Evidence-Based Practice. This class is intended for any health care practitioner or student who needs a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-Based Practice. Upon completion of this class, participants will be able to define Evidence-Based Practice; construct a well-built clinical question (PICO); and identify search strategies that will improve PubMed searching.

Mobile Apps.  This workshop introduces a variety of subscription-based medical apps that are free to University of Miami users for a variety of mobile devices including iPhones, iPads, Androids, and Blackberries. These apps are useful both in the clinical and research settings. Apps introduced include Dynamed, Isabel, PubMed for Handhelds, Visual Dx, and others. Bring your mobile devices to class and start downloading these resources…today!

Tools for Clinicians.  This class reviews online resources available for clinicians.  Resources include:   (1) Clinical decision-making databases, such as  Access Medicine, MDConsult, UpToDate,  Dynamed, Visual Dx, and Isabel; (2) PubMed Clinical Queries, a PubMed Tool to assist in finding Evidence-Based Medicine articles, systematic reviews and articles on genomics; and (3) The Cochrane Library, a database of systematic reviews from the Cochrane Collaboration. These resources are available through the Calder Library for UM/JMH faculty and staff, medical students, interns, residents, and fellows.

Tools for Researchers.  This class offers an overview of online resources for researchers, such as (1) PubMed and MyNCBI, (2) the NIH Open Access Policy Compliance Resource Guide, (3) RefWorks/Write-N-Cite, (4) QUOSA, (5) Scopus/SciVal Experts, and (6) Web of Knowledge/Journal Citation Reports. The class offers basic information meant to motivate participants to enroll in full classes offered by the Library for each of these valuable resources.   

All resources are available through the Calder Library for UM/JMH faculty and staff, medical students, interns, residents, and fellows.  For the full list of classes, please visit our Class Registration website at: