Natural Medicines has been named “The best and most authoritative web site available on herbal medicines” by The World Health Organization (WHO).  It is also the most authoritative resource on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies.  This new and improved resource offers new clinical features to help improve the care and management of patients.  The new features include:

More topics and more clinically-relevant, bottom line-focused information.

Rigorous evidence-based ratings for over 1,200 Food, Herb, and Supplement monographs.

Over 90,000+ entries for commercial dietary supplement products including product data and ratings using the evidence-based NMBER® system.

An interaction checker featuring the ability to check interactions between prescription drugs and commercial dietary supplements and natural ingredients.

Natural MedWatch feature that provides adverse event reporting at the point of care and allows you to quickly submit adverse event reports related to dietary supplements, print reports for patient charts, and data share with colleagues.


CE Center with clinical management-focused programs on common disease states and programs on natural ingredient monographs

Patient education handouts in English, Spanish, and French

Consumer education monographs for professional-level topics


Access from the Library’s homepage (https://www.library.miami.edu/calder/index.html) under Databases or log in at https://naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com/ to enjoy these great new features.


For additional information, stop by Calder Medical Library or contact the reference librarians by phone or email: 305-243-6648 or .