Aaron Thomas:
The Caribbean Journal of a Royal Navy Seaman
June 1798 - July 1798
Journal pages 1 - 56 |
August 1798 - September 1798
Journal pages 56 - 123 |
October 1798 - November 1798
Journal pages 127 - 186 |
December 1798 - January 1799
Journal pages 190 - 227 |
February 1799 - March 1799
Journal pages 228 - 266 |
April 1799 - May 1799
Journal pages 267 - 310 |
June 1799 - July 1799
Journal pages 310 - 347 |
August 1799 - October 1799
Journal pages 348 - 366 |
[Date: February 1799 - March 1799. Pages: 228-266]
Journal from page Two Hundred & Twenty Seven
Friday the 1 of Febuary 1799. Last night for the first time slept in the Lower Chamber
At 8 P M. Recd information that 5 Seamen
were regaling themselves in a Hutt, in Freemans Bay, & that they had walked from St.
Johns to enter for a Transport, then lying in the Bay. T H took a brace of pistols, got
five Marines armed, and went to the House, found them sat down to supper, to Eat some
boiled fish; and plenty of Melted Butter, with 2 Bottles of Rum upon the table. Brought
them all into the Capstan House: having first Tyed each mans hands. Found Dr
Ridgeway very drunk. -- Dixon the Boatswain was also drunk. strange scuffle between him
and the Captain in the, Loft. Dixon said if he had a Broomstick in his hand, he would
drive the Captain out of the loft.
When Spence came over, he found Peggy Brookes seting with the Captain. Captain
afterwards said, Spence should not a seen her there for Two Joes.
Saturday 2 Febuary 1799 The Negro Man who gave the information last night the Sailors
came to the Captain for his reward. The Captain gave him a Bottle of Rum. Man very
much dissatisfyed said he would call again.
In addition to the charge before exhibited against the Boatswain, to the Admiral, he his
not to be tryed for mutiny.
carryed to page Two Hundred & Twenty Nine
Journal from page two Hundred & Twenty Eight
Saturday the 2nd Feby 1799 continued
Kept Three of the Men Pressed last night, and discharged Two. At 7 P M. Captain brought into the House, a Case of Rum containing 18 Quarts. It was stoped at the gates by the Porter, it being late, and Samuel Bath said it was for His Master Doctor Ridgeway. -- Captain desired me to put it into my Chamber, & not let the Doctor have it untill further orders. At 8 P M, set out to go to see the humours of a Negro Dance in Freemans Bay, but got so stuck in the Swamp, on the East side of the Harbor, that it sickened my curiosity, & returned home---Began getting the Ballast into the Ship. -- Enquired after Louisa
Sunday 3 Feby 1799. Went up to Barrats concerning Ridgeways Rum, found he had ordered a
25 Gallon Cask of Rum at 2 Dollars the Gallon, was ordered to let the Doctor have only one
Bottle of Rum a day. Was in the Negro Market. Rode Gordons Horse to Reconnoitre the Swamp
which I could not cross last night, I see that I had mistaken the Road. -- Rode about the
Hill of the Hospital &c
Yesterday, Ansel, Perry the Marine, Young
Lewis, and Hutchen the Boatswain Mate had each one Dozen Lashes The first Third &
fourth, for being outside the Gates without leave on Friday night; and the Second for
being drunk.
Last night Deserted from the Ship one Mathews, who was one of the men which were pressed
on Friday night in Freemans Bay -- He came from America in an American National Brigg, and
I saw him at St Johns when I was last there with Mr Canes
carryed to page two Hundred & Thirty
Journal fm page Two Hundred & Twenty Nine
Sunday the 3rd of Febuary 1799 continued
At sunset Langham & Cattene were brought
into the yard drunk, under the charge of 2 Soldiers, The Captain fell in with them, near
the mast House fighting, gave them in charge to the Soldiers; they were both put in Irons.
Butcher was also sent aboard by the Captain, in charge of Douglas, who was drunk, Winslow
came into the yard Drunk, and was hid in our Stable by Mathew Sirr, Many of our people
were out upon liberty, and many of them got very drunk.
had a long conversation with an old Negro
Weoman who abut 40 years ago came from Makoko, near the Lake of Zambra in the Eastern
shore of Africa. I gave her the history of the building of the Tower of Babel; the
confounding the workers, which was the cause of so many Languages being spoken by
different nations at the present time. She had not forgot her native Tongue, but told me
the names of many thing in the African Tongue. I asked her if she did not wish to go back
again to her own Country, she answered me. -- Who will carry me back master: nobody durst
carry me back, unless they wish to loose 2 Hundred pounds -- I shall die a Slave master,
nobody will carry me back master. -- I shall be a Slave master all the days of my life.
carryed to page Two Hundred & Thirty one
Journal from page Two Hundred & Thirty
Monday the 4th Febuary 1799
my washerweoman, who is a mustee, brought
her little Boy Charles down to our House, and said the Child was a Dustee, he being
got by a white man; by She. -- That a Black infant might have its freedom bought for Ten
Joes, or Thirty Three pounds Currency, -- That a Mulatto child was to be bought for the
same price, but that a mustee infant would have his freedom for Seven Joes. That a Dustee
Infant could have his freedom for Six Joes. -- A Dustee is as white & fair, as the
most delicate European; their hair when infants is generally as white as cream, and when
they grow up, were they in Europe, they would not be known to be Indians; did not their
droaling soft, and effiminate voice betray them. The reason why a Dustee is to be bought
cheaper than a Mulatto, is, that a Mulatto when grown up, would find it a very difficult
matter to get out of an Island in the West Indias, but a Dustee could get off, without any
difficulty at all: his white skin would avoid suspicion &c.
