Brenda LinaresBrenda M. Linares joined the Calder Library on August 31, 2009, as Manager, Finance and Administrative Librarian in Medical Library Administration. Ms. Linares was awarded a BS in Finance from the California State University-Northridge and a Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2007. Prior to library school, Ms. Linares worked for several years in the financial sector. Following library school, she was accepted as a Fellow in the prestigious and highly competitive National Library of Medicine (NLM) Associate Fellowship Program. The first year of this two-year fellowship is spent at NLM. Ms. Linares then selected the Calder Library to spend her second year in Medical Library Administration. In addition to her financial responsibilities, Ms. Linares will continue to participate in the Library’s outreach activities.


Emily VardellEmily J. Vardell joined the Calder Library on September 1, 2009, as Community Engagement Librarian and Collections Liaison. Ms. Vardell received a BA from Wellesley College with majors in Biological Chemistry and German Studies and a Master of Library Science from Texas Woman’s University in 2007. Prior to her library degree, Ms. Vardell did graduate level coursework at the University of Vienna as a Fulbright Scholar. Following her library degree, she was accepted into the NLM Associates Fellowship Program. She spent her second year of the fellowship at the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill where she worked with on the university’s global health initiatives and with North Carolina public health practitioners and students. In her new position, she will be involved in the library's outreach activities and collection development.