Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D.

Honorary Degrees

1964 - Doctor of Medicine (Honorary), University of Uppsala, Sweden [Image]

1969 - Doctor of Medicine (Honorary), University of Turin, Italy [Image]

1977 - M. D. Degree (Honorary), University of Vienna, Austria [Image]

1988 - Sc.D., (Honorary), Columbia University, NY [Image]

Distinguished Scientific Organizations

1950 - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, Life Member

1953 - American Society for Clinical Investigation, Emeritus Member

1953 - Association of University Anesthetists, Co-Founder

1954 - Association of University Anesthetists, First President

1954 - New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary

1960 - The Halsted Society

1960 - Royal Society of Medicine, Fellow

1961 - Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and
Ireland, Corresponding Member; 1976, Honorary Member

1961 - National Association of Standard Medical Vocabulary,
Honorary Member

1961-62 - New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Co-Founder

1964 - Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of
Surgeons of England, Fellow (By Election) [Image]

1964-65 - American College of Anesthesiologists, Fellow

1965 - Swedish Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary Member [Image]

1965-66 - National Institutes of Health, Special Consultant, Anesthesiology [Image]

1966 - Maryland-District of Columbia Society of
Anesthesiologists, Honorary Member

1967 - Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons, Honorary Member

1967 - Finnish Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary Member [Image]

1968 - American College of Physicians, Life Member [Image]

1969 - Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Honorary Member

1969 - California Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary Member

1970 - Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary Member

1970 - New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Honorary

1970 - Latin American Association of Toxicology, Corresponding
Member [Image]

1970 - Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Faculty of Medicine, Honorary Member [Image]

1970-72 - French Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation,
Honorary President

1971 - Royal Academy of Medicine of Spain, Honorary
Corresponding Member

1971 - American Society of Anesthesiologists, Distinguished
Service Award [Image]

1973 - Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Guayaquil Faculty of
Medicine, Honorary Professor [Image]

1973 - Cuban Medical Association in Exile, Honorary Member [Image]

1973 - Philippine College of Anesthesiologists, Fellow [Image]

1973 - La Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina del Trabajo, Honorary Member [Image]

1973-74 - American Trauma Society, Founder Member

1974 - University of Madrid School of Medicine, Honorary
Professor, Silver Medal [Image]

1975 - Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Faculty of
Anaesthetists, Honorary Fellow [Image]

1975 - New York Academy of Sciences, Election as Active Member [Image]

1975-76 - Museum of Science and Space Transit Planetarium, Board of Governors, Miami, Florida

1976 - Venezuelan Society of Anesthesiology, Honorary Member [Image]

1976 - Pan American Medical Association, Docent of Humanities

1976 - Association of Anaesthesiologists of Great Britain and
Ireland, Honorary Member

1977 - E. M. Papper Lecture, Established 1977 at Columbia
University and at the University of California @ Los Angeles [Image]

1977 - New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow [Image]

1978 - European Academy of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, France,
Honorary Member

1979 - University of Santiago de Chile, South America, Honorary

1981 - Latin American Society of Anaesthesiologists, Honorary

1981 - American Surgical Association, Fellow Senior Member

1981 - Panamanian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Honorary

1981 - Royal College of Surgeons of England, Faculty of Anesthetists, Honorary Fellow [Image]

1982 - American Pain Society, Life Member

1984 - Danish Society of Anaesthesiologists, Copenhagen,
Honorary Member [Image]

1984 - Columbia University E. M. Papper Chair in
Anesthesiology, Endowed Chair

1984 - Japan Society of Anaesthesiology, Honorary Member [Image] [Image]

1988 - European Academy of Anaesthesiology, Honorary Member [Image]

1989 - Midwest Anesthesia Conference, Ralph M. Waters Award

1990 - Anesthesia History Association, Honorary Member [Image]

1990 - Royal Society of Medicine of England, Honorary
Fellow [Image]

1996 - Australian and New Zealand College of Anesthetists, Honorary Fellow

Other Awards and Honors

1934 - Phi Beta Kappa

1945 - Army Commendation Medal

1946 - Sigma Zi

1948 - Alpha Omega Alpha

1949, 1951-53 - General Chairman, Postgraduate Assembly, New York Society of Anesthesiologists [Image]

1965 - American AIrlines, Admiral of the Flagship Fleet [Image]

1966 - Latinamerican Center of Anesthesiology, collaborating founder [Image]

1966 - Wilford Hall USAF Hospital, 13th Annual Anesthesiology Review Course, Guest Lecturer [Image]

1968 - American Society of Anesthesiologists, Physicians' Art Exhibit, Participator [Image]

1969 - Pan American Airlines, Clipper Club, Member [Image]

1970 - Wilford Hall USAF Hospital, 17th Annual Anesthesiology Review Course, Guest Lecturer [Image]

1970 - Wisdom Award of Honor, Elected to the Wisdom Hall of Fame [Image]

1971 - University of Madrid, Distinguished Visitor [Image]

1971 - State of Florida, Community Hospital Education Council, Member [Image]

1971 - City of Miami, Miami City Commission, Torch of Friendship [Image]

1972 - Medal of Honor-of the City of Paris, France [Image]

1973 - Bankers Club, Board of Governors, Charter Member [Image]

1973 - Care, Inc., MEDICO ten year service citation [Image]

1974 - AAMC Meritorious Service Award, COD Administrative Board [Image]

1974 - Omicron Delta Kappa, Honorary Membership [Image]

1974 - Outstanding Educator of America

1974 - State of Florida, Florida Medical Liability Insurance Commission, Member [Image]

1974 - University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL,
Honorary Alumnus [Image]

1974 - New York University, Medical Alumni Achievement Award [Image]

1975 - "Alumnus of the Year" Award, Boys High School [Image]

1975 - Honorary President V, European Congress of
Anesthesiology, Paris, France

1975 - Papanicolaou Cancer Research Institute at Miami, Board of Directors [Image]

1973-79 - Doctor of the Day, Named by Florida State Legislature,
April 5, 1097, May 16, 1977, May 31, 1978, May 22, 1979

1976-1977 - Instituto Territorial de Barcelona, Collaborating Planner [Image]

1976 - Instituto Territorial de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo de Sevilia, Meritorious contributions [Image]

1976 - Hospital Corporation of America, Board of Governors [Image]

1977 - Cuban Medical Association, Diploma of Honor [Image]

1977 - Metropolitan Dade County of Florida, Health Policy Task Force,Member commendation [Image]

1978 - Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces, Member [Image]

1979 - Golden Key National Honor Society, Honorary Member [Image]

1980 - Tel Aviv University's Board of Governors, Member

1982 - Association of American Medical Colleges, Emeritus

1984 - John Jay Award, Columbia College

1985 - E. M. Papper Day, Dade County, FL., Proclaimed by Mayor
Stephen Clark of Dade County, FL., January 22nd

1986 - University of Miami School of Medicine/Jackson Memorial
Medical Center, Teacher of the Year Award

1988 - American Medical Association, Certificate of Merit, 50-Year Club of American Medicine [Image]

1996 - Medical Writers Award Best Book in History of Medicine

1998 - David M. Little Award of Anesthesia History Association

2002 - Iron Arrow Society, University of Miami



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