasing
the Turtle ashore. On His Majestys Ship Griffin in the year 1759 being wrecked on this
Island by following the light of a Blackman who was catching Land Crabs. on Rowes riding
the wrong rode, on their Taming a wild Bullock by yoking him to a draft ox, and turning
them both together in the Park. -- On the number of Wild Cats here, who first swam ashore
from wrecked vessels on the Windward part of the Island. -- On the multiplicity of wild
Deer, wild Sheep, wild Hogs, Wild Cattle & wild Mules, that are loose in the woods. on
their exporting to Antigua 320 Cords of wood per year at 6 Dollars the Cord. On their
having 20-000 Sheep in the island. Dissumilation with their Slaves on the Managers Log. On
the Great House at Cocoanut Point. called Highlands. or Terraltasimmo. On the first Mr.
Codringtons will; who assigned that none of his Heir could inherit his property here,
unless they had resided in the Island five month, in some part of their life. On
the Black Doctor, and his little shop. on 2 men starting every morning from Cocoa Nut
Point, and meeting at the fort; after being all around the Island to look out for wrecks.
On the business of the Turtlers, going all around the Island twice a week to look for
Turtles eggs & young Turtles Negro Girl grinding corn, on a stone with a mullet, on
the Hunters, wreckers &c.
carryed to page Seventy Seven
from page Seventy Six
Saturday 18th August 1798. Weighed Anchor at daylight from Barbuda. Lay too off Nevis, and sent a Boat ashore with Letters. The same evening anchored in Basseterre Roads. The Cateret Packet was waiting for us to Convoy her to Tortola, but she went under Convoy of 2 Privateers. Mrs Newyins & daughter from Roseau in Dominica were in this packet a going to England. She sent her remembrace to me by Mr Berkley. This Packet was at Tortola on the 18th of April last, on which day she sailed for England, so that she has been to Europe and back since.
+Sunday 19th Augt, was ashore, called of Mr Dodridge at his private House. Came aboard with Anno in the Canoe. -- a very good surf. calm all day. the Boatswain wife sent ashore, after Gun fire, for being drunk. -- long bother with the Boatswain & the officers about his wife &c. &c. put 223 Dollars in Cash of my own, into the House of Dennistown MacLachlin & Thomson, to answer any particular purpose
[sidenote: Last night Capt H came aboard very late. In the morning Dyce asked Lieutenant Spence what time the Captain came aboard last night. -- Oh says Spence "very late, he was as sulkey as Hell, & darted below directley &c]
Monday 20th Augt. Weighed Anchor at daylight. Lay too. and sent the Jolly
Boat ashore, as young Berkley & Pascoe had stoped ashore all night. at 7 A M The Jolly
Boat returned with the two Boys, who were immediately Mast headed. -- while the Ship was
lying too. The Boatswain wife came alongside to beg to have her Cloaths with her. --
filled & made Sail. Passed Nevis. at 4 P M to Leeward of Redondo 3 miles. Saw the
Requim Brig working for English Harbour to get a new Fore Mast in lieu of that , which she
got damaged a few days past.
At 9 P M. Mr Dyce the Officer of the Watch came
down into the Gunroom to Grog himself. after seting there half an hour off his watch,
he sent Black Ben upon Deck to see what sort of weather it was.
carryed to page Seventy Eight
Journal from page seventy five
Tuesday 27 August1798. At 10 A M. Saw a Convoy of small sails. hoisted the private
signal, which was answered. They were steering to Windward of Nevis; and was a Convoy of
about 40 Sail going to Tortola. At 1 PM stood close in with Montserrat.
When I was going ashore in the Jolly Boat at
San Pierres on the 22 June last. Andrew & John Murray were both in the Boat. Says John
Murray, if Captain Harvey leaves the Lapwing, and goes into the Santa Margaretta, I will
go with him, but my Brother Andrew shall not go with me, I never wish to be where
a brother is, --and at just fifty one days afterwards this John Murray was in his Grave.
and consiquently is where his brother is not. -- The same Lad John Murray saw me looking
at some Graves on the Beech at San Pierres on that day, and said to me, I wonder you are
not afraid to go amongst them, as so many of the Coffins are above ground and the Skulls
bare, you may ketch some distemper. This poor fellow, then in the bloom of youth, and in
perfect health, little thought that in fifty-one days he also should be lying in the dust
in the isle of St. Kitts.
[sidenote: The Ships Cook intends to make hott Rolls every morning after the Captains are Baked, and sell them to the Ships Company. Before he was floged had a grating made fast to his belly--- after he had received 5 Strokes he asked the Captain to fasten a Grating to his Back also.
Keep me o God, thy name to fear,
A righteous course, always to steer.
Thy power to dread; Thy favour seek;
While sailing on the Watery deep.
Oh guard my heart from lies to tell
To any that with me do dwell.
Let Captains curse: let Captains swear
Let Officers drink, & Whore that dare
In daily scorn, in continual hatred,
In abusing things, that should be sacred;
And give to them, their just reward.
carryed to page Seventy Nine
Journal from page Seventy Eight
If pride is a Sin, what a mass is afloat;
The proud in Ships; must change their note.
For The their language canst not defend
For they: The, so constant do offend;
But throw thy mercy, they daily live
Supposing thou, doest them forgive
Which may be the case, I constant pray;
Hoping that thou to them wilt say.
"Change your ways, from sin refrain,
A virtuous life; do you regain,
And a Godly name, do you again maintain.
Wednesday 22 August 1799. The Surgeon. Gunner. Captains Clerk, and Mr. Tildersley were all drinking Grog together this evening in the Clerks Cabin. After they were strongly Groged, a general quarrel insued, which ended in the Surgeon kicking the Bum of the Gunner, and the rest of the party shoving him across to his own Cabin. -- Dust about who was frying the Beefe Stakes in the Galley after hours this evening
Thursday 23rd August 1798. At 10 A M. gave Chace to a strange sail at 3 PM. She hove too, and proved to be the Bounaparte french Schooner Privateer of 8 guns & 72 men. from Guadelupe on a Cruize. At 1 PM The Concord hove in sight, and was present at the Capture. At midday. Lat. 18-12 Long. 61-38. The east end of St. Batholomews South 74 West Distant 64 miles. -- The french Prisonors say that if La Concord had not crossed them ahead, we should not a taken them, as in 3 hours more they would a been in Saint Batholomews. True it is, that at Midday it fell light winds; & myself think that the Schooner gained on us.
carryed to page Eighty
Journal from page Seventy Nine
Friday 24th August 1798. Passed Antigua & Montserrat. At Sun Set off the Pearl rock, or +Englishman Head. Saw several small Sail in under Guadulupe.
