In Memoriam: Mildred Crowe Langner, 1911-2003
2004: Online Only for Some Journals - Print Editions Cancelled New E-Journal Access Problem Form Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D. Website Debuts Henry Lemkau Gives 7th Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Lecture at Library Meeting Science Direct Portal Expanded in 2004 Chemical Abstracts SciFinder Database Full Text of Dissertations Now Available PloS Biology - New Premier Open-Access Journal UM Joins BioMed Central as an Institutional Member 2003/04 Medical Library Committee Emphasizes Virtual Reference |
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During her long tenure as the first director of the medical library as an academic department of the University of Miami School of Medicine, Mildred's crowning achievement was designing and building the Louis Calder Memorial Library and overseeing the merger of the collections from geographically disparate locations into one central, beautifully appointed building in 1972 that would also serve as the cultural resource of the medical center. Mildred's impact on her library did not end with her retirement in 1979 but continued until her death. Born in Chattanooga in 1911, Mildred combined the qualities of intelligence, charm, grace and faith with absolute integrity and dedication to the pursuit of excellence in all she undertook. She served as president of the Medical Library Association, on its board of directors, and as editor of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. She was awarded the Noyes Award in 1976, the Association's highest honor, and identified as one of the �100 Most Notable� at its Centennial in 1999.
Effective January, 2004, the Library cancelled its print subscriptions to journals. Published by Elsevier and Wiley, these titles will continue to be readily accessible online University-wide and boast reasonably sound archival platforms for the electronic versions. Print subscriptions to journals published by the American Psychological Association have also been cancelled beginning in 2004, based on both University-wide online access and print subscriptions at another University of Miami library. All cancellations were made in conjunction with the library liaisons from each department and the Medical Library Committee (see last page). The savings to the Library resulting from these cancellations represents the 10% of the 2004 subscription prices of the journals now charged by Elsevier and Wiley for the print subscriptions. The savings will be used largely to fund increases in the number of titles available from Elsevier through its Science Direct platform in 2004 and new online costs of important journals such as Nature Reviews, the New England Journal of Medicine, Science, and titles published by Oxford University Press.
Having a problem accessing an electronic journal on the Library's A-Z list or from its online catalog? Tell us about it by using the new form, at the beginning of each of the three alphabetical sections of the A-Z list and on the "Feedback" link of the Library's main page at We will get back to you with a solution, a reason, or a promise to correct the problem. We are already receiving queries daily and hope you will use this form if you have a problem with a specific title.
It is with great pride that the Library announces the debut of the Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D. website on October 30, 2003 at, on the 'Special Collections' link of the Library's website. The site, now in its infancy, has his biography, bibliography, honors and awards, and named presentations. The goal is to digitize the important documents and images in the extensive archival material, given to the Library over the years prior to his death on December 3, 2002, as a scholarly tribute to the career of a great statesman, scholar, healer and humanitarian. This long-term project of documenting his significant contributions to modern anesthesiology, of which he was a founding father; medical education; medical school administration; and English literature, will involve the services of a medical archivist. The Emanuel M. Papper, M.D., Ph.D. website is permanently housed on a Library server and will continue to be accessible to scholars, faculty, students, and the world-wide public in perpetuity.
Henry L. Lemkau, Jr., M.L.S., J.D., Chairman, Department of the Library and Biomedical Communications, gave the 7th Biennial Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Lecture on October 11, 2003 at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association, held at the Omni Colonnade Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida. Titled: "HMS Medical Library: Where We Have Been, Where We Are, Where We Are Going" to reflect the nautical theme of the meeting, Mr. Lemkau spoke on the importance of context to history and the corresponding importance of society and medical education to the development, contributions, and future of medical libraries in the U.S. A transcript of the lecture is available at the Special Collections, Gross Lecture link on the Library's website: The late Mrs. Gross' daughter, Mrs. Carol Clarkson, and Mrs. Gross' long time companion, Mr. Lou Compton, attended the lecture. Mr. Lemkau's address followed welcomes by John G. Clarkson, M.D., Senior Vice-president for Medical Affairs and Dean, University of Miami School of Medicine; Devica Samsundar, President, Miami Health Sciences Library Consortium, cohost and sponsor on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary; and Jocelyn Rankin, Ph.D., Chair, Southern Chapter/MLA. Attended by more than 200 health sciences librarians and exhibitors from six southern states and Puerto Rico, the meeting featured five invited papers, 24 contributed papers, 15 poster sessions, six CE courses, eight poolside chats, 27 exhibitors, a mentoring breakfast, business meetings, and a banquet at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in memory of Mildred C. Langner (see page 1).
Joaquin Arriaga and Tanya Feddern were facilitators of the poolside chat on "Evidence Based Medicine/Nursing" at the SC/MLA Annual Meeting, October 12, 2003 (see above). Suzetta Burrows served as co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee of the SC/MLA meeting and appeared in the 2003 edition of Who's Who in America. Mary (Polly) Dillon celebrated her 50th Anniversary as a faculty member of the Louis Calder Memorial Library on November 13, 2003. Tanya Feddern gave a presentation titled "Developing EBM Instructional Materials for Medical Students" at the SC/MLA Annual Meeting, October 12, 2003. Yanira (Jenny) Garcia presented a poster session: "Searching Strategies to Support Animal Methodologies used in Animal Research" at the SC/MLA Annual Meeting, October 11, 2003. David Goolabsingh served as chair for Audiovisuals for the SC/MLA Annual Meeting. Henry Lemkau served as chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for the SC/MLA Meeting. Geddy Paulaitis presented a poster: "Use of Blackboard to Enhance the Library-based EBM Component of a new Outcomes-Based Medical School Curriculum" at the SC/MLA Annual Meeting, October 11, 2003. Erica Powell and Carmen Rivera served as co-chairs of Registration for the SC/MLA Meeting.
Through the efforts of the University of Miami Libraries, direct access to all 1,800 journals on the Science Direct website (, published by Elsevier and its many subsidiary publishers, will be directly and freely accessible University-wide in , 2004. Hundreds of new titles will be added to Calder's A-Z, subject and proxy (remote access) lists and to CALLCAT, its online public access catalog, as soon as they become accessible.
During November, excellent searching capabilities of the entire Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) databases from 1907 to date became readily accessible University-wide with the SciFinder search software acquired by the Otto G. Richter Library. CAS databases include >26.6 million references from >9,000 major scientific journals, patents, books and dissertations; the 3D molecular structures and registry numbers (RNs) of >22 million organic and inorganic substances; 7 million reactions; and catalogs of chemical suppliers. The main menu supports searches
in the CAS and/or MEDLINE databases by: The Get Related option enables further exploring by cited and citing references, substances, and reactions. The Analyze/Refine option enables searches to be limited by author, RN, company, language, document type, journal title, publication year, etc. The Microscope icon links to comprehensive information on the item retrieved. The Computer icon links to the full text of all patents and journals for which the University of Miami has electronic access by I.P. address. For a free copy of the CD containing the SciFinder software that lets you connect to and search the CAS and/or MEDLINE databases from any computer on the University of Miami network, please contact David Goolabsingh, Systems Librarian at 305-243-5530. To search on a public access computer in the Library, please contact the Reference and Education Services department on the first floor of the Library (305-243-6648) for the location of the three computers that currently support this capability.
With the Otto G. Richter Library's subscription to the ProQuest Digital Dissertations database, faculty, staff and students University-wide now have ready access to the full text of more than one million U.S. doctoral dissertations, published beginning in 1997, at This new database also includes the complete Dissertations Abstracts database, which has more than 1.6 million entries. Citations to doctoral dissertations published since 1861 and as recently as last semester, plus abstracts for dissertations published since 1980 and for masters theses since 1988, and full text since 1997, make ProQuest Digital Dissertations the single largest resource.
If you haven't already done so, point your browser to for the inaugural volume 1, number 1 issue of PloS Biology, published on October 13, 2003 by the Public Library of Science. PloS is a "non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource." October 13, 2003 also represents the launch of a new, high end, open access publisher "that is run by and for the scientific community in the broadest sense: researchers, teachers, students, physicians, and the public." The editorial board is comprised of out standing scientists and headed by professional editors, all of whom are engaged in the peer-review and editorial process. PloS Biology is another example of a new model for scientific publishing, in which the costs of publication are recovered not from subscription fees which limit information access and use, but from the $1,500 per article publication fees paid by authors out of grant funds or other sources, or waived in cases of economic hardship. "PloS Biology is yours. Download it, copy it, incorporate it in your own database, post or reprint any article; use your imagination. We ask only that you give fair credit to the authors of any work that you use. If you like what you see, e-mail an article to a friend and encourage others to submit their best work. The scope of PloS Biology ranges from molecules to ecosystems and spans the experimental and theoretical disciplines that help to explain our biological world." On November 10, 2003, SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) at, a leading academic and research libraries open access initiative, announced its partnership with the Public Library of Science.
Effective November 1, 2003, the University of Miami joined BioMed Central, an "independent online publishing house committed to providing peer-reviewed research across all areas of biology and medicine, with immediate, barrier-free open access for all" accessible at To date, BMC publishes more than 90 open access journals in all areas of biology and medicine. The medical titles have been on Calder's A-Z list for several years, and UM faculty are not only accessing but publishing their research in these titles. BioMed Central's papers average more than 250 downloads per article, a rate which surpasses some commercial journals in the same discipline. Like Public Library of Science above, BioMed Central recovers the costs of publication, not from subscriptions fees which limit information access and use, but from publication fees paid by authors. With the new institutional membership, the $500 publication fee to authors is now waived. Faculty University-wide can publish their research for free, retain copyright to their articles, have them accessed universally for free, and post them on the web and distribute them to colleagues. Articles are submitted online, peer-reviewed, published on the day of acceptance, and automatically deposited in PubMed Central and other secure archives. The University of Miami joins an impressive list of institutions that have purchased memberships in BioMed Central ( The University's membership is at a discounted, consortial rate arranged by the Consortium of Biomedical Libraries of the South (CONBLS), of which the Calder Library is one of 16 member libraries.
The 2003/04 Medical Library Committee held its first meeting on September 24, 2003. Chaired by Carl Eisdorfer, Ph.D., M.D., the meeting was very well attended and several important topics were discussed: electronic journals (see page 1), the outcomes of the 1998/99 Dean's Task Force on the Library; the EBM curriculum; and future directions. The Committee recommended that the Library's virtual reference service be reannounced to faculty, staff and students who may have missed the first announcement in June, 2002. The Reference and Education Services Department is staffed Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. by professional librarians who will answer your questions in the order in which they are received. Current turnaround time is several hours or less. The member of the 2003/04 Medical Library Committee are: Drs. Arba Ager, Jeffrey Brosco, Nirupa Chaudhari, Irene Estores, Lawrence Fishman, David Huang, Akila Mayeda, Maria Miguez, Kenneth Muller, James Offengand, Nicolas Namias, Eugene Roberts, Jr., Rainald Schmidt-Kastner, and Sethusaman Swaminathan.