CINAHL, a nursing and allied health database, has a new look and has also enabled new enhancements, such as:

  • Text-to-Speech option: users can have the HTML version of the article read out loud and can even select the accent and reading speed for the audio.
  • Text Translation: HTML articles can be machine-translated into 33 languages; however, remember that this translation may not be fully accurate as it is machine-generated.

PubMed, a database of the biomedical literature, made some notable improvements:

  • PubMed now allows up to 15 filters in one’s My NCBI account.

UM filter

  • Users can search for and add filters and icons for resources like MedlinePlus.  So, as users search for published evidence in the biomedical literature, they can also click on the purple MedlinePlus icon to retrieve consumer health information for their patients.

MedlinePlus icon in Pubmed

  • And most exciting of all, users can create and add their own customized filters.  If you’d like to meet with a Reference Librarian to help you create your own customized filter for your My NCBI account, call 305-243-6648 to set up an appointment.

Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print are two resources that provide valuable information about assessments, whether it is assessment reviews, details about the assessment (population, time to administer, price, etc.), where to get the assessment, or the actual assessment itself.  In September, these complementary databases will be merged into one.  Please check back with the blog for updates!