VOL. 26 NO. 5 |
October - December 2005 |
Dr. Clarkson Gives the 8th Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Lecture
John G. Clarkson, MD, Senior Vice-President for Medical Affairs and Dean, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, delivered the 8th Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Lecture on November 17, 2005 in the Retter Auditorium of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute/Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital. The title of Dr. Clarkson's lecture, "Medical Education: Past, Present, Future," reflects one of the many achievements of his deanship - the reform of the medical school curriculum.
Following a welcome by Library Director Henry L.
Lemkau, Jr., Dean Emeritus Bernard J. Fogel
introduced Dr. Clarkson to the audience which included past UM Presidents Henry King Stanford and Thaddeus Foote and family and friends of the late Ruth F. Gross. Dr. Clarkson's scholarly and well received account of medical education in the United States and his view of its future is available at the Gross Lecture website.
Photos of the lecture and reception which followed appear inside this issue courtesy of Biomedical Communications.
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Unlimited Access to all Lippincott Williams & Wilkins E-Journals
Effective December 15, 2005, unlimited access to all 271 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) electronic journals became available University-wide via the Journals@Ovid platform, including:
- Unlimited access to all five journals of the American Heart Association and all 23 LWW journals in the Essential Nursing Collection
- Unlimited access to other LWW titles that were previously available, such as Anesthesia & Analgesia, Annals of Surgery, Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research, Cornea, Journal of Urology, Laryngoscope, Neuroreport, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Spine
- Unlimited access to 213 important new journals in the biomedical and nursing sciences.
An alphabetical list of all 271 journals is available here. The journals are also accessible on the Library's E-Journals: A-Z link at calder.med.miami.edu/ by title, subject and publisher.
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103 New Curriculum and Other E-Books
During November and December, 103 new e-books in the health sciences became available on the E-Books link on the Library's website: calder.med.miami.edu/e-books/. Titles include:
- Assigned textbooks in the medical curriculum, e.g. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Basic & Clinical Endocrinology and Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics
- Functional Neuroanatomy, Fundamental Immunology, Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology and the Washington Manuals of Medical Therapeutics and Surgery
- "5-Minute Consult" titles in cardiology, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, orthopedics,
pediatrics, sports medicine, toxicology and urology
- Encyclopedias of cancer, genetics, hormones, neurological sciences, psychotherapy, etc.
- Health sciences titles in Net Library
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Gross Lecture and Reception

Dr. John G. Clarkson
Mr. Lemkau, Dr. Clarkson, Dr. Fogel
First Row, left to right; Lou Compton, Carol Clarkson, Pat Bergman, President Stanford, President Foote.
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David S. Howell, M.D. Art Sale Benefits United Way
From October 11 - November 22, 2005, Biomedical Communications sponsored a sale of the magnificent seascapes of David S. Howell, M.D., founder of the Miller School of Medicine's arthritis division and internationally respected clinician and researcher. Dr. Howell also served as a scientific advisor to United Way and generously agreed to allow Biomedical Communications to produce studio-quality prints of his work to benefit this important community resource.
By year's end, 52 prints were sold, $700 was raised, and the medical center was re-introduced to the high quality, cost effective and convenient reproduction and printing services of Biomedical Communications.

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UpToDate and Ovid Medline Changes
UpToDate Changes - "Starting December 5, 2005, some of the topic reviews within the Tables of Contents will no longer be live links. This change will not affect the usability of UpToDate, as all our content is still easily accessible via the main search box. (go to www.utdol.com)
Patient Information: To view our patient information handouts type in the words 'patient info' and you will see all the patient information topics available. To narrow your search, use the 'narrow search results' button and type in the disease or condition. All our patient information is also freely available to patients at www.patients.uptodate.com.
Drug Information: To view information on a medication, type in the name of the medication, either brand name or generic in the main search box. For each medication you will see a number of drug information topics including adult information, pediatric information, and patient level information. UpToDate offers international, as well as natural information."
Ovid Medline - Effective December 31, 2005, there is unlimited access to the Ovid Medline database from the MEDLINE link on Calder's webpage at calder.med.miami.edu. Previously, this database was restricted to a maximum number of simultaneous users.
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