+Englishman head. so called as one of Prisoners on board tells me, because an Engagement took place off this Rock between a french & an English frigate. in which the English Captain behaved with such cowardice, that his men took the command from him; and afterwards took the french frigate, which, when they had finished, the English carryed their Captains head ashore, and stuck it upon this rock. -- hence the name Englishmans head
Last night a piece of Cheese was stole out
of the Butchers Bag. -- about Two Shillings worth of English Halpence was stole out of the
Bag of Boegee the Carpenter, -- and Nine Joes was stole of the chest of Mr. Gilbert Taylor
the Masters Mate, belonging to Nickols the Quartermaster. -- The chest stood inside
Taylors Caben, Nickols says that Taylor must have taken it himself.
At Dinner C H abusing Captain Barton, for not
mentioning the Lapwings name in his public Letter to the Admiral, concerning the Capture
of Le Café dePont as the Lapwing & La Concord took her, & shared for her. --
Supposed that Barton would do the same in regard to the Bounaparte. found fault with B for
taking the Prisonors out of the Schooner, into the Concord, and than immidiately sending
them aboard the Lapwing
carryed to page Eighty one
Journal from Eighty
Saturday 25th August 1798. Passed Dominica. Was in sight of Martinico. --H said that la Padre and todas la Outre persona blamed him for paying the Ship Henrys Prize money. -- as the Captain Henry was promized; that if he would confess truth, in regard to the property belonged; he should have his fraight paid him out of the cargo; when it was condemed. Spence gave H such hard & rough words on this business, that H gave the Doctor & him, no Ratifia after dinner. All hands at Table abusing Rivers & King, Clerks to Colin Thomson; our agents
Sunday 26th. off Fort Royal Bay. at daylight saw a small strange Sail, which bore down towards us, but when she came near enough to reconoitre, she hauled her wind, & made sail from us; at 6 AM we made sail in Chace, at 7 she hoisted french Colours, worked her Sweeps, and made every effort to escape. We fired -- Grape, and round shot at her until 30 minutes past Eight; when she struck her colours, and shortened Sail. She proved to be La Fortune french Schooner of 6 swivels (4 of which she threw overboard in Chace) and 22 men, from Guadulupe, but last from Descada. --Got the Prisonors aboard, gave the Prize a Tow Rope, and made sale for fort Royal Bay. --This small Schooner in her last Cruize took, a prize when each man shared 2500 Dollars each. -- This Schooner will not fetch more than 40 Joes at Martinico, but the French Prisonors say, was she at Basseterre in Guadulupe, she would sell for 150 Joes, because they are just the size Vessels which the French want to anoy our commerce with. The Captain of the Schooner says, that this little Schooner will fetch more money in Guadulupe then a Ship of 300 Ton. -- so much do they run on Privateering
Monday 27th Beating off the mouth of Fort Royal Bay. at daylight was closed in with the end of St. Lucia: saw the 2 Sugar Loave Hills
Tuesday 28th Anchored in Fort Royal Bay. -- The Prince of Wales was hauled up into Deadmans Bay, for the Huricane months. --No Ships out in the Bay; but the Cayane and [Holiday]
carryed to page Eighty one
Journal from page Eighty one
Wednesday 29th August 1798. The Prince of Wales with the Admirals flag on board, is
gone up to into Dead Mans Cove, in this Bay for scurity during the Huricane months, He has
got his yards and Topmasts down, and every thing snug; should there a Huricane come. --It
is called Dead Mans Cove by the English, because so many Sailors die, when there Ships are
laid up there. it lies on the South side of fort Royal Bay
The Chesterfield Packet came in to Fort Royal
Bay yesterday evening from England. She sailed for England from Basseterre on the 18 Nov'r
1797 for Europe I was aboard of her, every thing very dear, they asked 12 Silver Dollars
for a Barrel of Potatoes which does not contain more than 150 lb. and also her Officers
were very saucy.
Was ashore at Fort Royal this day. Took the 2
large Black Live Pigs ashore in the Gig: sold them to Mr Stapleton at 1/ the pound
currency they both weighed 219lb, so that they came to Ten pounds Nineteen Shillings. --
These two Pigs cost 8 Dollars in last March, and they were now got so large and fatt, that
we could not kill them aboard. -- Bought the Blue Nankeen measuring 5 yards each piece for
18 Dollars the Dozen pieces
By the new regulation about the Gold Coin in
Martinico, I find that no Joes will pass for 8 Dollars, unless they weigh 8 Penny weights.
-- Numbers of the Pluged Joes are now not worth 7 Dollars
carryed to page 83
Journal from page Eight Two
Thursday 30th August 1798. Spent the whole day on board, in reading the Star, Sun &
morning Post London Newspaper which came out by the last Packet: yet the newest paper was
dated on June the first of this year
When ashore yesterday; in The Square facing the
Church. I saw a new Tavern opened since I was in Fort Royal last. -- I was thirsty. so
went in and asked for a small glass of Punch -- it came: but being bad accomodations, and
observing no promptitude of will, in the people of the House to please, and asked the
price of the glass of punch, before I touched it. -- I was answered half a dollar was the
charge -- Then says I I cannot drink it, I cannot afford to pay Two Shillings &
Sixpence, for a gill of fluid, which cost only Three pence. -- And came out of the House
& left it.
The Boatswain confined to his Cabin, for
leaving the Dock yard yesterday while on duty. H says he will Try him by a Court Marshall.
Friday 31 Aug't ashore, and back again before Breakfast. Spent the day in reading the Newspapers aboard. At 5 PM came in La Concord, with Prisoners aboard, having taken a french Schooner Privateer since we parted with her
Saturday the 1st September 1798. At daylight got under weigh. -- at 7 AM. Anchored of
Casselamare, for the purpose of watering the Ship
at 10 AM Black Jack of Barbadoes dived under
the Ships Bottom; found all the Copper knocked off from under Her Stern. and a deal of
loose Copper hanging in a raged manner. and three pieces of Cords entangled on the gaged
copper &c
carryed to page Eighty Four
Journal from page Eighty Three
Saturday 1st Sep'r 1798 Continued
At 2 PM. The Frederick Sloop came alongside
of us, and Mr Banks (who I once knew in the Courageaux of 74 Guns) brought a Letter from
the Admiral to Captain Harvey. -- Mr B was asked to dine in the Caben -- he dined there
said, it was a pity that goverment did not employ 300 Negroes to cut down Wood in the
Island of Saint Lucia, for the use of the Navy as the proprietors of wood in the environs
of Prince Rupert's Bay were become very lazy
At 11 AM Captain Harvey put a Bottle of Redport
into a Canvass Bag, and lowered it out of the Larboard Quarter Gallery about one foot
under the surface of the Sea. -- at 3 PM took up this Bottle of port, found the Bottle so
full, that on touching the Cork it came out; and on tasting the contents of the Bottle
instead of containing Red wine; as it did when put into the Sea: -- it was full of Salt
water. -- NB On Captain Roberts experiments on a bottle of water on the Concords coming
from England to the West Indias
At 6 PM. having filled the ground Teer with
Water, hoisted in Boats, and got up Anchor--Light winds--La Concord passed us: standing
out of the Bay
carryed to page Eighty five
Journal from page Eight Four
Sunday 2 September 1798. Saw La Concord. At 1 P M fired 3 Shots at a Schooner. Brought her too. found her to be an American Schooner from Norfolk, who on Wednesday was captured by a French Privateer off Guadulupe, and retaken by the Pearl frigate.
3rd At daylight was off Montserrat. at 8 A M. gave Thomas Clarke one Dozen
Lashes for Drunkeness, Thomas Howard one Dozen Lashes for neglect of Duty. Matthew Surr 1
Dozen lashes for mutinous expressions, and Garrat one Dozen Lashes for disobedience of
orders. At M D Lay too off Basseterre St. Kitts. At 4 P M anchored in Nevis Roads. at 5
Captain H went ashore From Fort Royal Bay, to Basseterre we were 42 hours in performing
our Passage, which may be called a very quick passage; as in this Ship, we have been eight
days in performing the same passage.
While we lay too of Basseterre, some people
belonging to the Concord came aboard, who had charge of the Buonaparte french Privateer,
which was captured by us and the Concord; on the 23rd Ultimo, find that the
Yellow Fever was in the Bounaparte, and that two young Lads, of the Concord had died of
the Yellow Fever who were put into the Bounaparte to assist in navigating the said
Privateer to Antigua: --The Concords people came from Antigua yesterday morning, in the
Requim Brig to Basseterre
Tuesday Sepr walked up to Millss Estate. Nada Almoco la ? called at Carrols in Charleston. Saw the American Captain who had his Ship cut out of St Martins on the 18th last July. by the Boats of an English Privateer, said the men stole 147 Joes out of his Chest, then stole the Long Boat, and all Seven of them had never since been heard off. This Theft was commited by the people, who were put in charge of the Ship out of the Privateer
carryed to page Eighty Six
Journal from page Eight five
Wednesday 5 September 1798 Was ashore before Breakfast. brought off the Plantain Stalkes & Mollases. Recd W W Letter dated 5 June. Wrote an answer. a Calm day & very hot. Leave given to the Different messes to have a Bottle of portor a man out of a London Ship, no lying in this Road, the Porter was 2 Dollars and a half per Dozen.
Thursday 6th at daylight a Boat went ashore for the Captain, but I think that he will not be able to get on board, for the great quantity of empty Bottles which float between the Ship and the shore. they are the Porter Bottles which the men emptyed last night. the morning is quit calm, and they are bobling all round the Ship
Friday 7 Sepr Left Nevis, as Captain Harvey came aboard before Breakfast.
employed all day in working to Windward of Nevis. Yesterday as the Boy Skarwood was
washing his foot on the lowermost step of the accomodation Ladder, a Shark jumped out of
the water, and endeavoured to lay hold of his Leg, but fortunately he missed his mark
The French Boy Mullatto Taylor finished me this
day 3 pair of white Pantaloons, all the Buttons, are leaden Musket Balls covered with the
Bought yesterday about a Bushell of Limes,
which cost [2/ ]. Employed the Boys in Squeezing them, they produced 7 Bottles of Juice
Saturday 8th. Endeavouring to weather Redondo but could not. passed to
Leeward of Montserrat after Sunset. This evening after night had an hour chat with
Ridgway, who tells me, that he has laid out more than 800 L Sterling on 2 Girls who he
keeps at Basseterre, in the space of 3 years.
