Calder Medical Library now provides access to the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), a PubMed-indexed video journal that aims to increase the productivity of scientific research and education. JoVE has produced nearly 4,000 videos demonstrating experiments from laboratories at top research institutions delivered online to millions of scientists, educators, and students worldwide.

Current Subscriptions:

JoVE Clinical and Translational Medicine (http://www.jove.com/ctm) serves as a connection between basic research and clinical applications. Articles may present medical procedures, case studies or clinical trial methodologies. Included studies are often modeled towards predictive, preventative, personalized, and practical approaches to treatment of disease. The goal of research methodologies in this section is to improve overall patient care and prognosis.

JoVE Immunology and Infection (http://www.jove.com/i2) includes content from a variety of fields working toward a shared initiative of improving global health. Techniques evaluating the biological response to pathogens from the molecular to organismal level are presented as well as therapeutic agents and their efficacy in treating disease.

JoVE Neuroscience (http://www.jove.com/neuro) is a multidisciplinary section devoted to investigations of the structure, function, physiology, and pathophysiology of the brain and nervous system. Included methodologies range from molecular and cellular level studies to full central and peripheral neural systems. Potential treatment platforms and surgical techniques for neurological diseases and disorders are also presented in this section.

How to JoVE it:

In the Lab: Quickly on board new students and lab techs by training them with video protocols

In the Classroom: Use videos to supplement your lectures by giving your students and insider’s look at complex lab techniques

At a Conference: Incorporate video into your presentation, or play video on your tablet to bring the methods in your poster to life

Before Lab: Save precious lab time by assigning a video pre-lab so students are able to take complete advantage of limited bench time

At Lab Meetings: Enhance group discussions of complex techniques with videos that explain the intricacies of scientific methods

On the Go: Mobile app – coming soon!  Watch videos on your lunch break, sitting on the couch, commuting to work—anywhere!


Keep up with JoVE changes and activities at http://www.jove.com/blog/.

Please access JoVE from the Calder Medical Library website (https://www.library.miami.edu/calder/index.html) e-Journals A-Z list.