On December 10th, the Calder Library hosted the 10th Biennial Gross Lecture.

With Gross Family

[left to right: Carol Clarkson, Patricia Bergman (daughters of Ruth and Ralph Gross), Dean Pascal Goldschmidt, Dr. Roger Medel, Dr. Mary Moore]

The lecture, entitled "Medical Knowledge in the IT Era" was presented by Dr Pascal J. Goldschmidt, Senior Vice-President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Miller School of Medicine and CEO of UHealth.

The lecture was introduced by Dr. Mary Moore, Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Library and Biomedical Communciations, who provided a short history of the Gross Lecture.

Dr. Moore presenting Dr. Medel's Intro

She was then followed by Dr. Roger Medel (Board of Trustee and Chair, Medical Faculty Affairs Committee), who introduced Dean Goldschmidt, tying in both Dean Goldschmidt's interests and Dr. Moore's Gross Lecture history.

audience listening

Dean Goldschmidt's presentation focused on the connection between medical services and technological evolutions, highlighting the importance of the upcoming electronic health record, Epic, which will be installed at the UHealth System starting next year.

Dean Goldschmidt presenting

He concluded by highlighting many of the library's resources which directly relate to increasing quality of patient care. The lecture finished with a presentation of a gift from the Calder Library and an invitation to the reception, complete with hors d'oeuvres and holiday treats. Dean Goldschmidt's overview was supplemented during the reception by Calder Library faculty, each providing in-depth demonstrations of a strong collection of electronic resources.

Librarian with patron

The lecture was a resounding success, with over 150 people in attendance and many people staying until 7 pm, enjoying delicious refreshments and stimulating conversation.

100 people in audience

Here's to future collaborations between the Calder Library and health care providers in this new era of patient care!