The Medical Library Association (MLA) has declared October as National Medical Librarians Month. As part of this celebration, the Calder Library is proud to highlight its faculty librarians and staff.

Librarians will assist you with your quest for information and more, using the library’s wealth of online and material holdings.

A librarian can help you with:

•Healthcare reform

•Systematic review searches


•Evidence-based medicine

•Information for patients

•E-resource training

•Searching the literature

•Locating guidelines

•Author information


•Open Access

Not only does the library provide you with the critical resources you need--free training, a great place to study, 102.5 open hours weekly, a relaxation room—but Starbucks is now right next door! Most importantly, we provide you with a staff of highly trained librarians, ready and willing to assist you in taking your academic achievement and research to the next level.