Scopus is the largest citation database of peer-reviewed literature, with bibliometrics tools to track, analyze, and visualize research output.  Scopus indexes scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings from more than 5,000 publishers.  The database has interdisciplinary content that covers the research spectrum; it can be accessed for deeper research purposes, such as finding author information, citing articles, and references.


Search Scopus in the following ways:

Document search: Search directly from the homepage and use detailed search options to ensure finding the needed document(s).
Author search: Search for a specific author by name or by ORCID (Open Research and Contributor Identifier) ID.
Affiliation search: Identify and assess an affiliation’s scholarly output, collaborating institutions and top authors.
Advanced search: Narrow the scope of the search using field codes, proximity operators and/or Boolean operators.
Refine results: Easily refines results list to specific categories of documents.
View Citation Overview/View Cited by: Analyze documents that cite the selected articles and display all documents that cite the selected articles.
View References: Displays all documents referenced by the article.

Other Options in Scopus:

Set Alerts or RSS Feeds: Hover over a search result in Search History and click on the icons that appear to Set alert (receive email alerts); Set feed (to receive RSS updates), Save query, Edit query, or Delete query.
Export: Export bibliographic information using citation managers Mendeley, Refworks, or in file formats RIS, CSV, BibTex or Text.
Create Bibliography: Change the output to typical reference list format.
Email: Send articles as an email
Print: Displays the articles in format suited for printing.
Mendeley Web Importer: Select “Save to Mendeley” to activate the importer and authenticated Mendeley users can export references into Mendeley.
Browse Sources: Browse an alphabetical list of all journals, book series, trade publications, and conference proceedings available in Scopus. Browse by Subject Area, Source Type, Library’s Subscriptions, and/or Open Access. Get journal metrics from this site (see below for a description of Journal Analytics)
Compare Journals: Compare and evaluate the journals from various perspectives (see below for a description of Journal Analytics)


Journal Analyzer: Provides three alternative, transparent and accurate views of the citation impact a journal makes (metrics provided by The Centre for Science and Technology Studies and SCImago):


Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)

The Impact per Publication (IPP

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)


To learn more about Scopus, attend a Special Training Session to be held at Calder Medical Library on September 21, 2015, from 2-3:30 p.m.  Space is limited!  Please register to reserve your seat.