NIH Access Policy Change – July 23, 2010

Ever since the NIH Public Access Policy came into effect, Principal Investigators (PI’s) and Program Directors (PDs) have used eRA Commons as a repository of their bibliographies or lists of their authored publications/research.  A beneficial and mandatory major change has arrived for Commons users that will provide more efficient and user-friendly ways to maintain and manage the bibliographies of all their authored works (journal articles, manuscripts accepted for publication, books and chapters) and to associate publications with their corresponding grant awards.   Users will also benefit from My Bibliography’s ability to populate citation data from PubMed, Pub Med Central, and NIH’s Manuscript Submission System (NIHMSS). An additional benefit allows grant awardees to track compliance with NIH’s Public Access Policy by using an easy and simple color-coded key in My Bibliography.

To comply with NIH’s Public Access policy, it is now mandated that Principal Investigators (PIs) and Program Directors (PDs) use My NCBI’s online portal “My Bibliography” to manage their bibliographies.  Entering citations manually (typing, copying & pasting) into the eRA Commons is no longer an option. Manually entered data will not be displayed and all previously manually entered citations will be removed from the Commons system.  These citations must be added to My Bibliography to ensure that they appear in Commons and are associated with future annual progress reports.

Reminder: Make sure your manuscript is submitted to the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMSS) at least within three months of publication by you, a co-author, a third party in your office, or by the journal. You only need to submit peer-reviewed journal articles that have resulted from NIH funded research AND that were accepted for publication on or after April 7, 2008.

Required actions:
1. If not already established, PD/PIs must establish a My NCBI account to gain access to My Bibliography.
2. My NCBI accounts must be linked to eRA Commons accounts.
3. As of July 23, 2010, Commons will no longer support manual entry of citations. PD/PIs will no longer be able to type or copy and paste citation data into Commons and must enter new citations into their My NCBI accounts.
4. As of October 22, 2010, Commons will no longer display citations that a PI has manually entered into Commons. All citations previously entered manually into Commons will be removed from the Commons system. Therefore, these citations must be added to My Bibliography so that they will continue to appear in Commons and can be associated with future annual progress reports. 

For a step-by-step guide on how to set up a My NCBI account and gain access to My Bibliography see
You can also see the National Library of Medicine tutorial “Using My Bibliography to Manage Compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy”: