Welcome, new Interns, Residents, and Fellows, to graduate medical education training at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals.

The Calder Medical Library provides a plethora of information resources to support residents’ education needs, provide excellent clinical care of patients, and assist with research activities. Library subscriptions include databases for clinical decision support, citation databases, systematic reviews resources, electronic books and journals and librarians to assist in this trajectory of continuous learning.

Some of the steps to becoming a Health Information Power User include:


  • Registering at Calder Medical Library for remote access
  • Creating personal accounts in databases for easy access via mobile devices
  • Increasing searching skills by attending training sessions
  • Learning how to navigate the Calder Medical Library website, and
  • Using resources on a daily basis!

Come visit the Calder Medical Library soon!

Please take a quick tour of our library services.

Visit the Calder Medical Library website:

Contact the Reference & Education Librarians: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or 305-243-6648.