Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D.

Distinguished Visiting Professorships, Eponymous and Special Lectures With Selective Full Text.

New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Post Graduate
Assembly, New York City, 1950.

World Health Organization, Professor of Anesthesiology
Course, Copenhagen, 1955.

Jenny Hartmann Lecture, University of Basel, 1957. [Image] "Problems of Anesthesia" ( Adobe™ PDF, 35K)

University of London, Westminster Hospital, Lecturer, 1957.

University of California, San Francisco, Visiting
Professor, 1958.

AOA Lecture, University of Miami, 1960.

University of California at Los Angeles, Guedel Lecturer,

Central University of Caracas, Visiting Professor,
Venezuela, 1962 and 1966.

University of Washington, Visiting Professor, Seattle,
1962, 1968, 1971.

Whitacre Lecture, Cleveland, Ohio, 1963.

Wesley Bourne Lecture, McGill University, 1964.

Joseph Clover Lecture, Royal College of Surgeons, London,
1964. "The Impact of Man, Machines and Mechanisms on the Clinical Practice of Anaesthesia" ( Adobe™ PDF, 51K)

Horace Wells Orator, New England Society of Anesthesiologists, Boston, 1966. [Image]

Rovenstine Memorial Lecture, American Society of
Anesthesiologists, 1966. "Regional Anesthesia - A Critical Assessment of its Place in Therapeutics" ( Adobe™ PDF, 55K)

Eliasberg Lecture, Mt. Sinai Hospital, N.Y.C., 1966. "Anesthesiology - Present Position and Future Developement" ( Adobe™ PDF, 50K)

McKesson Memorial Lecture, Toledo, 1967.

Crawford W. Long Memorial Lecture, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, 1970. "The Influence of Environmental Factors and the Social Order on the Practice of Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 45K)

AOA Lecture, April 2, 1970. "The Pursuit of Excellence- Part 2" ( Adobe™ PDF, 29K)

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 1971.

Ralph M. Waters Lecture, Marquette University Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, 1971.

U.S. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare, 1971. "A Statement in Support of Research and Training in Anesthesiology and the Division of General Medical Sciences of the National Institute of Health" ( Adobe™ PDF, 38K)

Duke University, Visiting Lecturer, 1973.

University of North Carolina, Visiting Lecturer, 1973.

Osaka University, Guest Lecturer, Osaka, Japan, 1973. "Medical Education" ( Adobe™ PDF, 51K)

Tokyo University, Department Anesthesiology, Guest
Lecturer, Tokyo, Japan, 1973. ""Newer and 'Better' Inhalation Anesthetic Agents" ( Adobe™ PDF, 45K)

M. Murray Peshkin Award Lectureship, 1974.

California Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco,

Jefferson Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC, 1975. "Management of the Critically Ill" ( Adobe™ PDF, 45K)

University of California at Los Angeles, School of
Medicine, 1975.

University of California, Monterey, CA, 1976.

University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1977.

University of Utah Commencement Address, Salt Lake City,
UT, 1977. "The Third Century in American Medicine" ( Adobe™ PDF, 45K)

United States Air Force, Society of Anesthesiologists, San
Antonio, TX, 1978. "Societal Aspects of the Past, Present, and Possible Future Development of Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 45K)

Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan, Lecturer. [Image] .

Japan Society of Anesthesiology, Hirosaki, Lecturer, 1978. [Image]

International Association for the Study of Pain, Tropea,
Italy, 1979. "The Future of Antalgesic Therapy" ( Adobe™ PDF, 48K)

Shields Lecture, Toronto, Canada, 1980. "Academic Anaesthesia- Its Roles in a Faculty of Medicine" ( Adobe™ PDF, 57K)

XVI Latin American Congress of Anesthesiology, Panama,

University of Florida College of Medicine, 1981.

American Society of Anesthesiologists, 1981.

Rovenstine Eleventh Lecture, The New York State Society of
Anesthesiologists, 1981. "The Growth of Anesthesiology as a Clinical Discipline Based Upon Science- A Personal Assessment" ( Adobe™ PDF, 58.1K)

First William T. G. Morton Memorial Lecture, Harvard
Medical School, 1982. "Inhalation Anesthesia: a Legacy of the First Public Demonstration of Ether at the Massachusetts General Hospital" ( Adobe™ PDF, 65.6K)

Bicentennial Visiting Professor, Massachusetts General
Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1982.

30th Anniversary of the Founding Meeting of the Association of
University Anesthetists, Boston, 1982. "A.U.A. After Thirty Years" ( Adobe™ PDF, 44.6K)

University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa, 1982.

Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons
of England, 1982.

37th Post-Graduate Assembly, New York State Society of
Anesthesiologists, New York, NY, 1983. "Education - The Medical Student" ( Adobe™ PDF, 32.7K)

Special Task Force for American Society of Anesthesiologists, Atlanta, GA, 1983.

Scandinavian Society of Anaesthetists, Tampere, Finland,
1983. "The Opportunity and the Challenge of Molecular and Cellular Biology for Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 39.5K)

Stanford University Medical Center, Committee for External
Review, 1983.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 1983.

AOA Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania, PA, 1984. "Everyday Ethics- Doing Right" ( Adobe™ PDF, 63.7K)

Post-Graduate Assembly Meeting, New York State Society of
Anesthesiologists, New York, NY, 1984.

University of Munich, West Germany, 1984.

University of Pennsylvania, PA, 1984.

European Academy of Anaesthesiologists, Royal College of
Surgeons of England, 1984.

University of Bonn, Germany, International Workshop, 1984.

Danish Society of Anaesthesiologists, Sixteenth Husfeldt Lecture,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1984. "Education for Leadership in Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 58.3K)

8th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Manila,
Philippines, 1984.

Universities of Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Kobe, 1985.

The VII Annual Scientific European Academy Meeting of
Anesthesiologists, Basel Switzerland, 1985. "Volatile Anaesthetics" ( Adobe™ PDF, 49.7K)

Leffingwell Memorial Lecture, California Society of
Anesthesiologists, 1985.

Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists, 1985.

Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists, 1985.

Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons at Columbia
University, New York, 1985.

Second Louis R. Orkin Lecture at Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, New York Academy of Medicine, New York,
1986. "The Evolution of the Practice of Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 73.3K)

Annual American Society of Anesthesiologists Meeting, Las
Vegas, NV, 1986.

Workshop on "Evaluation of Unconsciousness During
Anaesthesia," University of Wales College Medicine,
Heath Park, Cardiff, England, 1986.

8th Annual European Academy of Anesthesiology Meeting in
Barcelona, Spain, 1986.

600th Anniversary of the University of Heidelberg, Germany
1986. "The Influence of German Universities & German Medical Science on American Universities & American Medicine (1870-1914)" ( Adobe™ PDF, 50K)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development
Conference, Bethesda, MD, 1986.

IXth Annual Meeting of European Academy of
Anaesthesiologists, Ghents, Belgium, 1987.

Honorary Lectureship of Professor J. Crul, Catholic
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1987.

Evan L. Frederickson Memorial Lecture at Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, 1987. "The Development of Research in Anesthesiology" ( Adobe™ PDF, 114K)

Annual American Society of Anesthesiologists Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, 1988.

American Board of Anesthesiology Meeting, Washington, DC –
50th Anniversary Meeting, 1988.

Griffith Symposium at the World Federation of Societies of
Anaesthesiologists, Washington DC, 1988.

Association of University Anesthetists, 35th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1988. "The Flavor of AUA's Beginnings" ( Adobe™ PDF, 26.7K)

The First John F. Schweiss Lecture, St. Louis Medical
Center, St. Louis, MO, 1988.

Association of University Anesthetists 36th Annual
Meeting, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 1989.

Third Merel H. Harmel Lecturer in Anesthesiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1989. [Image] "The Discovery of Anesthesia: Its Relationship to the Literature of the Romantic Era" ( Adobe™ PDF, 96.1K)

Living Legends Lecture, University of Chicago, 1990.

Continental Insurance Corporation, New York, Invited
Speaker, 1990.

Yale University, Invited Speaker - The Program for
Humanities In Medicine, New Haven, CT, 1991.

First Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Lecture, University of
Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, 1991. "Medicine and Literature: The Romantic Connection"

American Society of Anesthesiologists - "Ethical Dilemmas
in The Practice of Anesthesiology" - Invited Speaker,

University of South Florida, Visiting Professor, 1992.

Northeast Anesthesia Resident Education Conference, 1993.

University of Maryland at Baltimore, Visiting Professor,
Helrich Lecture, 1993.

Brigham & Womens Hospital, Visiting Professor, 2000.

Stanford University, Interdisciplinary Conference – “Hybrids and Cyborgs: Melding Medicine and the Humanities,” 2000



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