Avellaneda on her 200th Anniversary

Portrait of Avellaneda

The writer Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda y Arteaga was born on March 23, 1814 in Santa María de Puerto Príncipe (today Camagüey), Cuba. She belongs to the world of Cuban as well as Spanish literature because much of her career evolved in Spain. Avellaneda began her literary life in Cuba, writing her first verses at the age of nine. She wrote poetry, novels, and theatrical pieces, distinguishing herself in each genre. Avellaneda is considered one of the most authentic voices of Iberoamerican romanticism and a precursor of modern feminism because of her forward-thinking attitude and the strength she gave to female characters in her works. She died in Madrid on February 1, 1873.

A poem by Avellaneda
A poem by Avellaneda
Letter: Avellaneda to de Sexto
Sab: Novela Original

Selected Digitized Works by La Avellaneda

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