1. Schwartz, H., Ngai, S.H., and Papper, E.M. Manual of Anesthesiology for Residents and Medical Students. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1957. 170 p.

2. Papper, E.M. and de Beer, E.J., eds. Proceedings of the Conference on the Myoneural Junction. Sponsored by Columbia University, Department of Anesthesiology and Burroughs Welcome and Co., November 4-5, 1955, New York City. [1956] 171 p.

3. Ngai, S.H. and Papper, E.M. Metabolic Effects of Anesthesia. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1962. 89 p.

4. Schwartz, H., Ngai, S.H. and Papper, E.M. Manual of Anesthesiology for Residents and Medical Students. 2d ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1962. 189 p.

5. Papper, E.M. and Kitz, R.J., eds. Uptake and Distribution of Anesthetic Agents. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963. 321 p.

6. Mark, L.C. and Papper, E.M., eds. Advances in Anesthesiology: Muscle Relaxants. New York, Harper and Row, 1967. 118 p.

7. Ngai, S.H., Papper, E.M. and Mark, L.C. Anesthesiology - Progress Since 1940. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami Press, 1973. 192 p.

8. Papper, E.M. Acupuncture Anesthesia in the People's Republic of China. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences, 1976. 79 p.

9. Papper, E.M. and Craythorne, N.W.B. American Society of Anesthesiologists, 1979. (videorecording)

10. Papper, E.M. Pain, Suffering and Anesthesia in the Romantic Period. Thesis (Ph.D.) Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami, 1990. 207 leaves.

11. Papper, E.M. Romance Poetry and Surgical Sleep: Literature Influences Medicine. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. 162 p.



1. Vitamin A and carotene content of human liver in normal and in diseased subjects; analysis of 116 human livers. Arch. Intern. Med. 68:102-111, July 1941. (Co-authors: E.P. Ralli, K. Paley, and E. Bauman)

2. Effect of local and oral administration of cod liver oil on rate of wound healing in Vitamin A deficient and normal rats. Ann. Surg. 114:791-798, Oct. 1941. (Co-author: H. Brandleone)

3. Packaging ether for anesthesia. Mod. Hosp. 58:96, 98. Jan. 1942. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

4. Utility of the marrow cavity of the sternum for parenteral fluid therapy. War Med. 2:277-283, March 1942. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

5. Hemodynamic effects of intravenous morphine and sodium pentothal. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 74:319-323, March 1942. (Co-author: S.E. Bradley)

6. The bone marrow route for injecting fluids and drugs into the general circulation. Anesthesiology 3:307-313, May 1942.

7. Circulatory adjustments during spinal anesthesia in normal man with special reference to the autonomy of the arteriolar tone. Anesthesiology 3:421-428, July 1942. (Co-authors: E.A. Rovenstine, and S.E. Bradley)

8. The use of human plasma in spinal anesthesia. JAMA 119:1248-1250, Aug. 15, 1942. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

9. Insulin shock during sodium pentothal and cyclopropane anesthesia. Anesthesiology 3:660-662, Nov. 1942. (Co-authors: E.A. Rovenstine, M. Stern, and E. Bueding)

10. Circulatory adjustments during high spinal anesthesia. JAMA 121:27-32, Jan. 2, 1943. (Co-authors: E.A. Rovenstine, and S.E. Bradley)

11. Anesthesiology in military medicine. Anesthesiology 4:619-624, Nov. 1943. (Co-author: W.C. Sheehan)

12. The use of phlebography and lumbar sympathetic block in the diagnosis of venospasm in the lower extremities. Surgery 15:402-412, March 1944. (Co-author: A.E. Imler) {correction 15:865, May 1944}

13. Convulsions during inhalation anesthesia. Bull. U.S.A. Med. Dept. 84:81-85, Jan. 1945.

14. Anesthesia for the burned patient. Surgery 17:116-121, Jan. 1945.

15. Anesthesia nas forcas armadas. Resenha Clinico Cientifica (Brazil) 14(4):149-151, April 1, 1945. (in Portuguese)

16. Effects of anesthesia on glucose tolerance in man. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 84:157-159, June 1945. (Co-authors: E.A. Rovenstine, M. Stern, and E. Bueding)

17. Total gastrectomy for complete carcinomatous involvement of the stomach. Am. J. Surg. 71:813-821, June 1946. (Co-authors: M.G. Beaver, and S. Gendel)

18. Anesthetic management in reconstructive surgery of the mandible. Am. J. Orthod. Oral Surg. 32:433-438, July 1946. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

19. Management of pain in the aged. Geriatrics 1:420-426, Nov.-Dec., 1946. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

20. Circulatory depression during controlled respiration: a case report. Anesthesiology 8:407-409, July 1947. (Co-author: D.P. Reaves)

21. Nerve blocking therapy for fractured ribs. J. Thorac. Surg. 16:432-437, Aug. 1947. (Co-author: D.J. Richardson)

22. Graduate education in anesthesiology. JAMA 134:1279-1283, Aug. 16, 1947. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

23. Nerve block therapy for pain in laryngeal tuberculosis. N.Y. State J. Med. 48:622-623, March 15, 1948. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

24. Therapy of pain. Surg. Clin. North Am. 28:484-492, April 1948. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

25. Glossopharyngeal nerve block. Am. J. Surg. 75:713-715, May 1948. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

26. Pain syndromes of the face. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathology 1:542-546, June 1948. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

27. Studies on the pharmacological properties of procaine and diethylaminoethanol. N.Y. State J. Med. 48:1711-1714, Aug. 1, 1948. (Co-authors: B.B. Brodie, P.A. Lief, and E.A. Rovenstine)

28. The conduct of anesthesia during abdominal surgery. Surg. Clin. North Am. 29:421-429, April 1949. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

29. Therapeutic role of procaine and its derivatives. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 25:298-306, May 1949. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

30. The influence of dibenamine upon circulatory reactions to ephedrine and neosynephrine in normal man. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 34:669-673, May 1949. (Co-authors: W.A. Shaw and E.A. Rovenstine)

31. Amputations in patients with diabetes mellitus. N.Y. State J. Med. 49:1415-1418, June 15, 1949. (Co-author: J.S. West)

32. Quantitative pharmacologic studies with pentothal. N.Y. State J. Med. 49(2):1546-1549, July 1, 1949. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, B.B. Brodie, E.A. Rovenstine)

33. Pre-anesthetic preparation in children. J. Med. Soc. N.J. 46:520-523, Nov. 1949. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark)

34. Anesthesia. In: Atlas of Amputations, D.B. Slocum, ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1949. pp. 46-57.

35. Fate of pentothal in man. Fed. Proc. 8:318, March 1949. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, P.A. Lief, E.A. Rovenstine, B.B. Brodie, and E. Bernstein)(abstract)

36. Surital sodium: a new anesthetic agent for intravenous use. Prelim. Clin. Eval. Anes. 11:33-40, Jan. 1950. (Co-authors: M. Heirich, and E.A. Rovenstine)

37. The fate of thiopental in man and a method for its estimation in biological material. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 98:85-96, Jan. 1950. (Co-authors: B.B. Brodie, and L.C. Mark)

38. The fate of procaine in man and properties of its metabolite diethylamino-ethanol. Curr. Res. Anesth. Analg. 29:29-33, Jan.-Feb. 1950. (Co-authors: B.B. Brodie, and L.C. Mark)

39. New analgesic methods and agents of value in the control of pain. N.Y. State J. Med. 50:281-285, Feb. 1950. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

40. Terapia del dolore. Giornale Italiano di Anestesiologia 16:94-98, March 1950. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine) (In Italian)

41. The use of newer drugs in surgical anesthesia. Med. Clin. North Am. 34(2):589-597, March 1950. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

42. Pre-anesthetic medication for children. Anesthesiology 11:279-282, May 1950. (Co-author: J.S. West)

43. Respiratory complications associated with demerol. N.Y. State J. Med. 50(14):1721-1726, July 15, 1950. (Co-author: T.F. McDermott)

44. An appraisal of some analgesic agents and methods. PA Med. J. 53(8):801-806, Aug. 1950.

45. The fate of intrathecal procaine and the spinal fluid level required for surgical anesthesia. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 100:78-82, Sept. 1950. (Co-authors: M. Helrich, E. A. Rovenstine, and M. Fink)

46. Some contributions of anesthesiology to general practice of medicine. N. Engl. J. Med. 243:734-737, Nov. 9, 1950.

47. The complications of stellate and thoracic sympathetic nerve blocks. J. Thorac. Surg. 20:911-922, Dec. 1950. (Co-authors: L.R. Orkin, and E.A. Rovenstine)

48. Anesthetic management of patients with fracture of the hip. Surg. Clin. North Am. 31:513-520, April 1951. (Co-author: T.F. McDermott)

49. Pheochromocytoma - anesthetic management during surgical treatment. Arch. Surg. 62:634-648, May 1951. (Co-author: V. Apgar)

50. Renal and hepatic blood flow, glomerular filtration rate and urinary output of electrolytes during cyclopropane, ether and thiopental anesthesia, operation and the immediate postoperative period. Surgery 30:241-255, July 1951. (Co-authors: D.V. Habif, H.F. Fitzpatrick, P. Lowrance, C. Smythe, and S.E. Bradley)

51. Cardiac resuscitation. N.Y. Med. 51:1801-1804, Aug. 1, 1951. (Co-author: E.C. Hanks)

52. Acute tolerance to thiopental. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 102:215-218, Aug. 1951. (Co-authors: B.B. Brodie, L.C. Mark, P.A. Lief, and E. Bernstein)

53. Effect of sympathomimetic amines on duration of procaine spinal anesthesia. Anesthesiology 12:595-600, Sept. 1951. (Co-authors: M. Heirich, B.B. Brodie, M. Fink, and E.A. Rovenstine)

54. Cardiac arrest during anesthesia. Ann. Surg. 134:220-227, Aug. 1951. (Co-authors: R. Ament, and E.A. Rovenstine)

55. The inhibition of sweating in man by scopolamine. Anesthesiology 12:627-632, Sept. 1951. (Co-author: M.J. Frumin)

56. The use of hyaluronidase with topical anesthesia for endotracheal intubation. Anesthesiology 12:688-692, Nov. 1951. (Co-author: W.S. Howland)

57. Some aspects of the therapy of various painful states. Clin. Med. 58:255-259, Sep. 1951.

58. Observations on alterations in cardiovascular dynamics resulting from surgical procedure on the heart and great vessels in man. Surg. Forum. 2:262-269, 1951. (Co-authors: H.F. Fitzpatrick, S.G. Weissman, R.A. Deterling, A.H. Blakemore, and G.H. Humphreys II)

59. Inhalation anesthesia technic. In: Cyclopedia of Medical, Surgical and Spec. Philadelphia, E.A Davis, 1951. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

60. Anesthetic problems in the hormonal disorders of the adrenal glands. JAMA 148:174-179, Jan. 19, 1952. (Co-author: G.F. Cahill)

61. Anesthesia in cardiac surgery. Surg. Clin. North Am. 32:655-665, April 1952. (Co-author: T.F. McDermott)

62. The influence of anesthesia, operation and obstetrical delivery upon patients with adrenal cortical insufficiency. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 94:455-463, April 1952. (Co-authors: H. Schwartz, and W.S. Derrick)

63. An instrument for the measurement of cardiac output. Rev. Sci. Instru. 23(4):178-181, April 1952. (Co-authors: S.R. Powers, and H.H. Rossi)

64. Circulatory changes during anesthesia for neurological Operations. Anesthesiology 13:343-353, July 1952.

65. Obstetric anesthesia. Mod. Med. 20(17):218, 220. Sept. 1952.

66. Intravenous anesthesia - new concept; experimental aspects. Anesth. Analg. 31:145-147, May-June, 1952. (Co-authors: P.A. Lief, J.J. Burns, and B.B. Brodie)

67. Intravenous anesthesia - new concept; clinical aspects. Anesth. Analg. 31:147-150, May-June, 1952. (Co-authors: P.A. Lief, J.J. Burns, and B.B. Brodie)

68. Principles of good clinical anesthesia. J. Mich. Med. Soc. 51:689-692, June 1952.

69. Mechanism of action of desoxyephedrine on the vascular bed in the limb of the dog. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 40:131-135, July 1952. (Co-authors: M.J. Frumin, and S.H. Ngai)

70. Postoperative pain; its use in the evaluation of analgesics. Surgery 32:107-109, July 1952. (Co-authors: B.B. Brodie, and E.A. Rovenstine)

71. Editorial - Dynamic changes in acid base balance during anesthesia. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 28:543, Aug. 1952. (Co-authors: D.A. Holaday, and D. Ma)

72. Contributions of anesthesiology to the management of patients with asthma. N.Y. State J. Med. 52:1893-1896, Aug. 1, 1952. (Co-authors: D. Tausig, and A.L. Barach)

73. Transmission of drugs across the placenta. Curr. Res. Anesth. Analg. 31(5):309-320, Sept.-Oct. 1952. (Co-author: V. Apgar)

74. The transmission of meperidine across the human placenta. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 64(6):1368-1370, Dec. 1952. (Co-authors: V. Apgar, J.J. Burns, and B.B. Brodie)

75. Hemodynamic studies during mitral valve surgery. Surg. Forum 3:312-316, 1952. (Co-authors: F.F. McAllister, H.F. Fitzpatrick, S.R. Powers, and E. Krahl)

76. Respiratory and circulatory dynamics during inhalation anesthesia. Fed. Proc. 12(1):308, March 1953. (Co-authors: S.L. Carpenter, and D.A. Holaday)

77. Respiratory and metabolic responses to cyclopropane anesthesia in man. Fed. Proc. 12(1):322, March 1953. (Co-authors: M.J. Frumin, H. Schwartz, C. Ballinger, and D.A. Holaday)(abstract)

78. Renal function during general anesthesia and operation. JAMA 152:1686-1689, Aug. 29, 1953.

79. Sites of sensory blockade during segmental spinal and segmental peridural anesthesia in man. Anesthesiology 14(6):576-583, Nov. 1953. (Co-authors: M.J. Frumin, H. Schwartz, J.J. Burns, and B.B. Brodie)

80. The cardiovascular effects of continuous intravenous infusion of norepinephrine, epinephrine and neosynephrine during cyclopropane and ether anesthesia in the dog. Anesthesiology 15:11-54, Jan. 1954. (Co-authors: R.A. Detering, S.H. Ngai, and J.H. Laragh)

81. Medical Progress – Anesthesiology; review of developments of the past decade. N. Engl. J. Med. 250:991-996, 1036-1041, 1071-1078, June 10, 17, 24, 1954. (Co-author: S.H. Ngai)

82. The effect of intrapericardial and intracardiac procaine upon the circulation in man during mitral commissurotomy and pulmonic valvulotomy. J. Thorac. Surg. 28(3):259-265, 1954. (Co-authors: E. Krahl, F.F. McAllister, and G.H. Humphreys)

83. Dorsal root ganglion blockade during threshold segmental spinal anesthesia in man. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 112(3):387-392, Nov. 1954. (Co-authors: M.J. Frumin, H. Schwartz, J.J. Burns and B.B. Brodie)

84. A study of the mode of action of adrenal medullary hormones on sodium, potassium and water excretion in man. J. Clin. Invest. 33:1687-1699, Dec. 1954. (Co-authors: J.F. Nickel, C.M. Smythe, and S.E. Bradley)

85. Anesthesia in thyroid surgery. Chapter 16 In: The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text, S.C. Werner, ed. New York, Hoeber-Harper, 1955. pp. 414-422.

86. Physiological disposition of certain N-methyl
thiobarbiturates. Anesthesiology 16:544-550, July 1955, (Co-authors: R.C. Peterson, J.J. Burns, E. Bernstein, P. Lief, and B.B. Brodie)

87. Renal function during general anesthesia. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 31:446-452, June 1955.

88. The physiological disposition and fate of meperidine (Demerol) in man and a method for its estimation in plasma. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 114(3):289-298, July 1955. (Co-authors: J.J. Burns, B.L. Berger, P.A. Lief, A. Wollack, and B.B. Brodie)

89. A comparative clinical and statistical study of thiopental and thiamylal in human anesthesia. Anesthesiology 16(6):910-926, Nov. 1955. (Co-authors: R.M. Tovell, C.C. Anderson, M.S. Sadove, J.F. Artusio, C.S. Coakley, F. Hudson, S.M. Smith, and G.J. Thomas)

90. Kidney function during anesthesia. Annu. Rev. Med. 7:213-224, 1956. (Co-author: S.H. Ngai)

91. Recent advances in general anesthesia. Surg. Clin. North Am. 36:289-300, April 1956.

92. Anesthesia in the aged. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 32:635-642, Sept. 1956.

93. Circulatory responses during anesthesia. Rocky Mt. Med. J. 54(9):887-890, Sept. 1957.

94. Clinical applications of studies of the physiological disposition of thiopental, N.Y. State J. Med. 56:2819-2822, Sept. 15, 1956. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, J.J. Burns, and B.B. Brodie)

95. A consideration of proper methods in thoracic anesthesia. J. Thorac. Surg. 32:426-430, 474, Oct. 1956. (Co-author: H.F. Fitzpatrick)

96. Techniques involved in surgical removal of pheochromocytoma. J. Urol. 76:467-477, Nov. l956. (Co-authors: G.F. Cahill)

97. The passage of thiopental into the brain. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 119(1):35-38, Jan. 1957. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, J.J. Burns, C.I. Campomanes, S.H. Ngai, N. Trousof, and B.B. Brodie)

98. The evolution of controlled respiration in anesthetic practice. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 66(4):952-954, April 2, 1957.

99. The immediate effects of carbon dioxide on acid-base balance in man. J. Clin. Invest. 36:1121-1129, July 1957. (Co-authors: D.A. Holaday, and M.A. Dorothy)

100. Pre-anesthetic use of atropine and scopolamine in patients with glaucoma. JAMA 165(2):144-146, Sept. 14, 1957. (Co-authors: H. Schwartz, and A. de-Roetth)

101. Inhalation anesthesia technic. In: Encyclopedia of Medicine, Surgery Specialties, Vol. 1, 1957. pp. 493-512. (Co-author: E.A. Rovenstine)

102. Re-operation after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 106(2):207-215, Feb. 1958. (Co-authors: W.S. Howland, E.C. Hanks, and C.P. Boyan)

103. The passage of thiobarbiturates and their oxygen analogues into the brain. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 123:70-73, May 1958. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, J.J. Burns, L. Brand, C.I. Campomanes, N. Trousof, and B.B. Brodie)

104. Coma and unconsciousness - the physician's responsibility to the unconscious patient. N.Y. State J. Med. 22:3616-3630, Nov. 15, 1958. (Co-authors: L.J. Boyd, M.B. Handessman, M.F. Levitt, and J. Post)

105. Trends of research in anesthesia in the United States. In: Modern Trends in Anaesthesia Series, F.T. Evans and T.C. Gray, eds. London, Butterworths, 1958. pp. 308-318.

106. Physiological disposition of methitural in man. Med. Exp. 1:339-345, 1959. (Co-authors: L. Brand, L.C. Mark, P.G. Dayton, and D. Taller)

107. Anesthetic management of congenital atresia of the esophagus and tracheoesophageal fistula; a review of 7 years experience & 72 cases. N.Y. State. J. Med. 59:995-1002, March 15, 1959. (Co-author: R.G. Jacobs)

108. Experiences with general anesthesia in patients with familial dysautonomia, JAMA 170(5):529-533, May 30, 1959. (Co-authors: M.M. Kritchman, and H. Schwartz)

109. New valve for non-rebreathing systems. Anesthesiology 20(30):383-385, May-June, 1959. (Co-author: M.J. Frumin)

110. A clinical study of the muscle relaxant-Imbretil. Anesthesiology 20:646-652, Sept.-Oct. 1959. (Co-authors: R.D. Dripps, E.C. Hanks, S.H. Ngai, and S.R. Oech)

111. Quantitative study of the action of Imbretil and its modification in man. Anesthesiology 20:653-658, Sept.-Oct. 1959. (Co-authors: S.H. Ngai, E.C. Hanks, B.R. Fink, and D.A. Holaday)

112. The future of muscle relaxants. Anesthesiology 20(4):546-549, July-Aug. 1959.

113. Management of patients requiring operation. N.Y. State J. 59(23):4359-4376, Dec. 1, 1959. (panelist)

114. Anesthesia. Chapter 3 In: Trauma in the Aged, E.M. Bick, ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960. pp. 53-63. (Co-author: L. Brand)

115. Intermittent positive pressure respirator. Anesthesiology 21:220-222, March-April, 1960. (Co-author: M.J. Frumin, and A.S. Lee)

116. Behavior of methohexital in man. Fed. Proc. 19:274, April 1960. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, L. Brand, P.G. Dayton, and D. Taller)(abstract)

117. The organization of an anesthesiology service for obstetrics. Bull. Sloane Hosp. for Women 6:39-40, Spring 1960.

118. Passage of barbital into cerebrospinal fluid. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 103:606-608, 1960. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, L. Brand, P.G. Dayton, and D. Taller)

119. The proper use of tranquilizers in surgical patients. Trans. Am. Acad. Ophthalmol. Otolarngyl. 64:689-693, Sept.-Oct. 1960.

120. A special care unit for the postoperative open cardiotomy patient. Am. J. Cardiol. 6:778-782, Oct. 1960. (Co-authors: E.C. Hanks, R.A. Deterling, A. Himmelstein, and M. Scheiner)

121. Comparison of methohexital, methitural and thiopental in man. In: Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the Pan American Medical Association, Mexico City, 1960. p. 59. (Co-authors: L.C. Mark, L. Brand, and P. G. Dayton) (abstract)

122. The effect of hypercapnia on the estimated hepatic blood flow, circulating splanchnic blood volume and hepatic bromsulfalein clearance during general anesthesia in man. J. Clin. Invest. 40:592-598, 1961. (Co-authors: R.M. Epstein, H.O. Wheeler, M.J. Frumin, D.V. Habif, and S.E. Bradley)

123. The pharmacologic basis of anesthesiology. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 2:141-142, March-April 1961.

124. A comparison of supraclavicular and axillary techniques for brachial plexus blocks. Anesthesiology 22:226-229, March- April 1961. (Co-author: L. Brand)

125. The responsibility for breathing. Anesthesiology 22:615-616, July-Aug. 1961. (Editorial)

126. Effects of 2-amino 2-hydroxymethyl-1, 3 propanediol on intracranial hypertension. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 92:640-650, June 17, 1961. (Co-authors: S.J. Dos, W.A. Randolph, J.H. Jacobson II, and G.G. Nahas)

127. Respiracion controlada. Acta Anestesiologica, 2:53, Sept. 1960-61. (In Spanish)

128. Anesthesia for the asthmatic patient. Anesthesiology 22:886-892, Nov.-Dec. 1961. (Co-author: S.M. Shnider)

129. Effects of THAM, mannitol and urea on intracranial hypertension of hypercapnic acidosis. Anesthesiology 22:134-134, 1961. (Co-authors: S.J. Dos, G.G. Nahas, and J.H. Jacobson II)(abstract)

130. Experimental correction of hypercapnic intracranial hypertension. Anesthesiology 23:46-50, Jan.-Feb. 1962. Co-authors: S.J. Dos, and G.G. Nahas)

131. Prevention of accidental breathing of anoxic gas mixtures during anesthesia. Anesthesiology 23:1-4, Jan.-Feb. 1962. (Co-authors: R.M. Epstein, H. Rackow, and A.S. Lee)

132. Absolute anesthetic potency: the determination of AD50. Fed. Proc. 21:329, Mar.-Apr. 1962. (Co-authors: R.M. Epstein, and S.H. Ngai)(abstract)

133. Injection of epinephrine during general anesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons and cyclopropane in man; 1. Tricholorethylene. Anesthesiology 23:360-364, May-June, 1962. (Co-authors: R.S. Matteo, and R.L. Katz)

134. Effect of pH control and increased O2 delivery on the course of hemorrhagic shock. Ann. Surg. 156:503-510, Sept. 1962. (Co-authors: W.M. Manger, G.G. Nahas, D. Hassam, and D.V. Habif)

135. Injection of epinephrine during general anesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons and cyclopropane in man; 2. Halothane. Anesthesiology 23:597-600, Sept.-Oct. 1962. (Co-authors: R.L Katz, and R.S. Matteo)

136. Effect of tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane on the cardiovascular system. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Vienna, 1962. Vienna, Wiener Medizinische Akademie fur Aerztliche Fortbildung, 1963.

137. Effect of diethyl ether, trichlorethylene and methoxyflurane on central respiratory mechanism of the cat. Proc. of 7th Congress of the Scandinavia Society of Anaesthesiologists, Aarhus, 1962. Acta Anaes. Scand. Supplement XII:40, Dec. 1962. (Co-authors: R.L. Katz, S.H. Ngai, and D.C. Brody)(abstract)

138. Use of THAM during extracorporeal circulation. In: Proceedings of the 1st European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Vienna, 1962. Vienna, Wiener Medizinische Akademie fur Aerztliche Fortbildung, 1963. (Co-authors: G.G. Nahas, J.R. Malm, and S.F. Sullivan)

139. Anasthesie fur den ambulanten Patienten im Presbyterian Hospital. Die Therapiewoche 24(12):1074, Dez. 1962. (In German)

140. The effects of alkalosis on the actin of the neuromuscular blocking agents. Anesthesiology 24:18-22, Jan.-Feb. 1963. (Co-author: R.L. Katz, and S.H. Ngai)

141. Injection of epinephrine during general anesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons and cyclopropane in man; 3. Cyclopropane. Anesthesiology 24:327-230, May-June 1963. (Co-authors: R.S. Matteo, and R.L. Katz)

142. Central regulation of respiration during anesthesia and wakefulness. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 109:892-900, June 24, 1963. (Co-authors: B.R. Fink, E.C. Hanks, and S.H. Ngai)

143. Spontaneous return of muscle movement and facial nerve grafting - trigeminal nerve significance. Arch. Otolaryngol. 77:643-649, June 1963. (Co-authors: J.J. Conley, and N. Kaplan)

144. Medical Progress – Anesthesiology. N. Engl. J. Med. 269:28-36, July 4, 1963; 269:83, July 11, 1963; 269:142-145, July 18,1963. (Co-author: S.H. Ngai)

145. Foreign bodies in the tracheobronchial tree causing obstructive emphysema: a clinical study. Laryngoscope 73:1099-1105, Aug. 1963. (Co-authors: D.C. Baker, and R.R. Lang)

146. Oxygen balance during shock. The Physiologist 6:156, Aug. 1963. (Co-authors: E.A. Chasnow, H.S. Small J.H. Henry, and G.G. Nahas)(abstract)

147. Survival of dogs hyperventilated with 100% oxygen in hypovolemic shock. Surg. Forum 14:228-230. 1963. (Co-authors: H.S. Small, G.G. Nahas, E.A. Chasnow, and D.V. Habif)

148. Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking action of succinylcholine in man. Anesthesiology 24:784-789, Nov.-Dec. 1963. (Co-authors: R.L. Katz, and C.E. Wolf)

149. Changing therapeutic goals in barbiturate poisoning. Bull. Nat. Clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers, p. 3, Jan.-Feb. 1964. (Co-author: L.C. Mark)

150. Effects of pre-anesthetic, anesthetic and postoperative drugs on renal function. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 5:205-215, March-April, 1964. (Co-author: S. Papper)

151. Effect of morphine, meperidine and thiopental in hypovolemic shock. Surgery 55:567-573, April 1964. (Co-authors: E.A. Chasnow, H.S. Small, J.H. Henry, and G.G. Nahas)

152. Anesthesia, surgery and Rauwolfia. Anesthesiology 25:142-147, March-April 1964. (Co-authors: R.L. Katz, and H.D. Weintraub)

153. Pharmacokinetics of inhalation anaesthetics: clinical applications. Brit. J. Anaesth. 36:124-128, March 1964.

154. Tissue carbon dioxide stores: magnitude of acute change in the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 206:887-890, April. 1964. (Co-authors: S.F. Sullivan, and R.W. Patterson)

155. Workshop on Intensive Care Units. Anesthesiology 25:192-222, March-April 1964. (participant)

156. Some reflections on mortality due to anesthesia. Anesthesiology 25:454-460, July-Aug. 1964.

157. Re-operation after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 119:997-1000, Nov. 1964. (Co-author: E.C. Hanks)

158. Impact of man, machines and mechanisms on the clinical practical practice of anaesthesia. Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 35:259-269, Nov. 1964.

159. Passage of tris (drug) across the peritoneum. J. Clin. Invest. 43:1243, 1964. (Co-authors: G.G. Nahas, J. Gjessing, and M. Verosky)(abstract)

160. Correction of acidosis during hemorrhagic shock. In: Shock and Hypertension, L.C. Mills and J.H. Moyer, eds. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1965. pp. 405-413. (Co-authors: G.G. Nahas, H.S. Small, W.M. Manger, and D.V. Habif)

161. Hazards of preoperative and postoperative narcotics. Hosp. Med. (Wallace Labs) 1(5):34-36, Jan. 1965.

162. Respiratory factors in the uptake and excretion of anesthetics. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. 3:277-96, Feb. 1965.

163. Physiology of anesthesia. Surg. Clin. North Am. 45:377-391, April 1965. (Also Spanish Edition)

164. Selection and management of anesthesia in those suffering from diseases and disorders of the heart. Can. Anaesth. Soc. J. 12:245-254, May 1965.

165. Lung function and blood gas exchange before and after cardiac surgery. J. Appl. Physiol. 20(3):483-487, May 1965. (Co-authors: H.D. Weintraub, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman Jr.)

166. Editorial view - Functional importance of the hepatic circulatory change induced by anesthesia. Anesthesiology 27:4-5, Jan. 1966.

167. Arterial C02 tension adjustment rates following hyperventilation. J. Appl. Physiol. 21(1):247-250, Jan. 1966. (Co-authors: S.F. Sullivan, and R.W. Patterson)

168. Effect of heart lung bypass on the mechanics of breathing in man. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 51(2):205-212, Feb. 1966. (Co-authors: S.F. Sullivan, R.W. Patterson, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman)

169. The manpower crisis in anesthesiology. Med. Trib. Med. News. p. 15, March 23, 1966.

170. Neuromuscular block in man during prolonged arterial infusion with succinylcholine. Anesthesiology 27(3):242-249, May-June, 1966. (Co-authors: A.J. Gissen, R.L. Katz, and J.H. Karis)

171. Spinal and epidural anesthesia; effect on renal function. Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. Suppl. 24:(11)105-110, Aug. 1966.

172. The effect of acidosis on sympatho-adrenal stimulation with particular reference to cardiopulmonary bypass. JAMA 197(2):121-125, July 1966. (Co-authors: J.R. Malm, W.M. Manger, S.F. Sullivan, and G.G. Nahas)

173. Anesthesiology in the medical curriculum. Clin. Anesth. 1:33-39, 1966.

174. Depression of norepinephrine activity by acidosis: its reversal by aminophylline. Surg. Forum. 17:41-42, 1966. (Co-authors: C. Poyart, G.G. Nahas, and D.V. Habif)

175. Changing therapeutic goals in barbiturate poisoning. Pharmacol. Physicians 1(3):1-5, March 1967. (Co-author: L.C. Mark)

176. Anesthetic techniques, complications and advances in head and neck surgery. In: Cancer of the Head and Neck, J. Conley, ed. Washington, Butterworths, 1967. pp. 62-65.

177. Post-hyperventilation hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 2(3):431-435, March 1967. (Co-authors: S.F. Sullivan and R.W. Patterson)

178. Effect of airway hypocapnia on mechanics of breathing during cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 35:(Suppl. 4): I212-216, April 1967. (Co-authors: R.W. Patterson, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman)

179. The substance of graduate education in anesthesiology. In: Education in Anesthesiology; Report of a Macy Conference, J.P. Bunker, ed. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1967. pp. 47-49. (Co-author: H.K. Beecher)

180. The dilemmas in anesthesiology. In: Education in Anesthesiology; Report of a Macy Conference, J.P. Bunker, ed. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1967. pp. 1-11.

181. Cathecholamine (particularly epinephrine) and general anesthetics. Masiu; Jpn. J. Med. Anesth. 16:609, Aug. 1967.

182. Letters - Control of drug dosage. Med. Op. Rev. 3:14, Sept. 1967.

183. Drug metabolism in anesthesiology. Masui; Jpn. J. Anesth. 16(10):864-872, Sept. 1967.

184. The captain of a medical team should coordinate, not command. Med. World News 8:62-63, Sept. 20, 1967. (Point of View).

185. A matter of definition. Anesthesiology, 28(6):969-972, Nov-Dec. 1967. (Editorial)

186. Regional anesthesia--a critical assessment of its place in therapeutics. Anesthesiology, 28(6):1074-1084, Nov.-Dec. 1967.

187. Electroencephalography for Anesthesiologists and Surgeons, by Sadove, Becker and Gibbs. Arch. Neurol. 17:672, Dec. 1967. (Book review)

188. Pulmonary diffusing capacity following open-heart surgery. Circulation 36 Suppl. 2:155, 1967. (Co-authors: S.L. Kaplan, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman Jr.)(abstract)

189. Systematic CO2 tension effects on breathing mechanics of the isolated human lung. Circulation 36 Suppl. 2:208, 1967. (Co-authors: R.W. Patterson, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, F.O. Bowman Jr.)(abstract)

190. Uptake of thiopental by fetal tissues and the placenta. Fed. Proc. 27:706, April 1968. (Co-authors: M. Finster, and J.M. Perel)(abstract)

191. Effect of halothane on human airway mechanics. Anesthesiology, 29(5):900-907, Sept.-Oct. 1968. (Co-authors: R.W. Patterson, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman Jr.)

192. Low cardiac output and postcardiotomy hypoxia. Circulation 38 Suppl. 6:156, 1968. (Co-authors: D.M. Philbin, S.F. Sullivan, and F.O. Bowman Jr.)(abstract)

193. Post-hyperventilation hypoxemia. In: Collection of Scientific Writings Honoring Professor I.S. Zhorov on His 70th Anniversary. Moscow, 1968. (in Russian)

194. Postoperative hyperventilation and hypoxia in man following hyperventilation. N. Engl. J. Med. 280(9):467-470, Feb. 27, 1969. (Co-authors: A.J. Salvatore, and S.F. Sullivan)

195. Effect of cardiac bypass on pulmonary diffusing capacity. J. Thorac. Cardiovas. Surg. 57(5):738-746, May 1969. (Co-authors: S.L. Kaplan, S.F. Sullivan, J.R. Malm, and F.O. Bowman Jr.)

196. For out of much affliction. N.Y. State. J. Med. 69(2):2434-2437, Sept. 1969. (E. Dean Babbage Memorial Lecture)

197. The indications for gasserian ganglion block for trigeminal neuralgia. Anesthesiology, 31(6):566-573, Dec. 1969. (Co-author: C. Greenberg)

198. Hipoxia post-hiperventilaca. Revista Brasileira de Anesthesiologia, 19(4):658-659, Oct.-Dec. 1969. (In Portuguese)

199. Treatment of massive hemorrhage in the dog with fluid gelatin. Bibl. Haemat. 33:248-253, 1969. (Co-authors: D.V. Habif, E.G. Debbas, and G.G. Nahas) (Prize essay)

200. Postoperative hypoxemia: contribution of the cardiac output. Anesthesiology 32(2):136-142, Feb. 1970. (Co-authors: D.M. Philbin, S.F. Sullivan, F.O. Bowman Jr., and J.R. Malm)

201. Pharmacologic and physiologic aspects of anesthesiology. (First of two parts) N. Engl. J. Med. 282(9):479-491, Feb. 26, 1970. (Co-authors: S.H. Ngai, and L.C. Mark)

202. Malignant fever during and following anesthesia. Anesthesiology 32(3):196-201, March 1970. (Co-author: J.F. Ryan)

203. Pharmacologic and physiologic aspects of anesthesiology. (Second of two parts) N. Engl. J. Med. 282(10)541-556, March 1970. (Co-authors: S.H. Ngai, and L.C. Mark)

204. On the practice of anaesthesia in the United States. Brit. J. Anaesthesia, 42(9):791, Sept. 1970.

205. Anesthesia in thyroid disease. Chapter 31 In: The Thyroid, S.C. Werner and S.H. Ingbar, ed.s 3d ed. New York, Harper and Row, 1971. pp. 481-488. (Co-author: M.M. Kritchman)

206. Some causes of photanesthetic hypoxia. An. R. Acad. Nac. Med. (Madr) 88(4):493-506, 1971 (Presented at the Post-Graduate Symposium, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, 1970-71.)

207. The University of Miami School of Medicine's changing patterns of medical education. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 58(1):28-32, Jan. 1971. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

208. New view of the entrance of scientists with Ph.D. degrees into an M.D. program at the University of Miami. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 58(5):62-63, May 1971.

209. Alleviating the shortage of physicians. Science 172(988):1109-1111, June 11, 1971. (Co-authors: W.J. Harrington, W.J. Whelan, and B.J. Fogel)

210. New techniques to help save life for accident victims. Vogue 158:268-269, Sept. 1, 1971.

211. The formal education of the new physician. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 58(8):27-28, Aug. 1971.

212. The teaching hospital and the school of medicine; a plan for affiliation. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 58(11):68-69. Nov. 1971.

213. Preliminary report on a health ecology course for sophomore medical students. J. Med. Educ. 47(3):223-224, March 1972. (Co-authors: J. Braunstein, B.J. Fogel, and R.H. Williams)

214. Medical education at the University of Miami. Veritas 13:16, April 23, 1973. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

215. The University of Miami School of Medicine’s thirty-three month curriculum. J. FL Med. Assoc. 60(5):13-14, May 1973.

216. Dean’s Page - Implications of federal funding on academic health centers. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 60(8):14-15, Aug. 1973.

217. Academic medical centers in the United States - some problems and a few forecasts. Acta Anaesthiol. Scand. Suppl. 53:7-12, 1973.

218. Acupuncture and anesthesia. In: Encyclopedia Britannic Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1974. pp. 501-61.

219. The School of Medicine of the University of Miami - an historical brief. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 61(1):74-76, Jan. 1974. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

220. Comments on proceedings. Symposium on the Changing Scene in Graduate Medical Education. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 50(11):1235-1240, Dec. 1974.

221. Editorial: The University of Miami M.D.-Ph.D. Program. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 85(3):351-354, March 1975.

222. Editorial: Acupuncture and Pain. N. Engl. J. Med. 293(8):401-402, Aug. 21, 1975.

223. Dean's Page - Continuing medical education. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 116-117, Feb. 1976.

224. Dean's Page - Growth of a statewide on-site education program (cancer). J. FL. Med. Assoc., 63(5):336-337, May 1976. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

225. Dean's Page - The impact of malpractice costs on medical education. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 63(8):606-607, Aug. 1976. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

226. A medical center and the achievements of a young medical school. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 63(10):758-763, Oct. 1976. (Co-author: B.J. Fogel)

227. Dean's Page - The University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Medical Center. J. FL Med. Assoc. 63(10):748, Oct. 1976.

228. The University of Miami School of Medicine’s alumni during the school’s first twenty years. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 63(10):771-778. Oct. 1976. (Co-authors: M. Mendelson, B.J. Fogel, and J.K. Robinson.)

229. General anesthesia for gastroscopy contraindicated in excited patient. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 237:(2):158, Jan. 10, 1977. (answer to a question)

230. Dean's Page - 25th Anniversary of the University of Miami School of Medicine. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 64:(2):73-74, Feb. 1977.

231. Dean's Page - Provision of a single high standard of care to patients at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. J. FL. Med. Assoc., 64(5):308-309, May, 1977. (Co-authors: B.J. Fogel, and F.J. Cowell)

232. Special Article - the Physician - Model 1977. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 64(12):820-821, Dec. 1977.

233. Dean's Page - Medicaid in Florida. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 65(2):82-83, Feb. 1978.

234. Editorial Page - Health systems agencies and the practicing physician. Miami Med. 48(4):19-20, April 1978.

235. Dean's Page - Public Law 92-603 Section 227. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 65(8):616, Aug. 1978.

236. Foreword - Anesthetic accidents; case studies. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. 16(3):ix, Fall 1978.

237. A few thoughts on medical care in modern society. J. Am. Med. Women's Assoc. 33(10):411-413, Oct. 1978.

238. The establishment of anesthesiology as a clinical and scientific discipline. Acta Anaesthsiol. Scand. Suppl. 70:10-12. 1978.

239. The future of anesthesiology. Masui; Jpn. J. Anesth. 27(11):1356-1359, Oct. 1978.

240. Dean's Page - The University of Miami School of Medicine and its relationship to Latin America. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 66(2):168-169, Feb. 1979.

241. The continued evolution of the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 66:(8):836-837, Aug. 1979. (Co-authors: F.J. Cowell and B.J. Fogel)

242. The Ph.D to M.D. Program: the seven-year mark. N. Engl. J. Med. 301(16):863-867, Oct. 18, 1979. (Co-authors W.M. Awad Jr., and W.J. Harrington)

243. Increasing excellence in the public system. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 66:(11):1157, Nov. 1979.

244. Commencement Address - A democratic education; an exercise in collegiality (a possible view of Diogenes were he to examine our present educational process). J. FL. Med. Assoc. 66:(12):1219-1221, Dec. 1979.

245. Dean's Page - Time for renewal. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 67:(2):75, Feb. 1980.

246. Dean's Page - The health of the academic health center. J. FL. Med. Assoc. 67:(8):726, Aug. 1980.

247. Dean's Page - Is there an oversupply? J. FL. Med. Assoc. 67:(11):983, Nov. 1980.

248. The future of inhalation anaesthesia. Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 65(3):161-163, May 1983.

249. Editorial - the 15th Anniversary of the use of thiopentone in man. Anaesthesia 39(6):517-519, June 1984.

250. Education for leadership in anaesthesiology. The Sixteenth Husfeldt Lecture, Copenhagen. May 11, 1984. Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 29(1):11-15, Jan. 1985.

251. Foreword. In: Patient Controlled Analgesia; Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Patient Controlled Analgesia, Leeds Castle, Kent, U.K., June 1984. Oxford, B1ackwell, 1985.

252. Forrest Leffingwell Memorial Lecture to the California Society of Anesthesiologists. Semin. Anesth. 5(2):126-129, June 1986.

253. Volatile anesthetics. Semin. Anesth. 5(4):268-272, Dec. 1986.

254. Foreword - Der Einfluss der deutschen Universitaten und der deutschen medizinischen Wissenschaft auf die amerikanische Universitaten und die amerikanische Medizin. In: Aktuelle Anesthesia und Intensivmedizin; 5 Internationales Heidelberger Anesthesia Symposium. New York, Thieme, 1987. pp. 1-10.

255. Diagnostic related groups (DRG) on ICU care. Acta Anaesth. Scand. 31 Suppl. 86:70, 1987. (Co-author: E.D. Miller)

256. The development of research in anesthesiology. Semin. Anesth. 7(3):161-169, Sep. 1988.

257. The influence of chronic illness upon the writing of Alexander Pope. J. R. Soc. Med. 82(6):359-361, June 1989.

258. Anesthesiology comes of age. JAMA 262(9):1225-1227, Sept. 1, 1989.

259. The discovery of anesthesia: a Romantic achievement. Semin. Anesth. 8(3):255-262, Sept. 1989.

260. Anesthesiology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City: a personal memoir. NYSSA SPHERE July-Sept. 6-17, 1989.

261. Satire of medicine: the 18th century and beyond. J. R. Soc. Med. 524-528, Aug. 1990.

262. Tribute to Professor Martin Holmdahl. Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 34 Suppl. 94:86-88, 1990.

263. The discovery of anesthesia: its relationship to the literature of the Romantic Era. Anesth. History Assn Newsletter 8(1):1,10-13,16, 1990.

264. Rationing medical care. Semin. Anesth. 10(3):203-210, Sept. 1991.

265. Foreword - Entdeckung der Narkose: eine Leistung der Romantik. Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Anasthesiologie 80:1-8, 1992. (In German)

266. The influence of Romantic literature on the medical understanding of pain and suffering - the stimulus to the discovery of anesthesia. Perspect. Biol. Med. 35(3):401-415, 1992.

267. The origins of the Association of University Anesthesiologists. Anesth. Analg. 74(3):436-453, March 1992.

268. Ralph Waters Ghosts’ and the AUA. Anesth. Analg. 75(3):462, Sept. 1992.

269. Education and the development of anesthesia. Baillieres Clin. Anaes. 8(3):529-547, Sep. 1994.

270. The palate of my mind - a memoir. In: Careers In Anesthesiology; Autobiographical Memoirs, Vol. 1. Park Ridge, IL, The Wood Library - Museum of Anesthesiology, 1996. pp. 69-217.

271. Anesthesia and the surgical experience: 1940-1995. Perspect. Biol. Med. 40(4)597-618. Summer 1997.

272. Respiratory factors in the uptake and excretion of anesthetics. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. 36(4):121-135, Fall 1998. (Co-author: R.M. Epstein)(reprint of 1965 article)


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