If you have customized your My NCBI account, you can share those settings with your colleagues.  Just email them the following link; substitute your My NCBI username for username.

The benefit of sharing your My NCBI account link is so your colleagues can run a PubMed search and, depending on your My NCBI settings, can have their search terms highlighted, the Calder full-text icons displayed, specialized filters enabled, and more.  After 8 hours of inactivity, those settings will be inactivated; they will need to click on your link again to reactivate those shared settings.  Although your colleagues can view your shared settings and run searches with them, they cannot view your saved My NCBI searches, collections, or other personal data.  They cannot save the search or send items to a collection without logging into their own My NCBI account.  Once they log into their My NCBI account, their settings will override your shared ones.

This is what mine looks like: (click "Read more")

customized MyNCBI settings

Additional information can be found at and∂=MyNCBI#MyNCBI.Save_Shared_Settings

If you need assistance with customizing your My NCBI account (search term highlighting, Calder full-text icons enabled, specialized filters, etc.), please ask a Reference Librarian for assistance. Don’t forget; we have free classes on advanced database searching and more.  Register for a free class at the Calder library at: