Calder Library now subscribes to BMJ Case Reports, a reputable, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing case reports.  University of Miami faculty, students, staff, and UM/JMH residents can submit cases to BMJ Case Reports free of charge.  

Advantages of publishing in BMJ Case Reports include: 

  • no publication fees
  • journal indexed in PubMed 
  • templates provided for easy formatting
  • videos and images can be submitted 
  • online submission  


Types of cases commonly published in BJM Case Reports include those that present a diagnostic, ethical, or management challenge; cases that highlight mechanisms of injury, pharmacology, or histopathology; global health cases; and cases covering differential diagnosis, decision making, management, clinical guidelines, and pathology.  Guidelines have been developed for writing case reports. The CARE Guidelines, aim to “satisfy the need for precision, completeness, and transparency… to better inform clinical study design, provide early signals of effectiveness and harms, and improve healthcare delivery.” (Gagnier JJ, et al., BMJ Case Rep 2013 doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201554).  


To obtain the BMJ Case Reports Institutional Fellowship Code for free publication, please contact a Reference Librarian at Calder at 305-243-6648 or send an email request to .


Other recommended journals* for students and residents submitting case reports:  

  • Journal of Medical Case Reports
  • Medicine (Baltimore)
  • American Journal of Case Reports
  • Journal of General Internal Medicine
  • American Journal of Medicine

*Publication fees may be charged.


For a list of new journals that publish medical case reports, see Akers, KG, JMLA 2016 doi