Came in from the Country Captain Mitford of the
Matilda & his wife, with Mr. Jones a Manager. They baited at our House. Captain
Mitford was left here ill, since then the Matilda is gone down to Jamicia. -- When Mr
Jones Horse was at the door, I said to his Servant, your master has got a very good Horse;
Yes Sir says the Black Boy, my master is a Manager, -- and a Manager has always the best
Horse Sir.
carryed to page Two Hundred & Thirty Two
Journal from page Two Hundred & Thirty one
Monday the 4th Febuary 1799 Continued.
Was Piloted to a Cavern by a Black man which is
called Batts Hole; named so from the great quantitys of Batts which resort in it. This
Cavern is situated about one mile from the ozey ground of Indian Creek, and its opening is
towards the South East. -- This Cavern is very remarkable, and may vie with its internal
convenience; with many subterrenaus abodes of this sort in England. I have seen the Cavern
near the Berryhead in Torbay, That Which is under Blackheath with several other of note in
Brittain, and considering that this Cavern is in Antigua a small Island, on can but wonder
how; and for what purpose such a cavity in the earth could be formed. Standing on a Hill
called the Ridge from its form, you look down into a narrow vale, in the centre of this
Vale, you see a Broad rockey surface, with a Thorney shrub (called Turks Caps from its
afinity to the Caps worn by Turks) and Prickley Pears, here & there squeezing their
deathless roots & branches, through the clefts of the rocks, all around is good
pasturage; and viewing it from hence, few would suspect that nature had formed such a
commodious Chamber under ground in this small valley. Its entrance has nothing peculiar in
its appearance, only for some yards from its mouth you may step from stone to stone, so
that not a blade of grass can be incomoded, & by which much trampling may exist,
without discovering any path into the Cavern. It is called Batts Hole, by reason of great
numbers of Batts resorting in it, who are of
[sidenote: The Centipee under the Turks Cap & Dows Estate]
carryed to page Two Hundred & Thirty Three
Journal from page 232
Monday the 4 Feby 1799 Continued
of a very large size, and are easily taken by extending a large net across the mouth of
the Cavern, and then going into the subterraneous passages with a light and frightening
them out
The extremities of this Cave; it is said has
never been explored, and that it extends under the Sea to a Cave in the Island of
Barbuda, called Darbys Cave a distance of more then 27 English miles, as the directions of
the cavitys in Batts Hole & Darby Cave run towards each other. In going into Batts
Hole; great surcumspection must be used, if you go out of the sight of its mouth,
otherwise you will not be able to find the way out again, -- If you mean to pinetrate far,
you must get a Rope, and make it fast at the mouth, and then uncoil the Rope as you
proceed onwards, and when you have gratified your curiosety, the rope will be your sure
clue to return by. -- Runaway Slaves often frequent this cave, on which account it is
prudent to go in armed.
A Gentleman of this Island some years back,
filled Three Casks of the stone, which is found inside this Cavern and sent it to England
to have in examined; it being asserted that Diamonds were to be found it it, -- But I
fancy it did not answer the suspected fact, on examination; as no second exportation has
taken place from the Cavern of Batts Hole.
On my return home, I put the mussle of my Gun; unobserved near the face of a Negro Wench,
who on noticing it, was so alarmed that she fell into a Prickley Pear Bush, and pulled a
Boy into the Bush with her.
carryed to page Two Hundred and Thirty four
Journal from page 233
Tuesday the 5 February 1799 at 5 P M Anchored here His Majesty Sloop of War Spencer; commanded by Captain Walton from Halifax in Novia Scotia? -- This is Shrove Tuesday. I see the people keep here the custom of Eating Pancakes, the same as they do in England.
Wednesday the 6th Dined with Captain Walton. Cole. Fitch. Senhouse, Spence & Captain Barr of the Regulars. H insisting that Fitch was wrong and he was right in regard to what a row Boat was. The flag was hoisted at Monks Hill for the arrival of a Packet from England: Her name the Westmoreland Captain Rogers. The Same I saw at Lisbon in January 1794
Thursday 7th February. At 7 A M went out of Harbor His Majestys Sloop of War Spencer. Got the Ships Ballast into her again. her new coppering being completed &c
Friday the 8th. Began to get the main riging up, Carpenters imployed in
fiting out the Captains Cabin. Got in the Fore & Mizen Mast in; and the Bowsprit.