At 11 P M Mr Spence came into the Gunroom and
awaked me, by the great noise he made in calling Ben to give him a glass of Grog. -- after
he had got the Grog in his hand. -- By G.d says he if I am not better in 10 mintues time,
somebody must releive me, I am d.med ill. -- Ben you son of a Bitch, give me a stiffer
glass of Grog
carryed to page Ninety Four
Vanneau Nevis Roads 6th September 1798
Mio bouna Ragguzza. -- A puzzle for your Italian
Your letter dated Guernsey Road, the 5th of June 1798 came safe into my hands yesterday. As we have anchored here to wood & water. -- I thank you for your letter, as it gives me much satisfaction, to find that you are well. -- of all the letters which you say you have wrote to me; this is the only Letter which I have ever received from you. These miscarriages I do not wonder at, for this Letter which I have received; is directed very incorrect, you direct for AT in the Vanneau at Mar Enteager of elsewhere this Mar Enteager you meant I suppose for Martinico. However, all is well, as I have got the Letter safe. For seeing in Steels List that Captain Morris had lost the Lively, I feared that you might be one of the Livelys Crew, and so put on board some other Ship, but what Ship, I might be a long time in finding out. By this time your judgement is ripened, so as to understand things with more knowledge than when you was with me. -- Knowing that I have done you an injury by introducing you into the Navy, I now feel an inclination, to do you all the good I can, in return for that injury, and God has certainly put it in my power to do something for you. I wish with all my heart you were now at School, learning Navigation, you are now at a propper age for it. One years schooling wod cost about 30L, I certainly wod do it, was I in England to place you out. For if you learn Navigation it might be the means of getting you the Birth of being a Mate of a Ship when the war is oer, and tend very strongly to your case: to your wants; and to your comforts through life, that is if you follow the sea. It certainly was best for me to leave the B. I am in La Vanneau a kind de secondo commissare, for as we have been tolerable fortunate in taking Prizes, there is of course much money stiring amongst the people, and H has given me the liberty of vending to nostro pepola every kind of robi. when a packet or ship arrives here from England. Io andare la boardo, and comprato shoes, hatts, sheeting, stockings & every thing worn by sailors and these to vende la boarda. I have turned in this way of Trade, in this ship about 2400 dollars, and tomorrow I have been in the Country exactly 12 months, and with proffits, I have gained better than 300L Sterling, but I privately carry chocolate &c &c &c from Martinico to St. Kitts & Nankeen from St.Batholomews to the English Islands, and other little things in that way. our ship has been ashore at St. Batholomews, thumping for 4 hours with much violence. Our ship the people say, is quit rotten, and must go home. It is possitively said that she will leave this Country in October next, but H is trying to get an exchange, and stop in this Country, In which case I fancy shall stop here also, but if the Vanneau does go to England, and leaves me in the WI, I will by her send you something better than a Letter, which will be left at Mrs Snells: and also I will explain to you, or point out some further wishes of mine. If La Vanneau shod come home and you unexpectedly cross her
carryed to page 88
WW Letters from page 87
cross her come aboard if you can. If you do not find me aboard, you will find our people very civil. NB. Then on the B anchoring at Spithead 11 Dec~97 & cruizing off Alderney in May 98. There is many communi omo in the B that I shod be very glad to see. pray how is Sir Thomas Carlow, how many more wives has he got. How is my old friend Mr Percy is he an admirals Secretary still. How is Jeremiah Prutchley does he now crawl like a crab, and blaspheme as much as he used to do. How is General Maxfeild & Mr. William Rue. Pray remember me to any that may ask after me. We have had the good luck to Capture since I wrote to you on the 3 March last five french privatier. I have had my health perfectly since I have been here, but for my own part, I think old Nick must have got that person who first found out this Country. I consider it as a curse unto England. many a young fellow under 22 years of age, have died of Fluxs & Fevers out of the Concord since she has been in this Country, and also in our Ship. The Heats are so great; that I never Breakfast or Dine, but what I take my [carnesa] off and even then, ones Carcase is covered with sweet. -- Never wish to come to the WI. for home is better. Tomorrow we sail on a cruize, although it is a huricane month. I doth not like it, our Ship is so crank, that she will upset, before she will carry her Masts away, but we are to keep the Sea, under the hope that the french will send something out from Guadelupe, expecting that the English men of war, are all laid up for the Huricane Month
NB Then said in my will, was the B Pay Lists for him. also my Idea on the West India Packets where I could gain 200L every voyage. -- Take all in all I do not like H so well as I did Captain M. H is very young & very proud , however I shall battle it out with him as well as I can, while I am getting money with him. In your next Letter pray say if my Letters to you, cost you any thing, and I do desire that as soon as you receive this, that you will write me a line immediately, it is not half an hours work, and I must strongly tell you, to be very particular in your directions. -- direct it thus. At Vanneau St Kitts Station West Indias. write this direction in some leafe in any book which you may have in your Chest, then you will have it to look at, when you want it. Your other Letters have not come to me, for want of being plainly directed. I am please at your leaving the Letters of recommendation at Mrs. Snells, she will take care of them, and I have acted towards her so, that I think she will do you any little service, on my account. I gives me pleasure that you did not go out of the B with M. had you gone your might have lost you cloath, and perhaps something worse. -- every thing that does happen. -- happens for the best. I hope to see you again, but when I do see you again, I hope you will have followed my wishes; that is to wear your hair short & thin. That nasty custom of Tying hair, is as bad as drinking your Grog out of a Piss Pott. I now wear no hair on my head, that is longer than the hair on your Eyebrows. And furthermore I hope Captain Douglas punisheth every person under his command, that Swears. I hope you will not suffer that naval custom to be your master.
carryed to page eighty nine
WW Letter fm p eighty eight
I write now on paper, what you have often heard me say, which is that I have many
relations & acquaintances, but no friends, I do not know any one person living, to
whom my presence would give pleasure. That being the true case, you may infer, that I am
the better able, and more at liberty to serve you, if I find you deserving. At all events
stick to your Ship, do not quit her, and in October I will write to you again. If I sail
for England in Octr, I hope to eat some Roast Beefe at Spithead on Xmas Day. and it
is my intention to take you out of the B, and give you a years Schooling, which is a thing
raryly done, as you will go out upon promotion, but this must depend on circumstances.
Keep your self honest, it will make the Saltbeefe & Buiscuts digest the Better, &
if you walke out of the ship, with clear hands on that head. -- Why when you are ashore,
you will be as good as the best of them. consider mio as vostro Padre. I see there is the
following remark. -- "I so much wish to assist you, that could I safely convey it
into your hands, I wod allow voi una G por mesi, that is what I wrote to you nearly
a year ago. Now a whole year is almost expired, before I receive a single line from you.
-- You certainly have lost quelque denario by vosstro Lettera miscarrying. Therefore after
you get this, write me a few lines every month, if one Letter is lost, tutti will not be
lost. It is only imploying una ora for a de la Mesi, in vostro watch abasse. The poco
occurrence in la B will afford you robi to write upon. You know how I used to write, when
I was in La B sometimes 4 or 5 hours in the day by Candle light, and let me tell you, that
you write now much worse than you did when you were with me; which is all for want of
using yourself to write a little. -- and let me again say, that if I do not sail myself
for England in next October, that I will by the Homeward bound fleet, which will sail for
England on the 25 of October next from St Kitts: send you something better than a Letter:
therefore should you be at Spithead abut next Chrismas, you may do well to call Mrs.
