E-Journals via CALLCAT
All 1,200 Journals in Science Direct Now Fully Accessible New Advanced Search Feature in CALLCAT |
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During the past year, the number of accessible e-journal subscriptions in the health sciences increased dramatically to more than 1,500 titles. Although some e-journals are also available at the Library in print, many are unique titles. Which titles are available? Which volumes are available in print, and which are available electronically? What titles are available in a particular discipline? How can I access them? The answers are easily found by searching CALLCAT, the Library's public access catalog at Since 1998, the cataloging department has been creating full bibliographic records, according to emerging international guidelines, for the Library's paid electronic journals. E-journal records are easily identifiable by the [Computer File] designator in the title field. All records include the volumes and issues available in electronic format and hot links to the e-journal at the web site of the publisher or aggregator which hosts the electronic version. In this record, click on the [Computer File] option. Then go to "Click on the following to:" message at the bottom of the next record (below) and click on the link to go: � directly to the full text, or � to an aggregator, such as MD Consult, where you will re-enter the journal title. Paid electronic subscriptions, plus all more freely available e-journals, are also accessible on the "Full Text Publications" link on the Library's web page at, alphabetically by title, subject, and publisher/aggregator.
On February 21, 2001 the full text of all 1,200 journals in Science Direct (SD), retroactive in most cases to 1995, became accessible University-wide. Prior to the implementation of SD, only 440 of the 1,200 titles were available in print at a University library, and only 120 titles were available at the Calder Library. Desktop access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to thousands of important scientific, technical, medical, and social science research journals is a virtual revolution in information retrieval. Gone, in many cases, is the need to find a recent physical issue, pay for photocopies, or wait for articles not available to arrive from another Library. Published by Elsevier Science and its affiliates, the individual journal titles in Science Direct can be accessed in one of the following ways:
You can access the PDF and/or HTML articles in 775 of the 1,200 titles through the "group-wide login" option. However, articles in the remaining 425 titles are accessible only with your "personal login", which you can easily create online. There is no charge to you for articles in the 425 titles, but Calder's SD transactional allowance account will be debited $30 for each article you elect to view. Should the University's transactional accounts be depleted, articles will no longer be available for free from these 425 journals during the rest of 2001. Once you have opened the full text article, you can scan the content with navigational links, download and print the full text article and graphics. At the Science Direct link, you can also:
New Databases - The following databases are newly available University-wide on the "Electronic Databases and Info. Services" link at
Changes in Ovid MEDLINE and Other Ovid Databases Calder's Ovid databases, including MEDLINE, 3 sections of Current Contents, CINAHL, CancerLit, HealthSTAR, PREMEDLINE, Evidence Based Medicine Reviews, Books@Ovid, AIDSLINE and BIOETHICSLINE are now available only via the Web on the remote Ovid servers in Utah, either by I.P. or your existing Ovid password, at The Library's local server is no longer operational, and the three full text journal files are no longer available. Changes in MEDLINE and Other National Library of Medicine Databases - As a result of a major "Reinvention Initiative" at the NLM:
When searching CALLCAT at, if you can't find what you are looking for by subject and you do not know the exact title of a specific item, you can select KeyWORDS from the main CALLCAT menu. This option has always looked for any word you entered in the search box anywhere in the title or contents fields of the CALLCAT records. The KeyWORDS option was recently enhanced to enable you do to more precise searches. When you select this option, you will retrieve the screen below. This screen lets you enter the WORD(s) you want to appear in the record and limit the retrieval by language, material type, publisher, location, and publication date(s). For the first time, this option lets you specify that the words you enter be next to each other (ADJACENCY), near each other (PROXIMITY), in a specific field (FIELDS), together in any field in any order (OPERATORS), or followed by any and all other letters (TRUNCATION). The Advanced Search feature also added AUTHOR/TITLE as a main menu search option. For the many books by a single author, or for the many authors with the same surname, such as Williams, this lets you specify an author and a title in a single search.
Through the efforts of Dr. and Mrs. Daughtry and Mrs. Mary Dillon, Director for Collection Development and Access and Associate Director of the Library, there is now a permanent display on the Library's third floor in honor of the School of Medicine's Daughtry Family Department of Surgery. The display contains information on the department and Dr. Daughtry's contribution to the development of pacemakers, thoracic surgery, segmental lung anatomy, and anti-smoking regulations. Also included are a few of the many civic, national, and international awards presented to Dr. Daughtry, one of the first and a leading thoracic surgeon in Dade County.
The last phase of the new electronic information commons on the first floor was completed in March with the installation of two networked, HP LaserJet high speed, black and white printers (32 pages/minute), accessible with the Copicard system in place for the Library's photocopy service. Designed by Lanier Worldwide, Inc., the integration of HP printers with Copicard Readers supports the printing of accessible full text articles and other knowledge based resources from the Internet, as well as photocopying articles from the print collections with the same Copicard. During the introductory period, there will be no charge for high speed printing of knowledge based resources to University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center faculty, staff, and students. If you do not already have a Copicard and wish to procure one only for printing (not photocopying), you can purchase a Copicard at the Circulation Desk for 50 cents that is programmed with the necessary one copy needed to activate the high speed networked printers. To print an article: