[ Louis Calder Memorial Library ][ Biomedical Communications ]
Calder�s New Electronic Information Commons

New 2001 Electronic Journal Subscriptions

Health and Wellness Resource Center

Seamless Links - A Searcher�s Dream

New Web of Science Proceedings

Ovid Databases - New Remote Access/End of Local Access

Full Text Biomedical Books in netLibrary



Vol. 22 NO. 1 January - February 2001

Calder�s New Electronic Information Commons

During January, 33 additional high-speed, Web-ready, publicly accessible computers were installed on the new furniture throughout the Library's first floor. The 600 MHz, Pentium III computers, running Windows 2000 are connected via a new NT server to the 100 Mbps fiberoptic wiring recently installed throughout the building. To save space and support access to both digital- and print-based information, slim monitors were acquired for 25 of the 33 computers. A total of 43 state-of-the-art computers are now available on the first floor to students, faculty, and staff during the 102.5 hours each week the Library is open. The new furniture and computers have seen a renaissance in the use of the first floor by all patrons.

Netscape, Explorer, Adobe Acrobat, and Power Point are available on all computers to support rapid point and click access to the thousands of readily accessible full text journals, bibliographic databases, instructional resources, and other evidence based information sources in the health sciences in HTML and PDF formats. Additional software will be installed on selected computers as needed. Two high-speed networked printers will soon be available to support rapid printing of Web-based resources by affiliated users using the Library's existing copicards. All computers are in close proximity to the reference/ education desk, the classroom/ office of the coordinator for health informatics, and the new technical support desk where a member of the Library's systems department is available Monday- Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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New 2001 Electronic Journal Subscriptions

In addition to the hundreds of full text electronic journals available through IDEAL from Academic Press, LINK from Springer-Verlag, and Science Direct from Elsevier, the following titles are available University-wide based on paid electronic subscriptions. Each title is readily accessible from within the University's I.P. domain, alphabetically by title, by subject, and by publisher/aggregator on the Library's web page calder.med.miami.edu/. They are available from outside the I.P. domain by publisher/aggregator via the proxy server component of the Library's online public access catalog callcat.med.miami.edu/. Many other important electronic titles in the health sciences are also accessible from these pages.

Acta Physiolog. Scand.
AIDS Patient Care & STDs
AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses
Amer. Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Analytical Chemistry
Annals of Oncology
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Annual Review of:

Biochemistry, Biophysics & Biomolec. Structure, Cell & Developmental Biology, Genetics, Genomics & Human Genetics, Immunology, Medi- cine, Microbiology, Neuro- science, Nutrition, Pharmacol- ogy & Toxicology, Physiology, Psychology, and Public Health

Antimicrobial Agents & Chemo.
Applied & Environ. Biol.
Archives of Disease in Childhood
Biology of Reproduction
Biophysical Journal BJU
International Bone Marrow Transplant.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Brit. Journal of Clin. Pharmacol.
Brit. Journal of Dermatol.
Brit. Journal of Haematol.
Brit. Journal of Pharmacol.
Brit. Journal of Surgery Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevent.
Cancer Research
Cell Growth & Different. Cephalalgia
Clinical Cancer Research
Clinical & Diagnostic Immunology
Clinical Endocrinology
Clinical & Experimental Immunology
Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research
Clinical Transplantation Development Diabetic Medicine
Endocrine Reviews
Eur. Journal of Biochem.
Eur. Journal of Neurosci.

Human Gene Therapy
Human Reproduction
Infection & Immunity
Inter. Journal of Dermatol.
Journal of Bacteriology
Journal of Biol.
Chemistry Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Science
J. of Clinical Endocrinol. & Metabolism
Journal of Clinical Micro.
Journal of Exper. Med.
Journal of Gen. Physiol.
Journal of Hepatology
J. of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
Journal of Hypertension
Journal of Internal Med.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of Lower Genital Tract Diseases
Journal of Med. Genetics
Journal of Med. Chemistry
J. of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Journal of Urology
Journal of Virology
Kidney International
Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews
Molecular Cell
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Molecular Endocrinology
Nature and Nature Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Medicine, Neuroscience, and Structural Biology
Otolargyngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Postgraduate Med. Journal

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Health and Wellness Resource Center

Health and Wellness Resource Center from the Gale Group at www.galenet.com/servlet/HWRC/ is the successor to Health Reference Center-Academic, a popular database on consumer health and allied health information from Information Access Company which Calder has made available University-wide since 1997. The 400 health and medical journals and newsletters, 75% of which have the full text articles; the citations from more than 2,200 general interest magazines; and the more than 300 patient information pamphlets in the original version continue to be available in Health and Wellness Resource Center. In addition, the new version has:

  • A Medical Encyclopedia - Gale's Encyclopedia of Medicine
  • Drug Finders - US Pharmacopoeia (USP) and PDR Family Guide to Natural Medicines & Healing Therapies
  • Organization Directory - Gale's Medical and Health Information Directory
  • Medical Dictionary - Mosby's Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary
  • Links to Other Sites
  • Health News - sections of selected newspapers and links to clinical trials
  • Alternative Health Encyclopedia - Gale's Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

Health and Wellness Resource Center also has an enhanced search engine which:

  • Separates search results by source type, such as magazine, pamphlet, etc.
  • Provides related searches, subdivisions, and "see also" topics
  • Has links to let you quickly navigate full text articles

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Seamless Links - A Searcher�s Dream

PubMed - Links to Related Articles, Full Text Journal Articles, and Sequence Data PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's file of citations and abstracts in MEDLINE and other bibliographic databases, is readily accessible at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/. After you perform a search in PubMed and click on the titles of specific citations, links to other resources are readily available from the full bibliographic record, such as:

  • Related Articles - Click to access the citations in PubMed that are most closely related to the original citation
  • Full Text Links - Click to access the full text of articles in the hundreds of electronic journals, accessible from within the UM I.P. domain and published by publishers that participate in PubMed's LinkOut feature
  • Free in PMC - Click to access the full text of articles in PubMed Central (PMC), an NIH- maintained repository of scientific articles at www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/
  • Protein- Click to access the protein sequences from Swiss-Prot, Protein Data Bank and other protein sequence databases
  • Nucleotoide - Click to access the DNA sequences and translated protein sequences from Gen Bank, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and the DNA Database of Japan
  • Structure - Click to access the 3D structures in the Molecular Modeling Database
  • Genome - Click to access entire genomes and chromosomes

Web of Science, PsychINFO, BIOSIS, and CSA - Links to Full Text Journal Articles Through the efforts of the University's Otto G. Richter Library, there are now links from:

  • Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index in the Web of Science to hundreds of electronic journals available to UM users and published by Academic, Blackwell, HighWire, Karger, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, and others. Click on the link below the "Related Record" link in the full bibliographic citation to access available full text
  • PsychINFO to available e-journals from "Link to" link in FTXT citation field
  • BIOSIS to e-journals available through the Ovid OpenLinks software
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts to e-journals available to UM users. At the full citation, click on the "Locate Document" link and then on the link following "Retrieve Electronic Full Text" when available.

Access these resources from Calder's web page at calder.med.miami.edu or call the Reference and Education Department at 305-243-6648.

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New Web of Science Proceedings

There is now desktop access to the many papers published in proceedings of conferences that are not always indexed in other databases. Web of Science Proceedings at wosproceedings.com is the new electronic version from the Institute for Scientific Information of Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings and Index to Social Sciences and Humanities Proceedings. Supported by the UM Libraries, Web of Science Proceedings is retroactive to 1990, has links to the full bibliographic record, when available, in Web of Science, and replaces the 2001 subscription to the print version.

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Ovid Databases - New Remote Access/End of Local Access

ACCESS - The databases below are now accessible directly from the powerful servers at Ovid Technologies, Inc. in Utah in one of two ways. Go to Calder's web page at calder.med.miami.edu, click on the MEDLINE, Current Contens, etc. link, and then on:

  • I.P. (Internet Protocol) - for generic access from within the School of Medicine and Jackson Memorial Hospital domains - Passwords are no longer necessary, or
  • Password - for customized access and for access from outside the School's I.P. domain - Enter your existing User ID and Password at the prompts. If you save search strategies, use the SDI feature of Current Contents and other Ovid databases, or use other customized features, you must select this access option

DATABASES and SEARCHES - Please note the following database/search changes:

  • MEDLINE database is now updated weekly, and PREMEDLINE is available
  • BIOETHICSLINE is available, but, like AIDSLINE, it was closed in 2000
  • The Journals@Ovid Full Text file is only available temporarily. Planning continues to provide links from citations to the corresponding full text articles in the many e-journals on Calder's Web page or via the online public access catalog (opac) callcat.med.miami.edu
  • WebLink enables access to the corresponding record in the opac, if available
  • Up to five databases can now be searched simultaneously

For technical assistance or to acquire or renew your free MEDLINE password, please call the Systems Department at 305-243-5530. Although the Library's local Ovid server will continue to be available for the next several months, it will cease to be available in June 2001.

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Full Text Biomedical Books in netLibrary

netLibrary is a comprehensive collection of more than 14,000 full text electronic books, accessible to all UM users since the Fall at www.netlibrary.com. The e-books are the full electronic equivalents of the printed versions, including photographs and illustrations. Books can be previewed for quick reference, "checked out" for two hour time slots, or downloaded for off-line reading. The collection can be searched by subject, title, author, publisher, or ISBN; the full text can be searched by keyword. The Public Collection of netLibrary, with more than 4,000 classics, is the largest library of free e-books. The Library Collection, customized by the Otto G. Richter Library, includes more than 10,000 titles in a wide array of subjects, such as history, literature, literary criticism, science, and biomedicine.

The biomedical titles currently include selected titles published by Decker, Humana, John Wiley, Kluwer Academic, Mary Ann Liebert, Plenum, and others. Almost all were published during the late 1990s or 2000, such as:

  • Cupp, M.J. Toxicology and clinical pharmacology of herbal products, 2000
  • A Physician's guide to clinical forensic medicine, 2000
  • Seifer, D.B. Menopause, 1999
  • Javois, L.C. Immunocytochemical methods and protocols, 1999
  • Serhan, C.N. Molecular and cellular basis of inflammation, 1999
  • Baker, A.H. Vascular disease, 1999

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