1998/99 Dean's Task Force on the Library: Two Years Later
Links to Full Text from Medline (Ovid and PubMed Versions) New Ovid Online Export Feature for EndNote and Reference Manager |
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May 31, 2001 completed the second year of implementing the recommendations of the Dean's 1998/99 Task Force on the Library. Feedback from faculty, staff, students, and administrators has been very positive as we were able to:
During May and June, direct links from the citation to the full text of the cited article were implemented for all Ovid databases, as well as for Medline via PubMed. These convenient links to the full text are now routinely available to all patrons who access either the Ovid databases or PubMed from the "MEDLINE, Current Contents" Quick link on the Library's web page - calder.med.miami.edu. In the Ovid databases (MEDLINE, Current Contents, CancerLit, CINAHL, etc.) the "OpenLink Full Text" link connects directly to the full text article at the publisher�s site. Known as Open Links, this feature replaces the previously available �Full Text� links. (Please note: When connected to the publisher site, click the �Reset Ovid Timer� button to prevent timing out of your Ovid session). In PubMed, the "University of Miami" link connects directly to the full text article at the publisher�s site. Known as �Link Out�, this feature tells UM patrons that they have access to the full text.
Joaquin Arriaga served on the Web Updating Task Force of MLA's Problem Based Learning Special Interest Group during 2000/01 and was appointed as an alternate member to the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee for 2001-2004. Suzetta Burrows' paper, "Creating a Web-accessible, point-of-care, team-based information system (PoinTIS); the librarian as publisher," co-authored with Kelly M. Moore and Henry L. Lemkau, Jr., was published in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 89(2):154-164, April, 2001. During 2000/01 she served on the Evidence Based Librarianship Committee of the MLA Research Section and on the Nominating Committee of the Southern Chapter/MLA. Tanya Feddern served as co-editor of the FHSLAlert, the newsletter of the Florida Health Sciences Library Association, for 2000/01. Yanira Garcia was appointed to the University's Animal Care and Use Committee for 2001-2004 to ensure the adequacy of the School's searches for alternatives to the use of animals in research and training activities. David Goolabsingh served as editor of the FHSLAlert, the newsletter of the Florida Health Sciences Library Association, for 2000/01. Henry L. Lemkau, Jr. attended the 5th PAHO/WHO Regional Conference on Health Sciences Information, April 24-27, 2001 in Havana, Cuba and was appointed to the Steering Committee of the School of Medicine's 50th Anniversary Committee. Kelly M. Moore's poster session, "Informatics Training to Prepare Faculty for a New Case-Based Medical School Curriculum", was co-presented with Carmen Rivera and Joaquin Arriaga at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, May 27-29, 2001 in Orlando, FL. During May, Mr. Moore taught a 3-hour course for Jackson Memorial Hospital supervisors and health care professionals on searching the literature for clinically relevant, evidence-based information. Erica Powell served as Chair of the Florida Health Sciences Library Association for 2000/01 and presided at the Association's Annual Meeting, May 28, 2001 in Orlando, FL. Together with Carmen Rivera and Peter Cruz, she served on the Local Arrangements Committee for the Annual MLA Meeting in Orlando. She was appointed to the Standards Committee of the Technical Services Section of MLA for 2001/02. Mae Yahara and Kevin Manning co-presented a poster session, "Point of Care Access to Resources on Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury: Results of PoinTIS Demonstration Sites," co-authored with Suzetta Burrows and Kelly M. Moore, at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, February 17, 2001.
A tool available only with the Library's new Ovid Online access is the Direct Export feature in Ovid's Online Citation Manager section at the end of your search retrieval results. The direct export feature lets you automatically transfer citations directly from MEDLINE and other Ovid Online databases into a Reference Manager or EndNote library without saving them first as text. After selecting citations to save and designating the desired fields, select Direct Export under Citation Format in the Citation Manage and then click Save. You will be asked to select a Reference Manager or EndNote library to which to transfer the selected citations. The citations will then be automatically transferred. The Windows
version of Reference Manager 8 or 9 requires the Export Plug-In available
at www.refman.com/webcap/webcap.html. The Mac version of Reference Manager
does not require a plug-in, but the browser used to search Ovid Online
must be configured per the information available at www.refman.com/webcap/macnotes.html.
The Windows and Mac versions of EndNote require neither a plug-in nor
a special configuration. For assistance, please contact David Goolabsingh,
at 305-243-5530 or dgoolabs@caldmed.med.miami.edu.