Perceiving that the hair on my head,
particularly the front part, is turning white; vulgarly called grey; I this day cut a
large lock of my hair off from the back part of my head, and carefully inrolled it in
paper. This hair I cut off for two reasons; first if any dispute should arise amongst my
friends; as to the real colour of my hair when the meriden of life had not assailed me,
this will exhibite the truth, -- and my second reason is, that if a female should take a
fancy to me in my old age, I can show her that I was not born with a grey head of hairs.
So much for locks of hairs. But as I have lived to be Thirty Six years old, without being
asked for a lock of my hair as a keepsake, -- I am not much afraid of hereafter being
asked this favour.
carryed to page 235
Journal from page Two Hundred & Thirty four
Friday the 8th of February 1799 Continued
[sidenote]: on la Beefe Stake Club. Advertized at Carrs Caza on the Parade in St Johns Antigua; to meet of the 15th Feby. -- no Beefe for Sale in the Island &c at this time
Came into the Harbor a small Schooner from
St. Johns. She says that the Brig from St. Johns laden with Boards and Carpenters Stores
for this yard: bore up this morning to return to St. Johns; after beating against the wind
& currents for eleven days, and unable to get in. -- the Yard being in want of the
Stores in her, I suppose they will order her to be Towed round, by some Ships from St.
At 5 PM. Anchored off the Egg Stone His Majesty
Sloop of war Spencer, A few minutes after Anchored in Freemans Bay; His Majesty Sloop of
War Cyane Captain Matson.
Mr. MacCane the Gunner of our Ship, is gone to sick quarters: -- having a sore leg. [sidenote:
sore Bag Grace the Blk Girl employed to cure the Gunr Leg] -- His Servant this day
offered the two Turkeys; which he said cost him one dollars each, -- he said he would sell
them for two dollars each, but on Major Alderton saying, he had stolen them; and that he
had not bought them out of an American Ship at St. Johns, as stated by him; I declined the
Saturday the 9th of February 1799. Dined with Matson Walton & Whiting. general abuse of Renolds of the Late Etrusco. who foundered going home in August last. -- Matsons Boat nearly upset in coming ashore from Freemans Bay. -- It blew this day in very strong puffs, and hard Squals. -- I should suppose the Cruizing Ships rounds the Islands, could only show, reefed Topsails to it.
carryed to page Two Hundred & Thirty Six
Journal from page Two Hundred & Thirty Seven
Thursday the 14 Febuary 1799. I understand that Dixon the Boatswain, last night struck
Mr. Tildersley, and several of the Petty Officers, and that he struck Mr Craer, with such
violence in the face with a Club, that it is thought Craer will loose an eye.
Taylor said that, two Sixty fours, had broke
the Line and runaway, and that it was time then for him to bear up. -- alluding to the
battle between Dixon the Boatswain, and the Petty Officers last night.
Read this day, the Public Letter of General Washington; wrote by him to Congress in the
Years 1775. 1776. 1777 & 1778.
Friday & Saturday the 15th & 16th. Employed my time in
reading the Public Dispatches of
General Washington; written to Congress during the War with America
Round the Dial; conversed with Youst -----I
said that in 2 years more England would have a warr! with America
Sopra Youst dela Byam
I take the liberty to lay the enclosed before you; not doubting by you will grand the
redness, the party deserith & is entitled to provided his story is true
Edward Byam
By the Advertizement in the Antigua Journal of Feb 12th 1799 I see that John Glasfurd the acting Commissary General advertiseth for Two Hundred Thousand Gallons of Rum for the use of the Kings Land forces in the West India Islands for one Year only
carryed to page 239
Journal from page 238
Sunday the 17th Febuary 1799 Had a long talke with Mrs Clarke, she being ill, I sat in her room. She says she is now in the 69th year of her age. -- she seemeth half starved to death for want of norishment, & good food, she borrowed 3 Bitts of me, I told her I would not lend it her, but would give it her. This is a strange weoman, she is starving to death, and yet she has Nine Slaves of her own. Two of them, Pedro and Dick are worth Sixty pounds Sterling, and her property, roughly calculated is worth Two Thousand pounds Sterling. -- She seems to be a Sister to Elves, the member of the British Parliament House, who starved himself to death about Ten years ago.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday the 18, 19 & 20th of Febuary, Employed my leisure time, in reading John Robinsons proofs of conspiracy, printed at Edinburgh in 1797. The Author has dedicated his work, to William Wyndham, by that: and perusing his Book, I see Mr Robinson has been writing for a place, and was, like myself poor.
Within these 6 days, several men belonging to the Spencer, Le Requim & Charlotte have Deserted, Three have been brought back & floged.
carryed to page 241
I take the liberty of addressing these lines to you, in hopes you will upon the perusal of them, take my case into your consideration -- It is this. -- I am an American Seaman, born at Philadelphia, and have a wife and Child residing at that place. The way I came into the English Service was in this manner. I went on board the Ship Tartar of London, at Boston, she being in want of hands, the Captain of her promised me his protection from being pressed into the British Service, as I was possitively an American, but upon the arrival of the Tartar at Demerara, I was compelled to go on board his Majestys Armed Sloop Charlotte, where I have remained to the present time. The Sloop being now in English Harbor, in a state of reparation I humbly sollicit you protection, that I may be enable to return to my native Country. -- Should I be so fortunate as to merit your Excellencys notice in this case, I shall always remember it, with the utmost gratitude I have the honour to be with the greatest respect, your most obedient humble Servant Charles Youst. P S If you should please Sir to favour me with an answer to these lines, the bearer of them will call upon you again on Friday.
H M Sloop Charlotte English Harbor
4 Feby 1799
To His Exellency the Govr of Antigua
NB The President, the Honble Edvard Byam enclosed the above to T H, and gave it as his oppinion that Youst ought to be discharged. T H showed it to Captain Williams the Commander of the Sloop, and he put Youst in Irons for writing such a Letter.
The following is a Copy of the Presidents Letter to T H, in the case of Youst, as stated above
St. Johns 9th Feby 1799
I beg leave to trouble you, with the perusal of the enclosed Letter, fully persuaded you will give the Writter the redress he is entitled to, if his story is true.
Edward Byam
Journal from page 241
Thursday the 21 Feby 1799. At 2 P M got to St. Johns about a ¼ past 4. -- called at Mr Colquhoun. -- Shoping in the town, supt & slept at Carrs
Friday 22 Recd 40 Joes & 40 Dollars from Walter Colquhoun. Read some of the
Newspapers there. -- called on Captain Mitford. -- Was on board the Tickler Privateer. --
also on board the Abigal Brigg of New York. Saw Mr. Baldwyn the Master of the Spencer
Brigg in disguise, hunting after some of their Deserters. -- Rode back to English Harbor.
[sidenote] While writing opposite this, on the left hand side, a young Centepee crawled out of the hollow part of the Pen.
Saturday the 23rd. Dined with Mrs & Doctor Thibou, the Captain and Purser [blank] of the Spencer. Sat late -- Troppo bevuto
[sidenote] Harvey in his Cups said Spence. If we take La Volantaire you wie a Captain
Sunday 24. The American frigate called the Constitution sent her Boat into Falmouth Bay. Landed a Gentleman, Saw her boats crew. -- Afterwards saw the Frigate off English Harbor.
carryed to page Two Hundred & forty four
Caro amigo. Io believe questa is la terzo Lettera, qualche Io have wrote to voi since Io have been in the WI. But as yet never have heard from voi. Et by my Lettera from London dated as late as the end of ultimo December, there was then no Letters for me there, from America. -- by questi Io quit despair of ever hearing from you ancore,-- but Io thought quella questa elapse of tempo should not prevent me, from once piu, putting a few lines into vostri mani pose Io have enclosed questi to Mr. Sheppy, hoping he will forward it to voi. -- Of myself Io shall say no more, [what] that I am perfectly in health, et at present intend to go, dunque la guerra a finito to Itali, et vita on la intrest di mio denario. Happy shod Io be to spend a few months con voi inanzi America prima, direct for me as usual. -- Having doubts circa quista getting into vostro mani makes me thus early conclude. -- by saying quella it would be a happy day indeed, dunque RG could again be seen by, by his friend A.T. (To RG) NB Sent by the Brig William & Thomas of Wincaset
Angilleterre Porto 3 March 1799
Having addressed several Letters to vostri Caza per RG Esqr to qualche Io have had
answers, but none later than May 1796 -- et by my letters from London dated in Decembre
1798. Io am informed there is nada Lettera per mio dela America. -- Questa Io wonder at;
as Mr G was desired sempre to direct suo Letteri per mio inanzi quella Cetta -- as Io knew
Mr. G dans Londre as a respectable Merchant, Io am much vexed in not hearing from him, if
morte ou any otre accident has befell him, will voi be kind enough to notify the mismo to
me, by addressing a few lines per mio at no 7 Esuohssalg Strada Nodnol, as in three months
time Io expect to be in Ingillaterre. Io am Sir & c A T. NB If Mr G is within the
scope of Mr. P knowledge, --I hope Mr. P will take care to forward the enclosed note.
(To Mr. P New York)
NB Sent by the Brig William & Thomas of Wincasset then (March 3rd) lying in
Ingilleterre Porto
Journal from page Two Hundred and forty Two
Monday the 25 Feby 1799. Captain Stut from America, who came here yesterday in the American frigate Constitution from America dined with me.
Tuesday the 26 Feby Travillo subito con la Vino inanzi la Caverno, Senhouse & Williams drunken party. Beating the Drum, Startled the Horse, who run over Mr. Sayer, the old clerk to the naval Store Keeper & broke his leg.
Wednesday, the 27th Got all my things on board, and slept on board; after being Sixty five days ashore, came to an Anchor in Freemans Bay H.M. Ship Santa Margaretta.
carryed to page 245
Journal from page 244
Thursday 28 Feby 1799 Capt Parker of His Majesty Ship Santa Margaretta Breakfasted with us, soon after she went to Sea. -- Six of her men swam from the Ship in the night, & deserted ----- at 4 P.M. a Black fellow came & informed that 2 of the Deserters were in his Mothers House Eating a Dinner; -- Sent a party and made them prisoner, brought them aboard, & put them in Irons.
[sidenote] Sopra Cart de Ingilleterre Porta. La terra [marcepu} luso de
Navio. Is per puttani ou herba &c
[sidenote] Mr. Tripes attempt to run away. Miss Gash &c
[sidenote] The Drummer, named Ironmonger runaway with a Negro Girl, and Deserted
the Ship &c
March the 2nd. Paid Peter Gordon Nine Joes for the Hire of his Horse for Nine Weeks, which is more that the Animal is worth in Worcestershire. -- Sat in the shade under the roofe of the Lignajulo Caza
Sunday the 3rd of March 1799, With Fagan in the Swamp Market, got my vivo Castrato aboardo -- Came in HM Sloop of War Bittern. -- Lieutenant Thos Harrison came to see me of LRequim I this day bought in the Market for 3 Bitts a Pumpkin that weighed 42 lb pounds.
carryed to page 246
Journal from page 245
Monday the 4th March 1799. Left English Harbor, after being in there just Seventy Two
days, passed the small Isle to the N &W of Guadulupe called English head. fired a Gun
at us from the fort on the Starboard Land of the Gros Morne, we gave them a Gun in return.
saw some small Craft lying in the Inlet.
Brought from Antigua the Revd Mr. Francis
Masset Rector of St. Peters Parish Parham and Chaplin of the Red Regiment of Island
Malitia. -- He is going on a viset to General Bowyer at Fort Royal
Tuesday 5th. Saw Basseterre Guadulupe -- passed the Saints. -- kept beating in the Channel between Dominica & Guadulupe
carryed to page 247
Journal from page Two Hundred and forty six
Wednesday 6th of March 1799. At 7 AM anchored in Prince Ruperts Bay. Found here His
Majesty Ship Prince of Wales, The Southampton and Hydra frigates. also the American
frigate called the United States Commodore Barry who wore a Broad Pendant. At 10 AM Sailed
the United States on a Cruize. -- Was ashore, saw the person belonging to the Hydra
I asked Parson Masset the reason why Slaves are
not permited to marry, his answer was in these words! "Why should other people take
my property away. if you, as being a free man should take a fancy to one of my Slaves, and
carry her away & marry her, I hold it as our Law that you, by so doing; have Stolen my
property. -- if a Slave was allowed to Marry: the contentions that would flow from it,
would be endless, take it all togather allowing such a thing, would in the course of 15 or
Twenty years make property in Slave a dubious and uncertain matter.
Thursday the 7th of March. Yesterday and this day, much rain, and strong winds, in Gusts off the Shore, persons ashore say, this is the Season of the year in this Island, for blowing weather. The Alexander Schooner sailed last night for the Saintes to bring up another Ship to make the Compliments of Captains, for a Court Martial, in order to try Doctor Ridgeway our Surgeon and Dixon our Boatswain.
carryed to page Two Hundred & forty Eight
Journal from page Two Hundred & forty Seven
Thursday the 7th March 1799 Continued. The price of Sixteen Ounces of English Cheese. At this place at this time is 2/3 d Sterling. Our Launch yesterday sunk alongside full of wood, She proved Leekey, by lying in the Mast House all the time we were in English Harbor.
Friday the 8th. In the night anchored here. His M Ship La Concorde. -- Was aboard the
Prince of Wales, saw Mr. Gibs there. The Revd Mr. Masset and Captain [blank]
went aboard the P of W for a Passage to Martinico. At 9 AM got under weigh, as did the
Prince of Wales, Hydra and Southampton Frigates. -- The Hydra went into the Saintes. At 5
P M spoke an English Schooner from Montserrat Bound to Dominica. -- The Southampton in
Chace after a small sail off Englishmans head.
Joseph Millington a Boy about 15 years old, was
observed to have sore Eyes. On examination it was found that at the root of every hair of
his Eyelids, there was a large Crab Louse.
H said that the other day General Bowyer was
afraid to go into Prince Ruperts Bay when in the Syren frigate, for fear the french from
Guadulupe should push something in, and cut the Syren out. Found fault with Goverment in
sending out such a man as General Tighe, to be Commander in Cheife, as he knew nothing of
Geography &c. Barbadoes Jack took a Gigger, or live worm out of the sole of my foot
where it had made a Lodgement
carryed to page Two Hundred & forty nine
Journal from page Two Hundred & forty Eight
Saturday the 9th March 1799. Anchored in Basseterre St. Kitts, as did the Southampton. found here the American frigate Constellation, with her Prize the french Frigate lInsurgente. Was ashore, dined at Woolfs. he pays 100 Joes a year for his Billiard Table, which is equal to 3 Dollars a day. he charges one Shilling and one penny per Game. and on Shilling and Sixpence for each Game played by Candle light.
a List of American Ships of War now in this Country
United States of 62 guns Commodore Barry
Constitution of Guns
Washington of Guns
Constellation 44 Guns Commodore Truxton Commands at St Kitts
LInsurgent of 40 Guns
Sunday March the 10th 1799. Sailed the Southampton with a Convoy for Tortola. Sailed an American armed National Brig. Was paid Prize Money for La Revanche french Schooner. Was ashore saw Lpoca American Rapaz inanzi Terreno, from Nantucker. Was on board the Brig from Derby, bought a Sheep for 3 Dollars. Scuffle on board. Tyson MacLachlan & Thomson Breakfasted on board. H said the Admiral wod not receive Barry as a Commodore, it is surely right says Tyson, that if a
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty
Journal from page Two Hundred & forty Nine
Sunday the 10th March 1799 continued
if a State or Nation publicly dubs a man, a General or an Admiral, that he ought to be called so. Was paid prize money for L Revanche french Merchant Schooner Captured by us on the 29th of last November.
Monday 11th March. Sailed the American Frigates Constellation of 44 Guns. Commodore
Truxon, and LInsurgent. -- Got under weigh, met Captain Matson in a Boat. Cyane
lying at Nevis geting Wood & Water. Our people sent out of her in a Schooner down to
Basseterre. wore Ship lay too off Basseterre. our people that had been lent to the Cyane
during our refiting in English Harbor came aboard, Stood for Anguilla. Thomson &
Sullivan put in Irons for being drunk, They came out of the Cyane. Before the American
Commodore Sailed, he sent a Letter to know why a Boat, belonging to his Ship was detained
on Saturday night &c. Answer sent. Signal established 3 blazes and 4 lights
The Black Negro Girls have the Pox amongst
them, as well as our white Ladies in England. There is at this time Eleven Venerals in the
List. Silvia the Spaniard. Farthing & Hassels cases are uncommonly virulent and
malignant. The only good, the unhappy Captain Cook did in visiting the North & South
Pacific Ocean; was to give the Pox; to the Inhabitants of every Island where
the Adventure & Resolution watered at. as when these 2 Ships left Maderia in August
1772. Each had several veneral patients on board. which arose from the amours which the
English Sailors had; with the Portuguese Puttani, in Funchal.
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty One
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty
Tuesday the 12th March 1799. fired about 40 shot at sloop beating under Montserrat before she would heave too. She proved to be Dobridges Sloop of Basseterre with a Box of Money in her. ---Dobridge had give the Master orders to keep + out of the way of frigates; as he heard there was a french frigate out. H said he had a good mind to bring the Master on board and flog him.
[sidenote] +He ordered me to keep out of the way of Frigates for fraid of being boarded and loosing the money.
allias Cinon or Chegoe see history of England -- Gutheries grammar
Took another live Gigger from out of the under part of my second Toe, of my left foot. -- It is a foolish thing to be to proud. -- We all know that grubs & worms destroy our Carcases when dead, but in this climate the Gigger worm eats its way under our Skin, lays his Eggs there, without our knowledge, until its young ones, by it motions give us uneasyness. -- we then look at the place and see a loathsome wound in which is 90, or 130 live Insects. the wound must be cut open, and all the insects taken clean out, or else its effects will be fatal. -- from this Insects creaping alive, under the Skin of my two feat, I have not them both laped up in rags. -- The Giggers by getting into the feet of Soldiers, have stoped the military progress of many good General in the West Indies. -- It is said that a Gigger, at a certain period of his age will fly: it must be so, or how do they get about ones breasts &c. -- One of our men a few days ago, had one taken out of his private parts in the Cockpit. in which were 85 eggs
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty Two
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty one
Wednesday the 13th March 1799. At 11 A M spoke the Experiment & Peggy English Privateer Schooners of Antigua off St. Batholomews, after firing several shot at them. One of them having crowded sail from us; supposing us to be a french 20 Gun Ship, which is not out cruizing from Guadulupe. -- The Dog named Barbuda jumped overboard when the Guns were firing, and was drowned. Bouna Idee con Mr [blank] of the Matilda sopra L Forcastle, Mr [blank] Mastheaded for some fault. I told him, it was only a mode which we had got on board to raise, or imitate Egyptian Pyramids. as when he was upon the Truck, the Main Mast with he upon it had some resemblace to an Obelisk with a statue erect on the summit &c.
Thursday the 14 March 1799. Last night squally. & blew fresh. passed St. Martins.
At 4 P M anchored in Crockens Bay, Island of Anguilla. Capt Boys &c came aboard --
Saw the Bottom in Sixteen fathoms.
Friday the 15th March 1799 Was ashore before Dinner. came aboard & went ashore and dined at Captain Boys, walked towards the Northern point.
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty Three.