Snells. -- There is one Letter of mine, which I know you never had. It was dated the
8th Decr 1797. It went by the Prince Ernest Packet, which was Captured by the
french, in the Channel. -- I like to be very plain, and to send no blank paper on board La
B. for although writing to you, yet I consider myself as speaking to all that know me in
La B. That Letter of mine to you, was dated on the 8th Decr, which was taken by
the french in the Prince Ernest Packet, contained the following things. -- That on the 25
Oct 1797 I was offered by General Cuyler to go to St Lucia, as Deputy Naval Officer &
Harbor Master of that Island with a sallery of Two Hundred pounds a year, but as the
English had proposed to give up that Island to the french at Peace, and as when Peace did
come I should loose my Birth, and be at a great loss in selling off my Household Furniture
&c I thought it best not to accept it: particularly as the day before, I had an
interview with H who had promised to rate me as a cinquo omo. et dati Quaranta pd
per anno -- so on the first of November I went con H into LaVanneau as his Majordomo and
the Captain of the Lapwing went into the Concord. -- NB This Postcript I write in
Basseterre Roads on the 12 September. -- every other part was wrote on the 6th.
--Since which period we have been to Antigua where H has been, to try if the Captain of
the Santa Margaretta will exchange Ships, but it will not do. few Captains of a 36 will
exchange for an old rotton 28 merely for the convenience of going home. --This Letter goes
by the Chesterfield Packet which sails for Falmouth this evening.
NB carryed to page 92
Boardo la B Isola la Guernsey 5th June 1798
My service to you, I humble thank you, for your favour which you have shown to me, & I now ask pardon for no answering yours at first, which was my neglect for so doing. but my reason for so doing, I lost your first Letter, and was at a loss where to direct, or how to direct, untill I received another and I than answered yours immediately; and wrote three; if you have not received either of them; it is miscarryed. I answered your second, which I got from Mrs Snels. -- I received la G and was extremely much oblidged to you for it, for Io era much dans want of it quella tempo. Capt M left the Ship, and never said any individual thing to me, concerning going with him, or staying behind, no more than if I ever was in the Birth. nor, never date mio una farthing when he did go. I never deserved to be used so by him. Eastlake & me agreed very well together, untill he left the Ship. Mr Ellison behaved very well to me, as he found Captain M did not, and he put me avant la Mast I received yours dated the 3 March on the 22 May, and sailed that very day from Guernsey on a Cruize, and arrived the 4th June again at Guernsey. I am extremely much oblidged to you, for la dua G which you set to me, I expect to receive it, when I arrive in England. The 3 Letters of recommendation I left with Mrs S. as I thought they would be safer with she than with me. your favour which you have shown me, is more than I deserved, when you was in the Ship, it is more than I expected from you. I am very happy to find so good a friend in you, as you are the only one I have got. At present. There is great talke of Peace, but I do not know when it will come; for my part I do not see no likelyhood of it. When we came to England, there was a disturbance in the Ship concerning have liberty ashore, Three of our men got put in irons; but by having a good Captain, they all got clear. It was Captain Erven which brought the Ship home. I hear that Captain Morris has lost his Ship the Lively frigate, they were a cruizing off Cadiz in foggy weather, when she struck on a Rock, but the men were all saved, except on man. Captain M. took
carryed to page 92
La Raguzza WWs responsa
fm page Ninety one
took William Green Eastlake & Cash with him, Green was his Coxwain, but they had
some falling out, and he floored him, and put him on board of the Triton. Captain Morris
is now in England at this time. Mr William Price desires to be remembered to you. so
nothing more at present from you humble Servant W W
NB WWs H recommendatory Letters were, one to Mr Gaskel one to Mr Prosser one to Mr Clark
and one to W T. They are noticed in page 185 in the Naples Journal. But as yet I
have not wrote to G.P or Clark on this business. nor W T.
NB Ancora. Francked as thurs on the back. H M ship Lapwing St. Kitts 11th Sept
1798 TW Harvey Captain.
NB on the short cross of the outside I wrote this. ---Owing to bad weather this did not go
by the Chesterfeild Packet. But is left at the Post Office in Nevis; the 1st of
October 1798. A, T.
This Letter, Doctor Williamson the Post Master of Nevis, tells me went for Europe by the
Penelope Packet, which came through the Islands, after the Tamer sailed for England with
the Convoy.
Answered on the 31 Decr 1798 by W W
Journal fm p Eighty Six.
Sunday 9 September 1798 Spoke to the Lord Duncan Privateer of Antigua, who said that he had been down off Surinam, and was Chaced by a french frigate, whose shot carryed away his Foretopmast, and that he had been to Tobago to refit, that he had not been at Antigua for 2 months, and that he wanted to send a Letter to his owners. -- Said there was a Dutch Fifty, & 2 Sloops of War, with 6 or 7 Schooner of War in Surinam River. -- We Passed near to Antigua.
Monday 10th Sepr Stood close in with English Harbor. lay too, sent 2 Boats in, one with the Concords people: In the other went Captain Harvey & Mr Sheppard. -- at M D the Boats returned, the Concord was not in their as was expected, she having been ashore on Johnsones Reefe for 3 hours on Sunday last, and is gone down to St Kitts, we left her people in English Harbour. -- The only Ships there are the Santa Margaretta & Matilda. -- made Sail & Passed close to the N and W sides of Montserrat
Tuesday the 11th Lay too off Nevis, at M. D anchored in Basseterre Roads. -- Mr King came board and paid the Prize money for La Invariable french Schooner Merchant Vessel, which was captured by us on the 12th July last -- a Foremast man shared 27 Dollars -- My Share was 15 Joes & 4 Dollars; making 124 Dollars or 27 L 18 Sterling
Wednesday 12th was ashore. Paid 82 L 10/ currency into the hands of Dennistoun McLachlan & Thomson to be kept by them for me. -- Mr McLachlan informed me that the 80 L Sterling which I paid into their hands in last was vested in the Three per Cent Consols. -- at 4 P M hove up, sailed for Tortola with the Chesterfield Packet.
