Easy EBM Filters for MEDLINE Searches
New "Ask-a-Librarian" Feature on Ovid
Selected New E-Journals for 2004
New Interlibrary Loan Fees
UM Faculty Publications 1998-2002 Database
Faculty News
Newly Accessible Faculty of 1000 Biology Research Service
Additions to the Art Collections
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VOL. 25 NO. 1 |
January - February
2004 |
Whether you prefer Ovid MEDLINE or PubMed, you can quickly and easily limit your search retrieval to articles that contain the best research evidence to help meet your daily need for valid patient care information. Best research evidence, combined with clinical expertise and your patient's values, are the criteria of evidence-based medicine (EBM).
Best research evidence criteria vary based on the four categories of clinical information: diagnosis, therapy, etiology and prognosis. Criteria vary by study design, e.g., cohort vs. randomized controlled clinical trial; and by critical assessment measures, e.g., confidence intervals, absolute risk reduction, etc. Criteria for each of the four categories of information have been identified and made available to you for your searches.
Please go to calder.med.miami.edu, click on the MEDLINE option under �Quick Links� to the left of the page, and:
Ovid - For an Ovid MEDLINE search:
- Click on the "Saved Searches" button beneath the Search History box when you select the "I.P." access option. From the next page, under Permanent Searches,
- Select the EBM Strategy you want based on the category of information you are searching for, click "Run Search", and then "Main Search Page" after the saved search is executed,
- In the "Enter Keyword or phrase:" box on the main search page, AND the last line of the saved search with the topic you want to limit to articles with the best research evidence. The entire saved search can be viewed by clicking "Expand" to the right of the Search History box. That's it!
To have the EBM Permanent Searches added to your Ovid individual password, please contact the Systems Department at 305-243-5530 or e.vinson@miami.edu.
PubMed - For a PubMed search:
- Click on the "Clinical Queries" link under "PubMed Services" to the left of the PubMed screen. From the next page,
- Choose "Clinical Queries Using Research Methodology Filters," the information Category you are searching for, and the Emphasis (sensitivity or specificity), or, choose "Systematic Reviews" to limit your search to these reviews.
- Enter your subject search in the search box and click "Go."
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While doing a search in one of the Ovid databases accessible medical center wide, click the "Ask a Librarian" link beneath the "Limit" options for assistance with your search or for answers to any ready reference questions you may have. Librarians at the Reference desk will respond to your search as soon as possible, usually the same day.
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During January, 2004, the new, expanded Science Direct platform became accessible University-wide and several other important, frequently requested paid electronic journal subscriptions were activated. The expansion in the Science Direct platform consists largely of ready, unlimited access to hundreds of titles that were previously available on a limited basis and only via individual Science Direct passwords. Following are some of the more heavily used Science Direct titles, as well as new titles from BioMed Central, Cell Press, Nature, Blackwell, Springer-Verlag, Wiley, and others that are now readily accessible via the A-Z list and CALLCAT on the Library's website calder.med.miami.edu:
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
Arthritis Research & Therapy
Breast Cancer Research Treatment
Cancer Cell
Clinical Imaging
Controlled Clinical Trials
Current Opinion in Microbiology
Current Opinion in Pharmacology
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Developmental Cell
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
Drug Discovery Today
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
European Journal of Heart Failure
European Journal of Radiology
European Psychiatry
Genome Biology
Immunology Today |
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
Journal of Chromatography
Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Substance Abuse
Legal Medicine
Microbes & Infection
Nature Reviews:
Cancer, Drug Discovery, Genetics, Immunology,
Microbiology, Molecular Cell Biology, and Neurosciences
New England Journal of Medicine
Pediatric Diabetes
Primary Care Update for OB/GYNS
Research in Immunology
Transplant Immunology
Trends in Immunology |
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Effective April 1, 2004, the current $6 charge per article for the Library to borrow an article from another library for a patron has increased to $10, and the charge for CLASSIC members to refer their requests for items not in our collections has increased from $11 to $15. These increases are due to the new Transaction Service Processing Fee imposed March 15, 2004 by the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), Inc. Each year, the Library must report hundreds of the articles we borrow from other libraries to the CCC and pay a royalty fee of about $25 per article. Now, in addition, the Library must pay the new processing fee. We regret the imposition of this new charge, but are happy to report that the number of articles we need to borrow from other libraries continues to decline as the number of electronic journals continues to expand.
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The Otto G. Richter Digital Library now includes a database of UM faculty publications from 1998-2002 at scholar.library.miami.edu/facpubs02/. Citations can be searched by name and by department or school, and they can be easily reformatted. Lists of journals in which the publications appear are also available. Check it out!
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The Library is delighted to report that Henry L. Lemkau, Jr., MLS, JD, Director
and Chairman, has been elected Fellow of the Medical Library Association in
recognition of his distinguished contributions to medical librarianship and MLA.
The MLA Board of Directors will present the award on Monday, May 24, 2004 at
the MLA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
The Library extends a warm welcome to Koichi Tasa, MSLS, who assumes the new archivist position March 1, 2004. This newly created, two-year faculty position is responsible for organizing the extensive archives of Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D., the father of modern anesthesiology and dean emeritus of the School of Medicine, and digitizing important documents for the Archives' website at calder.med.miami.edu/papper/ for the benefit of scholars and historians world-wide. Mr. Tasa, who earned his Masters degree in library science from Columbia University in 1990, comes to the University with extensive experience in processing and digitizing materials in all formats gained at Columbia University, New York University and the New York Public Library.
On January 1, 2004, Gediminas (Geddy) Paulaitis, RN, BSN, MBA, AHIP, Reference and Education Librarian since 1995, assumed additional duties as the new Associate Director for Access Services. In this capacity, Mr. Paulaitis has administrative responsibility for the access services provided by the seven members of the Circulation Department during the 102.5 hours each week the Library is open to patrons. Since January, Mr. Paulaitis improved turnaround time for shelving materials and implemented a program of alerting patrons to the electronic availability of journals for which the Library has a print subscription as well.
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During February, Faculty of 1000, a "next generation literature awareness tool," became accessible University-wide at www.facultyof1000.com/. This research service:
- Provides scientists with a continuously updated guide to the papers deemed most important by a consensus of 1,600 faculty world-wide, thereby complementing the assessment of a paper based on its journal's
impact factor.
- Organizes the papers and alerts users by categories such as cell, chemical, developmental, and structural biology; genomics; immunology; and microbiology.
- Features a weekly list of "Top Hidden Jewels", such as: "This paper provides tantalizing evidence that
differentiated cells can be induced to form multipotent progenitor cells using small molecule inducers."
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During January, three works by Len Janklow, donated by Dr. Maurice Rich to the Library's permanent art
collections, were placed on display:
Circle in the Square of acrylic and vinyl is in the main staircase |
Untitled, a multicolored kinetic construction, is at the Library entrance. |
Bullseye of acrylic and vinyl is in the main staircase |
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