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty Two
Friday the 15 March continued
at 4 P M Departed this life William Brown a waister. he was taken ill only on Saturday
last, with convulsive fitts. his age 24. A Stout hale looking Youngman. at 5 P.M. an hour
after his death; his body was raped up in his Hammock, lowered into the Cutter, and
carryed about a mile from the Ship, and commited to the deep at a short distance from the
headland which forms the western Angle of Crokens Bay in Anguilla. The Messmates of Brown;
say that he has got his death by poison, as when we were in English Harbor, he quarreled
with a Black Girl which was kept by one of the Mess, and that this Girl said, if he did
not keep a sharpe look out, he should die soon. -- But this I judge could not be true. --
He was a native of Brixham near Torbay in Devonshire.
Saturday 16th March. Colonal Gomm Mr. Hodge Captain Boys &c came and Breakfasted
aboard. much talke about the Main of Cocks which is to be fought next week. There is 32
cocks aside. They say the Best game Cocks in the West Indias is to be found in Anguilla
at 10 A.M. got under weigh, passed Passage Island rounded the E end of Anguilla. passed
between Saba & St. Martine. at 6 P M abreast of St. Batholomews.
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty four
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty Three
Saturday 16th March 1799 continued
Anecdotes of Mr. Tripe our Midshipman
A Middy there was; his name it was tripe
With Legs and arms, not much unlike a snipe
His age it was young: -about Sixteen turning;
But after a Girl, his heart was burning.
Her name; but to manners: Oh what a smash
In reallity For ---it was---Sarah Gash
Poor Sarah she livd in a snug little Hutt
And was built by a bush, on the brow of a gut
Middy Tripe from the Capstanhouse, could not stir out
If ever he did, it twas on the scout
it once was discoverd, as he home was joging.
For which he was threatened a thrashing & floging,
With breaking, disrating, & putting up n the Tops,
If ever again without leave, after Sarah he hops:
But the Youth having spunk, paid no heed to a lash
But nightly went out, to embrace lady Gash
Lady Gash being wily, thought virtue a hum
and stuffed poor Tripe, with burning new rum
She filled his brains, full of figgers & forms
Till his head was as empty, as old broken drums
She taught him at honor, to make a grand scoff,
And lastly she got him, in the humor to be off:
To desert the Ship; --His Cloaths without fear.
He packed up: It came to the Captains Ear;
He searched his Bag: It all turned out true,
That Trip intended so to do:
With Miss Gash,
His character to smash:
In Antigua make a splash;
By a deed so rash,
His father to abandon; for a few days fun,
With a common whore to ramble, and from the Ship to run.
(carryed to page 255)
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty four
Sunday the 17th of March 1799. Beating to the S of St Kitts & Nevis, Last night
passed close to the town of St Eustatius. Yesterday Captain H order the Canoas Screen
which Mr Spence had put up in the morning, as a Meat Screen to be taken down, as he would
not allow it to be suspended there: adding that the after part of the Gunroom was the
coolest part in the Ship. For this partial act of power Lieutenant Spence. Mr Dyce the
master, & Mr Rowe Lieutenant of Marines voted that the Captain should not be asked to
Dinner this day as usual at Sea, but they afterwards compromized the matter by sending a
queer message as follow, --"The caterer of the Gunroom Mess sends his
Compliments to Captain Harvey & will be glad of his company to dine in the Gunroom
this day. -- But I believe the Captains Servant delivered the Message in the old way, as :
had he told the first verbatum, the Captain would a spurned at the petty insult, and not
Dined with them; consequently the Captains Servant must have had the trouble to a got a
Nickals the Black Waister was found to have the
Yaws. it being an infectious disorder, he was ordered to keep between tow guns, under the
half deck by himself.
carryed to page Two Hundred & fifty six
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty five
Monday the 18th of March 1799 At 8 A M gave Chace to a Strange Sail. at 2 P M came up with the Chace, she proved to be a Sweedish Schooner from Cyane to St. Batholomew, laden with Cotton, Drugs & live Turtles. She had four french Passengers aboard, and a small part of the Cargo, no doubt was french property, but the trouble of taking her in, Condemnation, Admiralty & Expences, would a made it a poor Prize, so the Captains thought it best to let her go on, on her voyage. This day Major Alderton said, that the Captain was so figgety, that he was always grunting like an old weoman with child.
Tuesday 19th March. Saw a Sloop on the Shoals, and amongst the Breakers on the N part of Barbuda. There was also a Brigg ashore, with nothing but her Bowsprit in, but I did not see her. Fired several Shot at a Brigg, coming through the Channel, between Antiqua and Barbuda. spoke her, she proved to be an American from St. Johns, bound to North Carolina.
Wednesday the 20th March 1799 At 5 P M I went aboard the Ship Ceres of & from Lancaster, bound to Tortola. out Six Weeks. -- got some of Gores Liverpools papers from her, as late as the 24th of January last. got some Potatoes out of her. This Ship looking suspisious, we cleared Quarters for her. Her Captain said he had been froze up in the Dock at Lancaster for Nine days this winter. -- At the same period in the West Indias, so hot was it: that I could not suffer a Blanket or feather pillow to be in my Cott of a night.
(carryed to page 257)
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty Six
Thursday the 21 March 1799 It is five years this day since I left the Suffolk, and it
was 2 years yesterday since I left the Boston.
At 8 A M Boarded a Danish Ship from the Elbe
bound to Santa Cruz within 2 Leagues of the East side of Montserrat. Mr Fitz employed
Chison in broiling a slice of fat Ham, at the Stove between Decks, over the Powder
magazine &c.
At 1 P.M. boarded the Louisa Briget Schooner
Privateer, off Redondo, and pressed 2 men out of her. At 5 P M anchored in Nevis Roads.
Quarrel between Dyce the Master & the Captain. Dyce said he never intended to bring
the Ship near the Shore than Seven fathoms.
Friday the 22 March 1799 Before daylight was ashore in the Jolly Boat. Kitt Daniel. Lewis. John Murray. & Joe Hiliard rowed me ashore. -- Sat on the wall. came aboard. at 11 A M went ashore in the new 8 Oared Cutter, which was built in English Harbor. Went aboard the Schooner 2 brothers of Baltimore with Mr Peterson. agreed to give her owner Louis Jewel Master. 10 Dollars for to fetch 8 Ton of Ballast from the Salt Pans for the better triming our Ship. -- Went along side the Ship Nevis of Nevis. Captain Maise. At 2 P M went on board the Nevis. long conversation with Captain Maise. ordered my Pickled Walnuts. Cheese. Lump Sugar. Cow Heel. Hams &c into our Yawl: in her Chapple: Harris the Cudler. Jose Edgecombe & Tom Reece.
carryed to page Two Hundred, and Sixty four
Journal from page Two Hundred & fifty Seven
Friday 22 March 1799 Continued
Left the Ship Nevis. At 4 P M went ashore in the Yawl. called of Doctor Williansons of the
Post office for my Letters. could not open the door, the Key & Lock being bad. At last
got the Office door open. -- Went to fort Charles end of the town with Harris. bought some
porco, called of the Miss Broadbelts. came aboard in the midst of a squal of rain
Saturday the 23rd March, Mr. Sidnel of the Ship Nevis paid me a viset on board. Learned that Mrs Avery, who lived in Princes Street Bristol, now lives as Matron of the Naval Hospital near the Hotwells, and that my friend Mr Routh, who used to live in Shannon Court, Corn Street, has set up his Chariot & pair, and has a Country House under Durdham Downs.
"Sopra l commission for 50L, charge
"fraight sola, -- todas torto- venti
"Cinquo commune
Journal from page Two Hundred & Sixty four
Sunday the 24th March 1799. At Midday hove up anchor, at 3 P M anchored at Basseterre, The Constellation & LInsurgente American frigates, have anchored here Just before us.
Monday 25 March. Went ashore. civillities from Mr Bowbridge said he would give me Eight per Cent for the Three Hundred pounds which I had put out at Thomsons. Spoke to the Omo of the Tusscan Pollacre, which was brought in here at daylight this morning, by the Scourge Privateer of Antigua. -- Came off in the Jolly Boat with Dembow. Tildersley. Patterson. Craer. Lewis. Andrew Murray. Joseph Hilliard, Thomas Reeves. -- Christopher Daniel. & L Rapaz fara L ospitale de la Concorde. Came in an American Sloop of War of 34 Guns. who saluted Commodore Truxtun, in the Constellation. H went aboard the Constellation with a complaint against an American Seaman for
[sidenote] Questa notte Tildersley hailing the Constellation Beat 7c &c &c Stuart throwing a piece of yam at the Boat &c &c &c
Wednesday 27th. Still beating to windward, apparently for the purpose of weathering Redondo. At 4 P M. off Redondo fell in with the Penelope Brig Packet. from Antiqua. ran down with her to St. Kitts. at 6 P M anchored in Basseterre Roads.
carryed to page Two Hundred & Sixty Six
Journal from page Two Hundred & Sixty five
Monday 25th March 1799 Continued
Was paid Prize money for L Fortune french Schooner Privateer, captured by us, off fort Royal Bay on the Twenty fifth of August last. and for the recapture of the Danish Brig with Mill Timber & live Cattle in Captured by us, & the Pearl & the Invincible on the 22nd of last November. -- men shared on Dollar each -- My Share five & a half Dollars
(26th & 27th in page 265)
Thursday 28th was at Mr James Tysons at the Lime Kilms saw the Negroes planting Sugar Canes in the field. Slept ashore.
Friday 29th Was again at Mr Tysons at the Lime Kilms came in the Cyane Sloop of War with General Bowyer on board. Saw Mr McNorton. heard of General Cameron and Major Woals death.
Saturday 30th On board all day, writing Letters. The Doctor & Surgeon liberated, and ordered to do duty again; after being suspended for near Six months.
Sunday 31 March. Ashore in the Jolly Boat twice before Midday. General Bowyer, late Commander in chief in these Islands embarked on board of us, as did Captain Frederic Marmers cousin to the Duke of Rutland. They are both going to Europe in the Penelope Brig Packet, who is going down with us to Tortola. At 1 P M got under weigh.
carryed to page 267