Thursday 13th. Last night was squally: heavy rain, and very vivid Lightening. At 1 P M this day, when within 1 League of the entrance of the Virgen Gorda. The wind suddenly changed & the whole atmosphere
carryed to page Ninety Seven
Miscellaneous & Nautical remarks from page Twenty Nine
My Papa Mr John Yelsand, made a Leiutenant in 1783 was drowned in Watering Trough in Mile end Road, where Coaches stop to water their Horses. -- He laid himself down in The Trough; (being a little Tipsey) to sleep, & though it had been a Sophia.
The Honble Cochrane Johnsone, Governor of Dominica; told me at Funchal in Madeira, that he had permission from Mr Dundas, to raise 50 Black men in Maderia, & carry them to Dominica, to complete the Black Regiment which he had there.
-- Funchal 7th July 1797
Thicknesse was at Parpignan in 1776, and there he was aked qulque had a gusto for
Mr Gwillam told the Boatswain to suspend the Cutter; and pospone the Barge. Boatswain went below, and cam upon the Quarter Deck, and told the commaning officr, that he had no such Ropes, as Suspend & Pospone; upon charge.
One the very usefull purposes, to which the Bamboo is applied; by the natives where it grows. -- It makes a good Pickle. it makes vessels to drink out of, and wash in, It makes Brooms, It is good fire Wood. It makes good Morters to pound any thing in. It makes Hedges, and forms the finest shades over Rivers in the world, --The Groves formed by it, are as fine as nature can form. The fibres of it Trunk makes thread. The Trunk of its Tree makes Troughs to water Cattle with, Gates & Railing are made of it.
When I hail you again from the Quarter Deck on the Forecastle, if you do not touch your Hatt & say Sir, when you answer, I will flog you.
carryed to page Ninety Six
Nautical & Miscellaneous matter fm p Ninety Six
[sidenote: East India Captain had Buttons for all his dresses of Nutmegs covered.]
Captain Smurlkes, while he was at Sea, had all the Buttons of his Coat waiscoats & Breeches made of Sharks Teeth, Pigs Jaws, Legs of Fowls, Ducks & Geese Beaks Sheeps Trottors. Musket Balls. Broken bitts of Glass Bottles. The thrum of old Mops. Heads of Nails. Leaded Spoons. -- Lump Sugar. -- Bitts of hard blacking Ball. pieces of flints. All his Shirt Buttons were of Swan Shot covered. And the Buttons of his best blue Coat, were of the Teeth of the humane race, and collected by the Sexton of Kingston Church near Portsmouth but these Teeth were each seperately covered, with Nutmeg.
[sidenote: By wearing them he said it put him in mind of the Tooth ach]
I put my head into Harveys Caben one day, at the very moment he had broke wind; and at the period when the smell & explosion, left no doubt of the fact, --Bless me Sir say I -- I beleive there has been an unusual crack, --Very true replies Harvey, when a Flag Officer enters, I always salute him with a Thirty Six pounder.
In giving Alms to the poor, there is no charity in it, if we make it known: All those who subscribe to Public Charities, and have their names published in the Newspaper, do it for ostentation. -- I never yet met with an Almshouse with this inscription over it. -- "This Almshouse was built at the expence of an unknown individual.
Joseph Hilliar now 20 years of age, one of the Jolly Boat Boys, was born at Mount Sorrel in Leicester where is Mother now lives, was a high bounty man for that Parish in 1795.
carryed to page one hundred & two
Journal from page ninety four
Thursday the 13th of September 1798 continued
Atmosphere, indicated strong symptoms of an approaching Huricane, hauled our wind, as
did the Packet, to avoid being on a Lee shore, and the reefe of Anegada
at 3 P M were 6 Leagues to windward of Anegada
Reefe. at 4 P M. The weather became more moderate, but for the last 2 hours immense
quantitys of Rain fell, with strong & violent gusts of wind, every body on board
saying it was the commencement of a Huricane. -- I write this at 8 P M, and we have now
our Topsails set; and the weather is very moderate, only it Lightens.
Come gentle winds; us do protect
And Guard the souls, of thy select
A humble sinner: a sinner deep,
Before thy tribune, now does weep
Who hopes before, thy holy face:
In thy presence, to find grace.
Oh let thy favour, on us fall;
Protect us Lord: yes one & all.
Oh let the Lapwing to England go,
Unmolested by winds; and foe
And when the men, in England are
Let them not in praizes; to the spare,
Oh let not storms, this Ship assail;
But when it does; I shall bewail,
For when by waves, she much is tost;
I well do know, she will be lost.
Thenquickley I hope, with the to be;
To rest to all eternity.
carryed to page one Hundred
Scriptural remarks from page 63.
Ecclesiastes Chap 4 Verse 11Again, if two lie togather, then they have heat, but how
can one be warm alone.
Proverbs Chap 4. V 17. Solomon says, that. "a proud look; is one of the Six things; which is hated by the Lord.
An Epitaph
Here lies foundered in one fathom, the shell of Aaron Thomas formerly commander of a Squadron, who brought to at 9 P M. 18th January 1798 aged 36 years. He kept his Guns always loaded, and his tackle ready maned, and never shewed his poop to the enemy, except when he took her in tow, but his Shot being expended, his match burnt out, and his upper works decayed, He was sunk by deaths superior weight of metal. Nevertheless he will be weighted again, at the great day, His riging refited, and his timbers repaired: and with one broadside will again drive his enemys
Journal from page 97
Friday 14 Sep'r 1798, one of the Portuguese Sailors, which belongs to our Ship, this
day killed a Pig of his: which weighed 104 lb. He sold every ounce of it to the people
(not keeping a bitt for his own Dinner) at Three Bitts the pound. -- He gained 16 Dollars
by the Pig, as he had it aboard for some time, but its keep cost him nothing.
All this day very fine weather, a clear Sky,
and Sunshine. -- The Ship standing to the Southard and Eastward, making the best of her
way for St. Kitts. At 9 AM Santa Cruz in sight, at 5 PM. The high land of Virgen Gorda in
Saturday 15th In the morning to the Southard of Saba. -- Boarded the Danish Ship Patience of Christiana, from Bordcua, bound to St. Thomas's, with Mr Dyce. The Captain of the Dane asked 18 Dollars for a Case of Claret containing Thirty Quart Bottles. and Ten pound Sterling for a 50 Gallon Cask of Claret, which would run about 16 Dozen. At 10 AM came aboard, and the Dane made Sail. This Dane had a complete french Cargo on board, but being in a Neutral bottom, and bound to a Neutral port, she could not be detained. She had 4 french Passangers on board, one of which was a Lady. She asked me to send her some Soft Bread. At 1 PM Boarded a Danish Schooner at 2 PM had the dura parola con la Harvey dentro la grande Camoreto.
Sunday 16th The forepart of the day fine & clear weather. At 4 PM a strong squal with heavy rain.
Monday 17th September, at a 1/4 before 4 AM. a very heavy Squal. The Ship laid down so; that her Starboard main Chains were in the water. -- most of the people run on deck to assist in righting her. At 10 carryed away the Main Stay: All this day very Squally with rain, Shiped all the ports. Joseph Carmichael let out of Irons for being below, when all hands were on Deck. Was in Irons 5 days.
carryed page one Hundred & one
Miscellaneous and Nautical matter fm p 96
[skip top]
When a Rich Planter dies in the West Indias, his Body is generally put inside of a [Hhd] of Rum, and so preserved is sent to England, -- And this Rum in England, after the Carcase is taken out, is always drunk.
So disagreeable is a residence in the West Indias, that I heard a Leiutenant say, that he would rather be suspended in a Cage from a Jib Boom end, and go to England in that situation, than be left ashore at St. Kitts, for the space of three months.
In the Navy, the lives of men are a Race, the Admiral runs from the Captain. The Captain runs from the Leiutenant. -- The Leiutenant runs from the Midshipman, and the Midshipman runs from the common Sailor. -- and vica versa. The Midshipman pursuith a Leiutenant. The Leiutenant runs after the Captain from the Midshipman. The Captain hunts the Admiral, to get away from the Leiutenant. -- And the Admiral shuts himself up his Chamber, and tells his Servant to deny him to the Captain when he calls &c &c &c &c
Hang a Table Cloath out at the Stern, as a Signal, will you come and dine with me.
carryed to page one Hundred & Ten and 122
Notiza per WW
Io told voi to guarda a Log. mio marca to Humby on Jarvis victory Sopra La Spanioulo. quella L Guerra 3 ans pise. Fazem una commissari but nada perque quella minuto miente piu parlati con la communi onio Morris cost the Livily by geting the Pox at Naples. for he went to Sick quarters at Lisbon, left the Boston, then got the Lively and lost her off Cadiz. Is Sir G Huish with you and is he moved above a middy yet. How is feild are his Legs got as straight as the Gunners Powder Horns, or are they got more shaped like a pair of Rams Horns. -- How is Brown the Master, I supposed by this time is Gut is as big as the windsail, when full of wind, and as to his Belly, I must judge that there is not Canvas enough in the main Sail to cover it. -- How is Llewellyn, has the poor creatures pride permited him to have utterance yet, does he buft and throw his spit in the face of all he speakes to yet. is his Tongue got as large as one of Browns Boots, perhaps it is, and all sufficient to lick the oven out with, when red hot in lieu of Brooms. -- My Compliments to Graves. Brown. Feild & Llewellyn. they were such meek, humble and Brotherly dumps of Ice, that I cannot forget such Swabs. Put Pomatum in my head, ants got into, looked like a Plumb Puding, comb ones head to get the ants out. My Caben so small that I cannot: north doth not sleep in it. If Vanneau was to come home she wo'd be employed only; as a Convoy between Portsmouth & the Downs; or between England & Cork. -- Tumbling over my books this day 27 September 98 I found a Latin Dictionary given me by Mr. W Green after what you say of him, it is not a little singular. as he was forced suo mano into mine. on La Barca alongside la B when Io left her &c. -- How is little Johnsone. -- No Mids to make Leiutenants of, I wish you understood Navigation. -- Our Ship looks very odd, she has an air Balloon on each Topgallant mast head, which the men fill by means of a Canvas pipe on Sea days, as when they are full of inflamable air, should the Ship be upset in a Huricane we can save all the Ships Company, by floating in Boats ashore in the air under the 3 Balloons, every man started that does not fart in this Pipe coming to England in a Cage hung under the Jib Boom. In order to preserve the Ship all Candlesticks that have had Tallow burned in them, are to have the Tallow run over the Ships sides in the Sun in order to preserve it, a Leiutenant burst with anger, he burst like a bomb no Prizes lately, as Solomon & the Purser say their Prayers dailey On the snake passing thro the Tupe at Old Road and then being emptyed into the Skuttle Butt &c. My work is as hard as the labor which a Midshipmans Tea Kettle goes thro, from page 324 Naples Book, and the little green book. Fire with Pistols at the men on the Yards, when they are not quick we breake Boatswains for Drunkenness, and have a first L that will drink 14 glasses of Gin Grog before Breakfast, and stand stif on the Quarter Deck, with that quantity in his Panch Have had a Boatswain smothered by drinking spirits, after his death, 5 gallons of Rum issued out at his Navel, as he which laid in his Coffin which was so good, that all his Mates got drunk by making it into Punch A mid of the flora floged for warming his finger in the arse holes of the Captains Hens. articled at Birmingham.
Journal from page one Hundred and five
Friday 21 September 1798 Continued
At 11 AM Saw a strange Sail. At 30 minutes past 2 PM. boarded the Chace. She proved to be an English Sloop, from Charleston South Carolina, bound to St. Johns Antigua. had been out 48 days, Laden with Guinea Corn and provisions. was in wants of water, sent them board a 15 Gallon Keg and a Demijohn full of water. -- at 1/4 past 3 made sail. -- at 5 PM, another strang Sail was seen from the Mast Head. At night lost sight of the strang Sail.
Saturday 22 September. All last night very vivid Lightening, and extremely loud claps of Thunder, and heavy rain. A Cloud burst within about 200 yards of us; for I Judged it to be about that distance, by the noise it made.
