New Small Group Study Rooms on the South and West walls of the first floor. University of Miami Miller students are accorded priority access to all seven small group classrooms in the Library: three on the first floor, two on the West wall of the second floor, and two on the lower level.


Study RoomPublic Computers

New Public Computers - There are now 33 new networked public access computers on the first floor. 23 computers require users to login with their MIT (Outlook) usernames and passwords. 10 computers on the west and south walls continue to be open access.

There are also 5 new wireless access computers on the first floor and 9 on the second floor that can be accessed as “guest” or with a MIT (Outlook) username and password. “Guest” access is severely limited and does not include access to the Library’s purchased electronic resources.

All 47 computers have software that logs users off after 30 minutes of inactivity. Users are encouraged to save their personal work on their personal flash drives to minimize any loss of work due to inactivity.


Computer Lab for Students – A card access system was installed in the e-classroom on the third floor of the Library for use by medical students when the room is not in use for classes. The classroom has 20 workstations and one instructor workstation.