A O Janter. Rowe & Sheppard. H said that Rowe would have grey hairs on his head
before he got to be a Captain of Marines, he would be 40 years of age first: and now he
was about 20.
In the cockpit: at Dressing this evening, The Surgeon Ridgeway gave out orders, that if
any sick or Lame man, used any impertinence to him or his Mate, that he would report them
to the Quarter Deck, and get them put Centinal at the Skuttle Butts.
Sunday 23rd The wind variable, and Squally. --Dopa antimedia in studying the proverbs of Solomon -- dertimined to call our Captain by the name of young Solomon. -- as he knows everything, as he thinks. -- That is he considers himself as wiser then Henry Harvey his father, who is our present commander in Cheife in the Windward Island; over the English fleet.
Monday the 24 September 1798. At 7 AM. a strange Sail in sight, standing to the Southard. -- At sunset had gained but little of the Chace.
Tuesday 25 Sep'r at 10 minutes past 4 AM the sudden alarm of the Ship lying down by Mr Taylor. -- a white Squal took the Ship and laid her down almost Beam on. It seems the Officer of the Watch was asleep on one of the Carronades, and every Soul belonging to the Watch was asleep under the half Deck or on the after part of the Quarter Deck. -- She had Top Gallant Sails set. -- at the noise all hands run on Deck. The Sergant of Marines
carryed to page one Hundred & Seven
Journal from page one Hundred and Nine
[sidenote: Nota sopra Lieutentant Exactley &c Mr D S.]
Friday 28 September 1798.
Harvey ordered, that for the future, two men
should keep Watch, during the night, in the Waiste; to keep people from watering against
the Ships sides
At Dinner yesterday, Ridgeway tells me that
Harvey said, that in every Bawdy House in Portsmouth, he had very often noticed; very
general indeed; that when they brought him Wine, there never was any stopper in the Wine
Decanter, but always an old cork. -- By which remark I must enfer, that he has been a
Viseter General, to all the Cazi Puttani in Gosport. Portsmouth & Portsea.
At sunset saw St. Kitts. Nevis, Redonda &
Saturday 29th Sep'r At daylight saw a strange Sail, at 7 A M Spoke her close in under
Montserrat, she proved to be an Antigua Privateer called the Scourge, told us that the
Concorde was in English Harbor, and that 17 men had run from her; Also said that Captain
Midford of the Matilda was dangerous ill. -- This is good news for the first Lieutenant of
the Prince of Wales, and also for Masters & Commanders; -- as should Midford die, the
first Lieutenant of the Prince of Wales will be made a Master & Commander, and put
into a Sloop of War, and Captain of that Sloop of War, will be put into the Matilda which
makes him a Post Captain
At 6 P M cost Nevis Point, fell little wind.
could not come to an Anchor
Sunday 30 Sept'r At daylight Anchored in Nevis Roads. Charles Fort bearing E 1/2 SE distant one mile. at 5 A M I went ashore in the Yawl, called of Mr Richardson, and he came off, and Breakfasted with me aboard, with Mr Athol of Antigua
carryed to page one Hundred & Twenty four
Miscellanous & Nautical remarks from pages one Hundred & Two & one Hundred and Nineteen
Water is a higher Luxury to thirsty person, than good Wine is to a debauched taste
On the 13th of September 1795 Io had of H M denario on boarda La B 7L 5/.
It is a noble, commodous, and secure Bay, as any in the world: it being situated upon a Hill.
In Ancient times K.... lived upon their own herds of Cattle, flocks of Sheep, and their personal Estate: The modern practize is for them to live upon other peoples property, and by taxing Commerce & Industry.
While we (see W. W. Feild. Samuel & Varlo) were drinking the Cordials of the American Captain in Yarmouth Roads November 1795, He the Captain was entertaining us with his exploits, and the great number of voyages; which he had made from America to France, and of his out sailing an English Frigate, who Chaces him into St. Sebastins where he was bound to &c
The English pride themselves much, on keeping up the names of the French Ships which fall into their hands, whereas the French seem to act contrarywise, for the Montreal frigate taken in Mideterranean in the year 1779 was afterwards called by the French La Tuteur, and the Romolus Captain Gayton of 44 Guns, taken by the French Frigate La Eveille in 1781, was afterwards by the french, called La Sagittaire.
Turned Flake Pisdalt out of the barge, because when I got into the Boat, at the Sally port, I perceived he had grey hairs in his head. He must not remain as one of the Barges Crew, for the hair of his head being Grey, I shall have the people calling out for the grey Bargers &c.
Harvey, ordered his Majordomo always after this day (7th Oct'r 98) when a fowl dyed, to produce it to him, dead as it was. &c.
Dead Black Infants in the West Indias, are used by the Fishermen to catch young Sharks with
carryed to page One Hundred & Twenty Three
Nautical & miscellaneous remarks from page one Hundred & Twenty Two
On the Lord Mayor of Dublin, threating by proclamation in June 1798, to send every man on board the Royal Navy, who should neglect to expose on a piece of paper, on the outside of his House, the exact number, & names of every person who resided in his House &c
On the Sailors in the Glatton, who from the great cold existing, as soon as the Galley fire was put out, laid down on the hot bars, (after fighting who should be first)which burnt the jacket of one, who run on Deck set fire to some brooms on the Booms, and endangerd the Ship &c &c
Cuting the Indigo Shrub, while Green, to make Brooms of packing them in our Hold (24 Oct 1798) this day, green as they are, where it is well, if they do not get so hot as to take fire. &c &c
Had a Barrel of Rice spoiled in the Spirit Room, by leaving out the Bung, when I saw
Twenty Eight Ratts, Jump out, and near 2 Bushel of live Cockroaches, -- it came aboard for
the use of the Sick, out of La Invariable french prize Schooner, but A T took most of it
--Robt Ridgeway Surgeon
At the close of the American war, Goverment gave an order, "That no Weomen, Dogs or Cocks, should be taken to Sea in men of War.
Craer the Surgeons Mate, giving the first Lieutenant the Sick List, which was wrote on a piece of Paper: cut in the shape of a + Head or grave Stone. Captain kept the Sick List in a Box made in the shape of a Coffin
+ To sketch it in page 165
carryed to page One Hundred & Sixty four